Sweet, this is your official definition of agape love (God's love).
Minor flaw in the definition ... when I went to school and was asked for a definition I was told you can't use the word you are definition in the definition. (circular logic)
Possible flaw 2: Why does 'agape love' have to be sacrificial? Example: What does God give up when he makes sure we have something to eat or, is this not a manifestation of love?
Guess I'm not RC.
In general all Christians know about Agape love. I don't feel like I have to write a teatise on it.
And just because one uses the word does not cause circular logic...I gave enough meaning.
As to flaw 2:
Give some credit for intelligence FF.
Do you think I think God has to sacrifice something to show love?
Not always.
He did, however, sacrifice His Son for us.
I don't fully agree. I think the compassion has to be in lieu of an offense
I can have compassion of a blind person; yet not don't have to show mercy
Dictionary: compassion or forbearance shown especially to an offender or to one subject to one's power;
Could we stop with the English lessons?
compassionate or kindly forbearance shown toward an offender, an enemy, or other person in one's power; compassion, pity, or benevolence:Have mercy on the poor sinner.
the disposition to be compassionate or forbearing:an adversary wholly without mercy.
the discretionary power of a judge to pardon someone or to mitigate punishment, especially to send to prison rather than invoke the death penalty.
an act of kindness, compassion, or favor:She has performed countless small mercies for her friends and neighbors.
something that gives evidence of divine favor; blessing:It was just a mercy we had our seat belts on when it happened.
source: https://www.dictionary.com/browse/mercy
As you can see, it means more than your limited definition.
God is compassionate...God is merciful
THIS is all we should be discussing ...
Hebrews 4:16
Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.
Luke 6:36
Be merciful, even as your Father is merciful.
Matthew 5:7
“Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy.
Give me an example of Justice and Mercy for the same circumstance. (unless you mean partial justice and partial mercy. )
All are born lost because of Adam's sin. Romans 5:17
God made a way for us to be saved by the atoning sacrifice of His Son. Ephesians 5:2
That WHOEVER believes in the Son will be saved. John 3:16
How it is justice then to send a baby to heaven and not everyone else. Given the choice, I think most would say: "I would prefer to go to heaven right away than take the chance of going to hell ... especially since 90% (my guess) go to hell. This is a clear example of not giving everyone the same opportunity to be saved. (100% vs. 10%)
The baby has not had the opportunity to come to believe and have faith in God.
God is just.
Everyone has the same opportunity to be saved. Romans 1:19-20
Aside: I partially see why you think people who don't hear the gospel can go to heaven. It fits your definition of a just God.
Conjecture: I assume that the same percent of people go to heaven that hear the gospel as don't hear the gospel; otherwise, that wouldn't fit your definition of a just God which is "gives to everyone the same opportunity to be saved." Considering the theme of the thread (the value of evangelism in reformed theology) that would infer that evangelism has no effective role from your view point ... at least in regard to number of people being saved.
Evangelism has a very effective role due to my theological belief.
Faith comes by HEARING.... Acts 10:42
Jesus ordered the Apostles to witness and teach and preach and baptize.
We must obey God and not man. Acts 5:29
I never said "based on nothing at all". Based on God will ... he makes some to be His children and others to be sons of Satan. I do contend that salvation is not based on what the elect do. I do say the elect will manifest God's regeneration by obedience because their will has been changed by God.
I showed a few verses in previous post. I can list 100s (some more to the point than others).
In Calvinism, God picks and chooses those that will be saved based on NOTHING AT ALL.
If YOU know on what God bases His choice...please state it.
And the answer CANNOT be HIS WILL.
If we are to be saved, we MUST know HOW since God is a just God and gives to everyone
that ACCEPTS HIS CONDITIONS to be saved.
Now this is interesting ...
Give me an example of something God did not cause ... and then tell me what was the cause. (Oh, I think I will enjoy this answer.
Now for a tricky question. You said God created everything. Did He create evil? (dirty question... but interesting)
God is good and in Him there is no darkness. 1 John 1:5
When we read the bible we must base everything on a FACT:
Everything else we read MUST agree and be reconciled to this.
You want an example of something God did not cause?
He did not cause Columbine...or anything else like that because that was a very dark event.
You have yet to define "free will" so I won't respond.
Calvinists have a difficult time understanding free will.
Those of us that have free will understand it very well.
See Philemon 1:14
See everywhere Jesus states that IF WE WILL something...
Jesus seems to understand what free will is...He gives US the choice of obeying Him or not.
John 15:6 IF anyone does not abide in Christ...He is thrown away...
This is a complete and utter misunderstanding of calvinism in this regard. It is also a misunderstanding of what 'evil' is IMO. See the following.
THE BAPTIST CONFESSION OF FAITH states: God hath decreed in himself, from all eternity, by the most wise and holy counsel of his own will, freely and unchangeably, all things, whatsoever comes to pass; yet so as thereby is God neither the author of sin nor hath fellowship with any therein
The Westminster Confession says something similar. Find me anything where Reformed Theology says God created evil. Give me a quote. God permits evil (I assume you agreed) and God uses evil for good (I assume you agree), but He does not author evil. FIND ME A QUOTE (not a statement from which you infer to mean God created evil)
How about quoting scripture instead of the Baptist Confession of Faith or the Westminster Confession of Faith.
Is the bible our authority or is it a catechism that some men wrote?
Perhaps we should all study the Catechism of the Catholic Church? There are some great paragraphs in there....
A confession of faith could state that God did not create sin, or evil..
IF God determined everything from the beginning of time...
then EVERYTHING includes sin and evil.
Thus, I understand calvinism very well and do not agree with it.
Calvinist's considered semi-pelagians dualists which is to say there are two powers determining events: God and man.
God can sovereignly choose to make some of his decisions dependent upon the decisions of creatures. God takes the risk that his desires may be thwarted in some cases—we may not do what God desires. Hence, given the type of world God decided to create, he cannot guarantee that everything will go precisely the way he would like. God has sovereignly decided to make his election to salvation dependent upon human response to divine grace. John Sanders -
I don't know about semi-pelagianism.
Please quote scripture.
These seems to be your contention in regards to Reform theology. I showed above that Reformed doctrine specifically states God is not the author of evil. I think you conflate God's allowing for evil with God authoring evil in regards to reform theology.
No. In MY thological belief God ALLOWS evil.
In calvinist belief God CREATED AND DECREES AND DETERMINES evil.
Again,,,,if God predestined everything from the beginning of time...
EVERYTHING includes sin and evil.
You agree with me. God loves some people less than others. That is manifested in his elected (loving) some for salvation.
Just need your definition of "free will".
Almost your bedtime.
No more defining free will.
God loves all His creation....but not all will be His beloved Sons.
Remeber that Jesus is God and He wept for Jerusalem because
she would not COME TO HIM.
Again,,,,showing that it was the free will of those in Jerusalem that they did not CHOOSE to
believe in Messiah. (He certainly didn't mean the city of Jerusalem).