Of course we interpret, we have no choice in the matter. We are finite, limited, creatures trying to understand the words of an infinite God, who has given us His word in ways to accomodate our limitations. And, God does not interact with us today the way He interacted with us in the past. His demands for the destruction of other peoples in the Old Testament were meant for a limited time and place and purpose, not meant to be eternal commandments. Do you mean to tell me you understand completely why God did what He did because they are historical events recorded at "face value?" That you don't understand them in ways different from the way they were understood 3500 years ago? God gave us intelligence to understand the world and our relationship with Him through reason as well as faith.
No, P31, we're creatures of limited abilities, hopelessly formed by our experiences, with nothing in our nature giving us the ability to understand at "face value." It explains why we started as a Jewish sect, developed into a separate understanding of God, and now have more than 40,000 different versions of Christianity, all with major or minor differences in theology. There is no one true understanding.