Right. Good to hear. So what were we arguing about again? You've got this attachment to fleshy isreal? Why?
Fleshy isreal does not contain the children of God. Jews are not the children of God. Would you agree?
It's undeniable surely?
its called acknowlegdment of this we are to reach them. really is it evil to say that we acknowledge thier rights to exist as a nation.
now then should we just let the hitlers, ahmeds kill them all.
so that jews for jesus link has an outreach. they go there to reach the gospel.
wow satanic.
must be evil aint it that we go there to do that!
do i support all they do,no
do i donate money to the synagouges no.
its a prophetic thing we see them go back as a nation.
that is all. we bless them by giving money thier poor. again gotta go against that evil command from some prating fool that died.
love those that persecute you.
yup real evil, aint it.
shiloh will you then be consisent that we americans are also on "stolen"land and have no rights here.
so i can stay i'm married to an native american.
gee i hope you are, if not pack your bags and go back to europe.
and no. muslims dont believe in the messiah not matter who you say
was jesus an idiot when he said this" he that gathereth not with me is agianst me.
to be in opposition to the lord doesnt that mean anti as well.
anti also means opposite or in opposition to last time i checked the dictionary
here it is basic english
prefix meaning “against,†“opposite of,†“antiparticle of,†used in the formation of compound words ( anticline ); used freely in combination with elements of any origin ( antibody; antifreeze; antiknock; antilepton ).
so i guess that the translation is wrong.
so then not only does the jews hate us, well guess all those who deny the lord all do. that doesnt mean that all will persecute but the lord did say that if you his you are against him
thus anti-christ.