God spoke
directly to Adam and Eve. Adam and Eve disobeyed God in the face of a
direct commandment. What moral judgment is necessary when the fact is they disobeyed a
direct command?
God, meet Adam and Eve.
Adam.. Eve, meet God.
How are you doing God? Good to meet you. :smt023
Well, I've been better but then I could be wrong I suppose.
/Eve to Adam
Hey Adam. What does God mean by "wrong"?
Beats me. I don't understand the new language these days. :smt017
God? Is there something you'd like to say to Adam and Eve.
Well, yeah. There is something that's been on my mind lately.
And what might that be God?
I'd just like to tell them not to eat of that tree over there. Do not, under any circumstances eat from that tree. :smt018
Right over there. The one with the snake crawling under it.
Oh! Yes, now I see it! 8-)
Good. Don't eat eat of it. Ok?
Gotcha! :smt023
[Adam nudges Eve playfully]
Ok you two. This isn't the time or place for that. We have guests.

[Later in the day]
Hiya! Say, you're Eve aren't you?
Do you see any other females around here Sherlock?
Anyway, what's with the tree? Why aren't you eating thereof?
God said not to eat of it. I have no clue why He doesn't tell us such things.
Well I know why. Because if you do you'll be like God.
Really?!?! :o
Oh yes. Your eyes will be opened and you'll know right from wrong.
Wrong? I heard that somewhere before.
Never mind that. Go ahead, get that apple hanging over there... the big one.
Well, I don't know. God said not to do it.

So? Don't you want to be like God?
Give me some time to think about it.
short pause
[some time passes]
There's an apple missing. :smt011 I know. I number everything.
Hey now. Don't pin this one on me. Isn't my fault you gave me the woman. It's her fault too you know. :-?
:o Don't you love me anymore? :smt022
I didn't say that. :roll:
I told you not to eat from that tree didn't I? Well?
Yeah, you told us. But the devil made me do it. :P
And for that you're history. You're outta here! I told you and yet you STILL did it! What's wrong with you??
There's that word again.
wrong ;Pronunciation: /rawng, rong/
–adjective 1. not in accordance with what is morally right or good: a wrong deed.
2. deviating from truth or fact; erroneous: a wrong answer.
3. not correct in action, judgment, opinion, method, etc., as a person; in error: You are wrong to blame him.
4. not proper or usual; not in accordance with requirements or recommended practice: the wrong way to hold a golf club.
5. out of order; awry; amiss: Something is wrong with the machine.
6. not suitable or appropriate: He always says the wrong thing.
7. (of clothing) that should be worn or kept inward or under: You're wearing the sweater wrong side out.
–noun 8. that which is wrong, or not in accordance with morality, goodness, or truth; evil: I committed many wrongs.
9. an injustice: The wrongs they suffered aged them.
10. Law. a. an invasion of another's right, to his damage.
b. a tort.
–adverb 11. in a wrong manner; not rightly; awry; amiss: You did it wrong again.
–verb (used with object) 12. to do wrong to; treat unfairly or unjustly; harm.
13. to impute evil to (someone) unjustly; malign.
Well, come on Eve. We're not wanted here.
I don't like the looks of that guy with the flaming sword. :o
Never mind him. We need to go.

The names have not been changed to protect the innocent because they weren't innocent.