- Jun 21, 2009
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A man stands and swears that his house is blue.So we have no place or right to say that the earth is x years old. Secular science nor Christians.
I am then asked, "What color is that man's house?"
Reply: "I have heard that it is blue."
But while speaking of God's house: God is not a man that He might lie - I would not have to qualify the statement but instead could choose to rely on God's Word as evidence. Still, we do know that His house is not a literal house. It is not blue. His house is His dwelling place and this is you and me (as much as we allow). There are larger truths here.
But if I believe that the earth was created in six days? Whose reputation is on the line for that? Mine. But what if I had been mislead? That's possible and it would be irresponsible for me to think otherwise. The Bible itself declares that even the very elect would be deceived (if such a thing were possible). I don't think that was talking about 6-day creation though. The deceiver knows that our thoughts regarding how many days it took the Lord to create the world are neither the foundation nor the capstone of our faith. Would somebody who misunderstood be prevented from heaven. No. Our faith is centered on Jesus (or it should be). And it is our belief in Him that matters. (Even those who believe on His Name) But what if we argued so much that we began to resent and then eventually hate each other? We would not need to admit it. The Lord knows our hearts. That matters. We would be in direct disobedience to our Master and should no longer be allowed to call Him that.
The solution to this dilemma is found in our growing trust of God. No matter the discussion the end result is this: God is Good. This is His commandment, that we believe in the name of His Son Jesus Christ, and love one another, just as He commanded us.
Some parts of the Bible directly state that they are visions. There are things that are described like beasts (the prophecies of Daniel come to mind) or oil and even sheep are sometimes representative of other things like nations or the Holy Spirit or peoples. An example: Jesus said that from out of our innermost being there would be a flowing of water, the Bible says that He was speaking of the Holy Spirit, not literal H2O-type water.
Frankly I sometimes find it impossible to determine (through the use of my intellect alone) if a certain passage is meant to be taken in a strictly literal or more figurative manner. Most parables are clearly stated as such but not all. The Parable of the Rich Man comes to mind here. So what then are we to do? It seems to me that I am responsible for me and that although it is permissible and even encouraged for me to talk about faith and beliefs it is not my responsibility to study to show others to be unapproved.
If one were to come and demand, "YOU'RE WRONG -- look at what I've studied here!" This is quite opposite to the tenor of the command given by the King. We are to study to show ourselves approved. It may be quite surprising but there will be a nation born in a day -- they will speak the same things and others will marvel at it. They will recognize each other -- not by physical features, not by intuition -- but by the Holy Spirit who teaches all things. We have no need that a man shall teach us. Our need to is love each other as is the focus of His command.
... Fear God and keep His commandments, because this applies to every person. For God will bring every act to judgment, everything which is hidden, whether it is good or evil. (Ecc 12:13-14)
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