When you get to know me better you'll know my position on this for the last 30 years has consistently been that we have a long ways to go, and there's absolutely no way He will be coming in my lifetime, which is at least another 25 years.
I doubt He will return in a hundred, quite frankly, but it all depends on how quickly the pace speeds up. I was just posting the OP to keep track of the slow march we're making towards the time when Jude 1:14-15 is finally fulfilled.
Greetings, Highway 54, and blessings in Christ to you. I have a friend who thinks so as well, in fact she is the one I was including my reply to in Post #2. I had to put it delicately by starting with, "The Antichrist
may not have been ushered in yet..." cuz she would consistently fight with me over that issue and I didn't want to set her off, Lol. But she thinks His return is imminent much like you may as well.
Anyway, we each have our own views. I sometimes don't like to share mine directly, because I think the belief that some have that His return is soon actually serves them well, in that it dissuades then from becoming lazy and beginning to engage in sin thinking they have all the time in the world (Matthew 24:28-51).
Be encouraged that the day IS approaching, even if it may still be a ways off just yet. On that much we certainly agree.
Thanks for the post,
Hidden In Him