- Aug 14, 2024
- 854
- 309
This appears to me to be a contradiction. 1st, you say that Jesus is God. Then you say that the "nature found in Him" is the "Father's nature," and "not His own."As I read He is Christ the Lord. In regard to the nature found in Him He is God. Yet it is the Fathers nature not His own.
If this Divine Nature does not belong to Jesus but only resides within him, then it is not his nature at all. So why even call him "God" or capitalize "Him?"
The Father is unbegotten Deity. The Son is begotten Deity as well as unbegotten Deity. That is because Jesus had two natures, and not just one nature. He had both a Divine Nature and a Human Nature. He was both God and Man.The Father is unbegotten Deity. His Spirit without limit (fullness) lives in His Son.
Hebrews 1 contrasts Jesus's "sonship" vs the sonship of the angels of God for God gave birth to their spirits as well. Jesus alone has the Fathers nature and His Sonship and the glory the Father gave Him is far superior to the angels of God.
Jesus was generated from the unbegotten God to become a begotten form of Deity, the Son. And so, the Son also has within him the unbegotten nature of God, as well as his own human generated nature.
This means that Jesus not only had within him the unbegotten nature of God, but he also had that Divine Nature expressed in the form of his human nature, indicating that the Divine Nature was his as the Son, and not just the Father's possession.
The Deity living within him is the Divine Nature that belongs to the Father. The Father lives in Jesus via the Divine substance, or essence. But the way the Father lives in the Son is via the Word, which expresses the unbegotten Father in the form of the begotten Son.If Jesus's spirit gave birth to my spirit He would be God My Father. He is Christ my Lord.
He did not ask for and receive His own spirit from the Father.
He did not speak of His own spirit as another advocate.
He is the only like to like begotten SON of the Father or the begotten God. As the fullness of the Fathers Deity lives in Him. The Father is unbegotten and He gave birth to the spirit of Jesus who is His firstborn.
The Deity living in Him is the Father.
So it isn't just that the Divine Nature lives within Jesus, but that Jesus, as a man, has the Divine Nature himself. He does not just contain God, but is God.
You say this, but then contradict yourself by saying only that he is God by virtue of the Father's Nature living within him. Jesus didn't just contain God--he was God.
God the Father operates within His creation through His Word. It is His vehicle of expression, including His self-expression. That is, He can express His own Person via His Word.God created through/by Him.
God spoke through/by Him.
You silenced the Father in the creation claiming Jesus created and you silenced the Father in stating Jesus spoke through prophets. I read otherwise. From the Father through the Son.
In the past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets at many times and in various ways, 2but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom also he made the universe.
So when God spoke to us through His Son, it was one way in which God was speaking via His Word. The Son was the Personal expression of God, or His Word made flesh.
In speaking through the Son, the Father wasn't just using an instrument of communication. Much more, He was depicting His own Person in the form of a Man, and as such speaking through him as well as identifying him as the Divine Person, even if in finite form.
God can speak, using His Word, through angels, through men, or through any means He chooses to use as an agency of communication. But in speaking through the Son He was, in fact, communicating a form of His own Divine Person to show that he was not just an instrument of communication, but Deity himself.
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