To say that repentance, restitution or reparation are the same, or even in similar venue to God's salvation on us, is to create a false dichotomy. They are not the same.
Salvation is from God, to those he will save. Those whom He chooses to save will be saved, and anyone who seeks Him can find Him, and receive salvation, but not all are saved. Either they don't seek him, they are left in their own condition, or they reject Him.
All are guilty, but those saved, are saved from the judgment of God. The judgment due all men for their sins, saved or not, but the saved are saved by GRACE, which is to say they are forgiven. That they are forgiven means they owe nothing because the payment has already been made for them. It is a cost they can not afford anyway. We do not have what it takes to pay the price. That's the point of Grace and forgiveness, and we are made new in that, and that alone, not of what we do.
However, there are many who do not see the Gospel in this way, and believe it to be a dutiful effort on the part of the one to be saved, and not a gift. They will say that God helps the saved to be saved, or maintain their salvation. What does that require? The bible says 100% perfection. Those following this understanding will repent again and again and again for rebirth, not so much out of love for God, but rather fear of His judgment against them. Their faith lies manly in their own effort to be perfect like Christ. 100% rather than in the saving work of Jesus Christ, and they will forever attempt to pay off a debt they can not afford.
That's the difference between imputed righteousness, which the bible speaks of, and this notion of infused righteousness which there is no mention of in the bible.