Brother Mike you confuse me sometimes because in other post you clearly state your opposition to false doctrines or non-Christian world views and such, but you seem to defend a pastor who is preaching some of these very things. It should be done in a loving way of course. Would you recommend people listen to Osteen's sermons? Why not lead them to something more in line with God's word?
A post with some thought behind it. Good.
I don't like false doctrine "According" to what "I Believe" I have also not just picked Joel to defend, I have defended every Pastor that people have run down ignorantly on this site. Judging others brings Judgement on yourself, and if I can wake some up here and save them grief, being ignorant on how spiritual laws work, then good.
I would recommend People listen to what I listen to, and it's not Joel. I have heard Joel a lot of times, and He delivers a good upbeat message for anyone who is down on themselves, doubt God's Love, and in general knows very little about scriptures, but just needs loved on.
Nothing Joel Preaches is against Scriptures. I know lots of scriptures.
Joel gets blasted not for preaching against scriptures, He get's blasted for not preaching what people like to hear.
As for is Joel is concerned, everyone is going to make it. People have a very big issue with that, but then they would have a issue with God also.
Mormons for example, do Love the Lord, and Joel based his comments on Mitt Romney most likely the only Mormon Joel has heard. Mitt Romney said Jesus is the Son of God, and was raised from the dead. Good enough for Joel, Mitt is all good to go.
If God had the attitude we did, then He would not have sent his Son. God would have said screw them, their heathens. God however in Jer 29:11 said he is not thinking evil of us, or thinking we won't make it. God is hoping we make it, hoping we obey, hoping we make the right choice.
God will save us to the utmost, giving chance, after chance. Joel is a lot like this, He refuses to condemn anyone or talk bad about them.
Lewis, thank you for the intelligent Post. Joel does believe Jesus is the Only way, Joel is not going to put off any group, because it makes it impossible to help them later. Churches that slam the Catholic belief, Calling praying to Mary idol worship do not help any Catholics. All that may be true, but I see more and more how important it is to protect our witness with the others.
We can examine the doctrine, but we should never put down the man. Joel is not the only one that sounds like Joel, it's only because Joel had been blessed to the point of being noticed, there are many more Joels out there.