Originally posted by Cornelius
I think both. God is ultimately in charge and He is the One who has prepared them. He opened their eyes and they have been walking in a personal wilderness through their lives. He tested them there. Just like Moses went to Midian for 40 years (40 = testing). He left Egypt when he was 40, after slaying the Egyptian (symbol of his old nature) So after his "death to self" , he went to be tested for 40 years. So if this type is going to carry through,and it will, then the modern day first fruits are already in their wilderness, about to come out. They come out on the morning of the seventh day/third day/after two days.So they have a "deadline"
I know for sure that the first fruits are living this reality already by faith, because they (like God) see the end from the beginning and they call things which are not, as if they were. They are walking in miracles already now. God is manifesting His Word through them, but not in the mega-churches, this is happening around the world, basically "out of sight". We are about to see a street revival that will rock this planet. but in this revival, we will only see the things that happened in the time of the Bible. Not these crazy things they call revival today.
Great post Cornelius. Some interesting points there.
And I'm right there with you concerning
"the deadline" :yes. Personally, I believe Jesus is waiting for the appointed time to arrive before selecting and manifesting Himself unto the 144,000. Notice this verse:
Revelation 9:15 "And the four angels who had been kept ready for this very hour and day and month and year were released to kill a third of mankind."
My understanding is.... at
the appointed time, He will choose the best of the crop (the firstfruits) to be His servants and they will answer His call and be His
'servants the prophets' during the 1,260 days of tribulation. Jesus is waiting for the appointed time of the end to arrive
(Daniel 8:19), the time set by the Father
(Acts 1:7). When we get close to the day that is
1,335 days from the end, the 144,000 will be selected and sealed and the delay decreed in Revelation 7:3 will end
right on time.
When you think about it, Jesus could have sealed 144,000 people years ago (centuries) if He chose to, because at any time throughout history, there were enough people alive who loved the Lord with all their hearts, mind, and soul (
lived by faith - the qualification).
I don't believe (as some do) Jesus is waiting for 144,000 people to become
"pure" before He manifests Himself within them (seals). If Jesus was waiting for 144,000 people to become pure, you could argue the Great Tribulation will never start because a sinner cannot become pure while in the flesh. The best we can do is to periodically subdue our fleshly desires through the indwelling power of the Holy Spirit. It is God who
eliminates the carnal nature, along with all its needs and desires. By the time the
Seventh Trumpet sounds
(Revelation 11:15-19), God will have placed His seal upon everyone who
lives by faith (Revelation 10:7). The 144,000 will be
the first to experience the
complete elimination of the fleshly nature, and afterwards, those who
pass the test of faith (numberless multitude) will experience this during the Tribulation. Once everyone who
CAN BE sealed is sealed, the door is shut (no further possibility for salvation), and the Seventh Trumpet sounds. For 1,260 days, the 144,000 faithfully extended Christ's offer of salvation to ALL people, and every person has made his or her decision. Game over. The Seven Bowls are poured out upon the wicked, and THEN Jesus physically appears TO ALL.