The scriptures are the inspired word of God, unless He reveals the meaning to you, all the Hermeneutics in the world are useless.
That is quite untrue.
It is about as true as me saying that the earth, the physical earth, and all the things that are to pass away, are useless to me, from eternity. If a brother left a stone in the path that he has taken to arrive at greater, more enduring truth as others follow him even as he chased after God? Then I too may accept the sureness of that stone, noting that it is not a word that proceeds forth forth from the mouth of God, but instead it is a word that comes from one created in His Image.
Both originate from that self same source. What need I to worry this? God lead us. We hear His voice, be it brought to us in the words of another, and upon reflection of what was whispered him or through a series of small steps that lead to the larger path.
I've seen that path. Know that there, right there... just beyond the rise of a little hill, lays a lake. It is a lake of peace where we may enter. As we do, we look around at the majesty of our surroundings. There. Just over there at the shore of this small lake might be seen a meadow. Small animals might be seen. The surface of that lake is mirror smooth and it too reflects the glory and majesty of the heavens (as drawn by the finger of God, for our benefit and contemplation). My eye is drawn in another direction and a tree is spotted. It is the tree mentioned in Psalms 1. That tree. The one whose roots have sunk down into the waters living, whose branches and leaves green, are offered to the sky. The leaves of healing that is promised to those that desire them.
The lake beckons and my foot enters, responding to the still and quiet invitation of that marvelous day in early autumn where the breeze is felt. There is some warmth blowing on the breeze and the sun seems to smile down on me, even as my tow disturbs the calm surface and ripples are seen cascading their way outward. There is something marvelous about this lake. Almost as if it is a non-Newtonian liquid. Bolstered by a serene peace that accompanies my surroundings the words,
"My peace I give to you..." are heard. Another step is taken and now there are two of my feet that are soothed and refreshed. The gospel, the good news, has adorned my feet. I see my own reflection there and ponder the meaning.
As I wade deeper, another thought comes. Would that I might be able to quiet myself in this, these waters. That I might be able to become still enough to feel the lapping of the waters against my calves and legs. Another step and that serenity prayer that was learned in a 12-step meeting comes to mind, assuring me that I am not asked to do anything beyond my measure, that for this moment and for always, the burden, if there be any, is light, the yoke is hand-rubbed with oil and fitted to me so that there is no chaffing. Another step and I find myself stopping to reflect on the breastplate of righteousness, hung upon my chest. It is an imagined breastplate, with stones, stones of each of the children of Jacob, something befitting a priest. My loins are being wrapped about with the spirit of truth.
It is a calm reflection. A soothing place. A place spoken of and longed for with outstretched arms.
Not as the word gives, give I.
What shall happen there? IN this lake? May I be led to quiet myself and feel the touch of the Lamb of God?
What then, if my brother whose very name means FREE! and speaks of our liberty enters? Might I also feel the ripples that are created in the lake by his touch? May I know my brother? May I ponder his truth? It's possible, maybe even conceivable, but if that is to be the case, I must resist the urge to gambool about and frolic and play, must continue to remain calm and still that I may rightly hear the one who has said, "Be still and know that I am God."
I pray thee, enter this peace, and cause me to know how your Loving Savior has spoken to thee.
While I don't necessarily disagree, that is only
a part of it. To leave it at that is simply not in line with what the Bible itself teaches. Again, it must be said that all who say such, while ignoring hermeneutics, lexicons, concordances, and other "devices of men," are very often in disagreement. It has happened here numerous times alone
For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God. Romans 8:14
I'm not entirely sure what you are saying here but if you are trying to say that following hermeneutics, etc., are somehow opposed or mutually exclusive to being "led by the Spirit of God," then that would be patently false and not a biblical position.
Thank you, my friend. You are loved. More than I may say. I mean this in all sincerity. Our feet are being guided on a path of agape, beyond mere felio. We are to run this race with Joy, understanding the parable of Paul speaking about realizing the cross of the finish line, as we chase after God.