What do you mean in the end times?. They already have divided and faith is weak. Fellowship also has near come to an end from division. When people go to church they dont fellowship. There is no fellowship. They go there listen to music for half hour then and look ahead at the preacher who talks about the church for half hour and about donating and go out and finding more people to become 'members" next week because God wants more people in church to be saved so they can also donate, then they talk scripture for about 5 mins, then walk out the door into there ferrari and go home.
How often in a church service do you see anyone talking and having fellowship with the person next to them. They look forward, not sideways. Straight ahead focus.
That is such a harsh, cruel, opinion of the Church, today. I wish I could say, without lying, that your assessment is wrong but that would be a lie. On the other side, the Church and not the churches still lives. Since '95 I have been a member of four Churches, one Prison Ministry and have visited a number of other Churches and churches.
From these experiences I have come to know that I am in Fellowship with a very special, small, group of people. Since my conversion I have organized one traveling Music Ministry and have been a performing member of four others.
In addition I have been both witness and activist in establishing, true, Christian Fellowship in more than one assembly and have witnessed both sides of the issue. I have been, both, warmly received and rejected as being to forward.
There is a key verse in the scriptures, in the New Testament, where Jesus assures us that the road into Heaven is straight and the gate to it is very narrow, resulting in very few being saved. Much of the World considers this passage to be Hate Speech, so much so that some will neither teach nor preach this passage because of the World's view.
There is another passage where we are taught that some will be so self deluded that they will tell God, "but LORD, we did this and/or we did that in your name" and god will explain to them that He never knew them.
Couple all of this with the mid-eighties Barna Group's where they took the Bible and composed a Double Blind Survey questioning only on basic tenants such as believing in the Virgin Birth, believing that the death of Jesus paid for our Personal Sins and believing that Jesus will Rapture the Believer out before the Earth is destroyed and replenished. This survey was double blind so as to get the most accurate responses, possible.
I hold, having been one Paranoid Liar myself that some will lie even so because they are not at all sure the Pastor or someone is not filming or watching through a peep hole somewhere in the room. All of this being so, the result still came in at less than two percent of the faithful believe. That, almost certainly includes some liars and the result is not from one church nor from one group of churches but is the result at the end of the Nation Wide, Cross Denominational Survey.
In Silver Springs Baptist Church of Magnolia, Texas we have a sweet, sweet, fellowship but only because so many are surrendered to the leading of the Holy Spirit. Better than 99% of the world's population do not even wish to find out if He is real and there is the problem, springing forth.