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The true Israel

Im not cherry picking anything.
John said the antichrist says the Messiah hasnt come.
In Johns day he said there were many antichrists and there was.But there was not one muslim .
Muslims claim Jesus is the messiah
Those of judaism claim the Messiah hasnt come.
You can chose to be ignorant of this one fact but please dont mislead others to believe the lies that you do.We understand you are jewish and you may have antichrist friends.Perhaps even family members that are antichrist.
But that is not a good reason to mislead others .

The beast is the state of Israel.
That is a fact.And your going out of your way to mislead others into believing its not.
You dont know what the beast is nor do you know what the whore is.
Yo simply dont comprehend much prophecy at all .

You fail to comprehend that the anti-christ is a spirt.

1 John 2:22
And who is a liar? Anyone who says that Jesus is not the Christ. Anyone who denies the Father and the Son is an antichrist.
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You fail to comprehend that the anti-christ is a spirt.

1 John 2:22
And who is a liar? Anyone who says that Jesus is not the Christ. Anyone who denies the Father and the Son is an antichrist.

You fail to comprehend there were many antichrists when John said there were many antichrists 2000 years ago.
No thety were not spirits .They were men.
You fail to comprehend there were many antichrists when John said there were many antichrists 2000 years ago.
No thety were not spirits .They were men.

From what spirit do these men speak? The Spirit of God or the spirit of Satan?

Yes, there were many anti-christs who were men and all were in dwelt by the same spirit.
From what spirit do these men speak? The Spirit of God or the spirit of Satan?

Yes, there were many anti-christs who were men and all were in dwelt by the same spirit.

Im not so sure about that.Paul set out to kill the church and Im sure he thought he was doing God a service.But even though he persecuted Christ I do not believe a spirit of Satan was in him.I believe he was just being Saul.
He didnt blame it on no one but himself.
Im not so sure about that.Paul set out to kill the church and Im sure he thought he was doing God a service.But even though he persecuted Christ I do not believe a spirit of Satan was in him.I believe he was just being Saul.
He didnt blame it on no one but himself.

I'm not talking about demonic possession.

Matthew 16:21-23
From that time on Jesus began to explain to his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things at the hands of the elders, the chief priests and the teachers of the law, and that he must be killed and on the third day be raised to life.

Peter took him aside and began to rebuke him. “Never, Lord!” he said. “This shall never happen to you!”

Jesus turned and said to Peter, “Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the concerns of God, but merely human concerns.”

The Scripture goes on to define who the antichrist is and show that the antichrist is in fact a spirit:

1 John 2:22-23 "Who is the liar but the one who denies that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, who denies the Father and the Son. Whoever denies the Son does not have the Father; the one who acknowledges the Son has the Father also."

John 4:2-3 "By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God; and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God; and this is the spirit of the antichrist, of which you have heard that it is coming, and now it is already in the world."
I'm not talking about demonic possession.

The Scripture goes on to define who the antichrist is and show that the antichrist is in fact a spirit:

1 John 2:22-23 "Who is the liar but the one who denies that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, who denies the Father and the Son. Whoever denies the Son does not have the Father; the one who acknowledges the Son has the Father also."

John 4:2-3 "By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God; and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God; and this is the spirit of the antichrist, of which you have heard that it is coming, and now it is already in the world."

Ive never heard a spirit confess anything.
Ive not seen or heard one.
Ive only heard people speaking from thier mouths.
Ive never heard a spirit confess anything.
Ive not seen or heard one.
Ive only heard people speaking from thier mouths.

I don't know what you are trying to say? :confused:

Scripture makes it incredibly clear: "and this is the spirit of the antichrist"

It's black or white. Either the Scripture is incorrect or the Scripture is correct. It can't be both ways.
The True Israel are those who belong to Christ, who is the True Israel..
I don't know what you are trying to say? :confused:

Scripture makes it incredibly clear: "and this is the spirit of the antichrist"

It's black or white. Either the Scripture is incorrect or the Scripture is correct. It can't be both ways.

You quoted a verse that said every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not of God and that it is antichrist.
I said Ive never heard a spirit confess anything.Ive never heard a spirit talk.Only people.

John 4:2-3 "By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God; and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God; and this is the spirit of the antichrist, of which you have heard that it is coming, and now it is already in the world."
I said Ive never heard a spirit confess anything.Ive never heard a spirit talk.Only people."

Is this the type of thinking that you base your understanding on?

It's a Biblical concept all over the NT:

Luke 9
54And when his disciples James and John saw this, they said, Lord, wilt thou that we command fire to come down from heaven, and consume them, even as Elias did? 55But he turned, and rebuked them, and said, Ye know not what manner of spirit ye are of.
56For the Son of man is not come to destroy men's lives, but to save them. And they went to another village.
1 Corinthians 2

The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God. 11 For who knows a person’s thoughts except their own spirit within them? In the same way no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God. 12 What we have received is not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, so that we may understand what God has freely given us. 13 This is what we speak, not in words taught us by human wisdom but in words taught by the Spirit, explaining spiritual realities with Spirit-taught words. 14 The person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God but considers them foolishness, and cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the Spirit. 15 The person with the Spirit makes judgments about all things, but such a person is not subject to merely human judgments, 16 for, “Who has known the mind of the Lord
so as to instruct him?”
But we have the mind of Christ.

Search the Scriptures and you will see for yourself.

How can you deny that the antichrist is a spirit when the Scripture clearly states it is?

John 4:2-3 "By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God; and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God; and this is the spirit of the antichrist, of which you have heard that it is coming, and now it is already in the world."
Is this the type of thinking that you base your understanding on?

It's a Biblical concept all over the NT:

Search the Scriptures and you will see for yourself.

How can you deny that the antichrist is a spirit when the Scripture clearly states it is?

John 4:2-3 "By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God; and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God; and this is the spirit of the antichrist, of which you have heard that it is coming, and now it is already in the world."

I said Ive never heard a spirit confess anything.
Have you ever heard a spirit talk?
What did it sound like like ?

Ive heard antichrist men curse Jesus before but Ive never heard a spirit talk before.
I said Ive never heard a spirit confess anything.
Have you ever heard a spirit talk?
What did it sound like like ?

Ive heard antichrist men curse Jesus before but Ive never heard a spirit talk before.

Do we not have a spirit inside of a body of flesh and blood? When we pass from one life to the next does not our spirit go to be with the Lord? Are we not taught to "feed our spirit" and "starve our flesh?" Reread those scripture verses I posted and then maybe you will see things in a different light.

You're looking at this from a different perspective and I'm not talking about it from your perspective. Although the spirit of the antichrist is demonic, all demons contain this quality within them, it is not limited to one specific demon, hence the reason it is a spirit.

Do you realize what the spirit of the antichrist and the man the Antichrist are doing? Satan is mocking the Lord with his end times set up.

The spirit of the antichrist mocks God the Father
The spirit of the antichrist will embody a flesh and blood man mocking Jesus Christ the Son of God who came in the flesh
The man the antichrist has a helper mocking the Divine Helper the Holy Spirit.
Do we not have a spirit inside of a body of flesh and blood? When we pass from one life to the next does not our spirit go to be with the Lord? Are we not taught to "feed our spirit" and "starve our flesh?" Reread those scripture verses I posted and then maybe you will see things in a different light.

You're looking at this from a different perspective and I'm not talking about it from your perspective. Although the spirit of the antichrist is demonic, all demons contain this quality within them, it is not limited to one specific demon, hence the reason it is a spirit.

Do you realize what the spirit of the antichrist and the man the Antichrist are doing? Satan is mocking the Lord with his end times set up.

The spirit of the antichrist mocks God the Father
The spirit of the antichrist will embody a flesh and blood man mocking Jesus Christ the Son of God who came in the flesh
The man the antichrist has a helper mocking the Divine Helper the Holy Spirit.

The only thing Ive ever heard confess anything was a human.
I didnt see a spirit in him.Just a man calling Jesus names and said the messiah hasnt come.
Ive never heard a spirit speak.Just a man.

If you want to claim it was a spirit that was speaking then you can.But he looked like a man to me.
The only thing Ive ever heard confess anything was a human.
I didnt see a spirit in him.Just a man calling Jesus names and said the messiah hasnt come.
Ive never heard a spirit speak.Just a man.

If you want to claim it was a spirit that was speaking then you can.But he looked like a man to me.

So you have no spirit? :shame

Regardless of what you believe the Scripture clearly shows that the antichrist is a spirit. There is no getting around it.
The spirit that is in me is not myself.
Ive never heard it speak though.

You are referring to the Holy Spirit, right? You've never heard the Lord speak to you? You are missing out!

Yet we are still spirit beings Shilosfoal. It seems this concept is extremely foreign to you and I'm surprised. Scripture makes this all incredibly clear :dunno

Anyways, the point is still the antichrist is a spirt and influences the hearts of men and will one day come as a man who will show the world the greatest pain it's never seen before.
You are referring to the Holy Spirit, right? You've never heard the Lord speak to you? You are missing out!

Yet we are still spirit beings Shilosfoal. It seems this concept is extremely foreign to you and I'm surprised. Scripture makes this all incredibly clear :dunno

Anyways, the point is still the antichrist is a spirt and influences the hearts of men and will one day come as a man who will show the world the greatest pain it's never seen before.

No ,an antichrist spirit does not turn into a man .
That is completly unbiblical.

The whole kingdom that belongs to the beast is full of antichrists and you are waiting for an antichrist.
Whats wrong with you that you do not know who hates Christ?
Cant you see who hates Christ without a cause?

Well you just keep waiting .Soon the beast will be killing the saints while your still waiting.
And no.The holy spirit has not come out and talked with me face to face.
It brings things to my attention as it did the apostles,but it has never talked with me.
Perhaps your the only one it does that too because Ive never heard anyone else claim it has to them .
No ,an antichrist spirit does not turn into a man .
That is completly unbiblical.

the Anti-Christ, capitalized as in referring to the man who will rise politically, will be indwelt, as in demonically possessed by the spirit of the anti christ.

unBiblical? what Bible are you reading? who does that above picture remind you off? who is satan mocking? Possibly your Lord and Savior? The Son of God who came as a man and was indwelt by the Holy Spirit?

The whole kingdom that belongs to the beast is full of antichrists and you are waiting for an antichrist.
Whats wrong with you that you do not know who hates Christ?
Cant you see who hates Christ without a cause?

Yes, my dear, and you are INTENTIONALLY leaving out that the spirit of the antichrist denies that the Lord Jesus is the Son of God who came in the flesh!!!! Who denies this? Everyone except the Lord's followers, as in the believers called Christians.

What's wrong with you that you have such an issue with the Jews that you twist the Scriptures to meet your agenda?????

Well you just keep waiting .Soon the beast will be killing the saints while your still waiting.
And no.The holy spirit has not come out and talked with me face to face.
It brings things to my attention as it did the apostles,but it has never talked with me.
Perhaps your the only one it does that too because Ive never heard anyone else claim it has to them .

You've never heard anyone else claim that the Holy Spirit speaks to them? Ask around this message board every denomination has experienced the Holy Spirit speaking to them. You simply don't seem to grasp the concept that we are spiritual beings. What is so hard to understand about us being spiritual beings? Who said anything about the Holy Spirit "coming out of you to talk to you face to face"? I am speaking spiritually and you've got your eyes focused on the flesh and the physical world.

Your dislike of the Jews has blinded you and it's messing with your logic.
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the spirit according to jesus will teach us all things. if it was only the bible then why would the promise of the h.s. come?
the Anti-Christ, capitalized as in referring to the man who will rise politically, will be indwelt, as in demonically possessed by the spirit of the anti christ.

unBiblical? what Bible are you reading? who does that above picture remind you off? who is satan mocking? Possibly your Lord and Savior? The Son of God who came as a man and was indwelt by the Holy Spirit?

Yes, my dear, and you are INTENTIONALLY leaving out that the spirit of the antichrist denies that the Lord Jesus is the Son of God who came in the flesh!!!! Who denies this? Everyone except the Lord's followers, as in the believers called Christians.

What's wrong with you that you have such an issue with the Jews that you twist the Scriptures to meet your agenda?????

You've never heard anyone else claim that the Holy Spirit speaks to them? Ask around this message board every denomination has experienced the Holy Spirit speaking to them. You simply don't seem to grasp the concept that we are spiritual beings. What is so hard to understand about us being spiritual beings? Who said anything about the Holy Spirit "coming out of you to talk to you face to face"? I am speaking spiritually and you've got your eyes focused on the flesh and the physical world.

Your dislike of the Jews has blinded you and it's messing with your logic.

Im not against the jews.
Jesus is a jew.The apostles which he chose to teach me are jews.
The jewish nation which calls itself by the name of Israel is the beast.
It mocks my Lord Jesus Christ in the fact that it claims the land promised to him is thiers.
It claims to have done my Lords work in claiming it has gatherd the scatterd sheep of Israel into him own land.
Whats wrong witrh you?Are you blind?
Do you not know who it is that kills the saints of God?Its not a spirit.
It wasnt a spirit that stoned stephen.It wasnt a spirit who killed Christ.
Its not a spirit that claims to be Israel.