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UFO encounter

Yo Guys n Gals....
You know how close 300 feet to an alien space craft is?
Seems most of you think it's a joke or that the 2 friends and I don't know the difference between an earth build aircraft and alien craft.The detail on the craft we seen would be like you looking at a parked stealth jet ( was about that size only saucer shaped ) 300 feet away.Also you forget it left at the speed of a bullet ( fast ) with no sound,not even wind noise ( some technology eh! ).No hard feelings though.
Vic C in post #14 summed it up 100% true.Those scriptures prove everything.Thanks Vic!
Btw,I have been a Christian all my life,even at the time of the sighting years ago.

That's not "some technology". It's a violation of the laws of physics. A bullet travels at about the speed of sound (often much more). If this was a physical craft as you say, and not a hallucination or spiritual manifestation, then it would have had to push air out of it's way to move forward and would have done so at the speed of sound. That can't be done without making sound. In fact, air moving at the speed of sound is sound.

Also, have you ever heard of a little thing called "inertia"? It's what makes you feel like you're being pushed into the back of your seat when your car moves forward and what makes you feel like your being pushed forward if you slam on the breaks. If you were inside a craft that accelerated at the same rate as a bullet, inertia would cause you to slam against the wall behind you with such force that it would pulverize every bone in your body. (Try to imagine being hit with a bullet the size of a wall and you'll get the idea.)
Hi All....
Two friends and I observed an alien space craft hovering about 300 feet away silently and motionless for a tad under a minute.It left silently in a horizontal direction like a bullet leaving a gun barrel ( fast ).I'm just curious what other Christians here think about this or if anybody has any questions.

I think too many people dismiss the possibility of advanced life beyond earth. It is utterly ignorant to think that we are either alone in what is so far an endless universe which is currently expanding at a fair pace or that we are the most intelligent species in existence.

Here are some things to think about?

If god is not an inhabitant of earth, doesn't this make him a technical extraterrestrial?

Gen. 1:26 states "Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness"

Us...our... To me it sounds like God wasnt speaking to himself.... This is sufficient to ponder other life forms.

The bible states in Gen 6:2 "The sons of God saw the beautiful women and took any they wanted as their wives."

This is another reference to non-humans.

People believe in angels but not alien life forms. This is odd to me as Angels do not reside on earth classifying them as extraterrestrials by technical terms.

The bible mentions many unusual things that refer to non-humans from giants on earth to the sons of gods to many things and we believe it as christians.

We believe in many things as christians that are more far fetched scientifically or logically speaking than alien species yet we decry the notion of alien lifeforms.


I have personally had unusual experiences with crafts in the sky and have had multiple witnesses to each incident. I wholeheartedly believe there is a strong likelihood statistically and scientifically that not only are there many forms of non earthly life but that we are far from the most advanced form of life. Statistics suggest this alone.
I think too many people dismiss the possibility of advanced life beyond earth. It is utterly ignorant to think that we are either alone in what is so far an endless universe which is currently expanding at a fair pace or that we are the most intelligent species in existence.

The universe is finite and not expanding. To suggest otherwise is simply Kabbalhistic brainwashing.

Here are some things to think about?

If god is not an inhabitant of earth, doesn't this make him a technical extraterrestrial?

No. He's everywhere. He's on terra firma and everywhere else so that doesnt work does it?

Gen. 1:26 states "Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness"

Us...our... To me it sounds like God wasnt speaking to himself.... This is sufficient to ponder other life forms.

Not really. He could be talking to Jesus. The light of the wrold.

The bible states in Gen 6:2 "The sons of God saw the beautiful women and took any they wanted as their wives."

This is another reference to non-humans.

Why is it a reference to non-humans?

People believe in angels but not alien life forms. This is odd to me as Angels do not reside on earth classifying them as extraterrestrials by technical terms.

The bible mentions many unusual things that refer to non-humans from giants on earth to the sons of gods to many things and we believe it as christians.

We believe in many things as christians that are more far fetched scientifically or logically speaking than alien species yet we decry the notion of alien lifeforms.


Becasue we as Christians believe everything in the Bible. We dont believe in aliens cos there not in there. Giants are humans....sons of God are humans and "many other things"!

I have personally had unusual experiences with crafts in the sky and have had multiple witnesses to each incident.

Ya....probably USAF UFO's like the pic I posted earlier in this thread. Man made.
Have you personally witnessed alien life forms>>???? No.

I wholeheartedly believe there is a strong likelihood statistically and scientifically that not only are there many forms of non earthly life but that we are far from the most advanced form of life. Statistics suggest this alone.

Show me the statistics please.:shame2

Not theories////////Statistics.....real scientific stats.
The universe is finite and not expanding. To suggest otherwise is simply Kabbalhistic brainwashing.
The apparent linearity of Hubble's Law implies that the universe is uniformly expanding.

This is science and not brainwashing or theory. Nothing is static, everything is constant motion, this means it must either be contracting or expanding continuously. This is physics.

No. He's everywhere. He's on terra firma and everywhere else so that doesnt work does it?

Can you prove this? No. He also does not originate here either.

The bible talks about god descending. If he originated from earth why would he has to descend to earth? Especially repeatedly? God, The Holy Spirit (also god) and the angels of God all are said to descend. This is proof that they do not reside on earth so they are not terrestrial, period.

Exodus 19:20 "The LORD descended to the top of Mount Sinai and called Moses to the top of the mountain. So Moses went up"

Exodus 34:5 "Then the LORD came down in the cloud and stood there with him and proclaimed his name, the LORD"

Matthew 3:16 "As soon as Jesus was baptized, he went up out of the water. At that moment heaven was opened, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and lighting on him."

Not really. He could be talking to Jesus. The light of the wrold.

Jesus was the flesh and blood manifestation of God. No humans means no Jesus. As how could Jesus be born? Jesus didnt exist as of yet this is evident by biblical time line/history. So Im going to have to say no to this one.

Why is it a reference to non-humans?

The term sons of god is used more than once. They say the sons of god and daughters of men.They are very clear to make the distinction. Also if the sons of god were humans, why would they not only make the distinction but also the offspring turned out abnormal they became giants and god shortly after wiped the life off the face of the earth.

Becasue we as Christians believe everything in the Bible. We dont believe in aliens cos there not in there. Giants are humans....sons of God are humans and "many other things"!

The birth of Jesus on December 25th isnt mentioned in the bible yet christians believe it. In fact according to the bible it is pretty near impossible for Jesus to have been born in December as shepherds were in the field and in the area and what we know of the times, shepherds would NOT have been in the field in December. Many christians just believe what theyre told. Many need to do their own studies and research. In fact when surveyed most christians get basic things wrong when it comes to christianity and the bible.

In fact the only thing that coincides with December 25 is the pagan holiday Yuletide. It is well known that dates were changed to coincide with pagan holidays to draw pagan converts years ago in the church.

Ya....probably USAF UFO's like the pic I posted earlier in this thread. Man made.
Have you personally witnessed alien life forms>>???? No.

Because I understand physics and quantum physics very well I can assure you no man made vehicles can make 90 degree turns or exceed 9,000 miles an hour. The G force would kill human beings with our current technology.

And it wasnt even circular so your USAF UFO like craft theory is blown.

Have you personally witnessed the existence of God, Jesus or anything in the bible? No. Does this mean they dont exist? No. Have you witnessed a million dollars? No. Does this mean it doesnt exist? No. Have you personally witnessed bacteria or viruses, in fact every one claimed to exist? No. Does this mean someone else hasnt and that it exists? No.

You cant make assumptions like that.

Show me the statistics please.:shame2

Not theories////////Statistics.....real scientific stats.

Statistically, a very liberal estimate of how many planets there may be, is 10<sup>22</sup> or 10 billion trillion planets, one for every star in the universe. Unless NASA and its science and studies are illegitimate? Or mathematics are illegitimate or physics? This is the statistical numbers they have come up with. Now in 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 planets, you cant even fathom at least one other planet harboring life?

So you believe that we exist solely out of one in 10 to the 22nd power, number of planets?

You are a hardcore skeptic, nothing I say will change anything you believe. If you are so inclined to disprove it why am I doing all the work? Now its your turn to prove that I am wrong. Skeptics always demand proof but in my experience almost never provide any of their own. Its easy to be a nay sayer when all you have to do is say nay.
The apparent linearity of Hubble's Law implies that the universe is uniformly expanding.

This is science and not brainwashing or theory. Nothing is static, everything is constant motion, this means it must either be contracting or expanding continuously. This is physics.

No. It's theoretical physics. Hubbles law is derived from general relativity which is 95% theory and 5% occult mathematics.

Can you prove this? [That God is everywhere]No. He also does not originate here either.

Yes I can prove it::::::::::: Psalms>

139:7 Whither shall I go from thy spirit? or whither shall I flee from
thy presence?
139:8 If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there: if I make my bed in
hell, behold, thou art there.
139:9 If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost
parts of the sea;
139:10 Even there shall thy hand lead me, and thy right hand shall hold
139:11 If I say, Surely the darkness shall cover me; even the night shall
be light about me.
139:12 Yea, the darkness hideth not from thee; but the night shineth as
the day: the darkness and the light are both alike to thee.

Psalms too poetic for you? How 'bout Jeremiah?:::::
23:23 Am I a God at hand, saith the LORD, and not a God afar off?​
23:24 Can any hide himself in secret places that I shall not see him? saith
the LORD. Do not I fill heaven and earth? saith the LORD.

The bible talks about god descending. If he originated from earth why would he has to descend to earth? Especially repeatedly? God, The Holy Spirit (also god) and the angels of God all are said to descend. This is proof that they do not reside on earth so they are not terrestrial, period.

He can do anything He wants. He's God. If He chooses to appear as descending from Heaven then so be it.

Jesus was the flesh and blood manifestation of God. No humans means no Jesus. As how could Jesus be born? Jesus didnt exist as of yet this is evident by biblical time line/history. So Im going to have to say no to this one.

I personally like to think of Jesus as the "Light" of the world. There from the start. Later God manifested Him into the flesh. Just a personal take on it.

The term sons of god is used more than once. They say the sons of god and daughters of men.They are very clear to make the distinction. Also if the sons of god were humans, why would they not only make the distinction but also the offspring turned out abnormal they became giants and god shortly after wiped the life off the face of the earth.

I'm not following Brother. Theres still nothing there about Aliens or non-humans.

The birth of Jesus on December 25th isnt mentioned in the bible yet christians believe it. In fact according to the bible it is pretty near impossible for Jesus to have been born in December as shepherds were in the field and in the area and what we know of the times, shepherds would NOT have been in the field in December. Many christians just believe what theyre told. Many need to do their own studies and research. In fact when surveyed most christians get basic things wrong when it comes to christianity and the bible.

If some Christians wanna believe Christs birthday is December 25th thats their business. I dont believe that nor do I care when His birthday is.

Because I understand physics and quantum physics very well I can assure you no man made vehicles can make 90 degree turns or exceed 9,000 miles an hour. The G force would kill human beings with our current technology.

You've got me there bro. If you've seen that with your own eyes it doesnt seem natural. I cant explain it. But seeing as I nor anyone I know has witnessed that first hand..AND its not in the Bible......I'm gonna have to stay neutral.

And it wasnt even circular so your USAF UFO like craft theory is blown.

I'm sure they can make other shapes dude.:chin

Have you personally witnessed the existence of God, Jesus or anything in the bible?

YES! I am a witness for Jesus Christ through faith in the Gospels. Amen.

Statistically, a very liberal estimate of how many planets there may be, is 10<SUP>22</SUP> or 10 billion trillion planets, one for every star in the universe. Unless NASA and its science and studies are illegitimate? Or mathematics are illegitimate or physics? This is the statistical numbers they have come up with. Now in 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 planets, you cant even fathom at least one other planet harboring life?

Those arn't statistics they are theoretical numbers.

So you believe that we exist solely out of one in 10 to the 22nd power, number of planets?

You can use any number you want. I still say we are the only life in the universe.

You are a hardcore skeptic, nothing I say will change anything you believe. If you are so inclined to disprove it why am I doing all the work? Now its your turn to prove that I am wrong. Skeptics always demand proof but in my experience almost never provide any of their own. Its easy to be a nay sayer when all you have to do is say nay.

I dont need to prove anything. You claim there is alien life going on. You dont have any proof. Case pending.:thumbsup
Statistically, a very liberal estimate of how many planets there may be, is 10<sup>22</sup> or 10 billion trillion planets, one for every star in the universe. Unless NASA and its science and studies are illegitimate? Or mathematics are illegitimate or physics? This is the statistical numbers they have come up with. Now in 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 planets, you cant even fathom at least one other planet harboring life?

Those aren't statistics, they're guesses. Statistics are something that has actually been counted. According to the Extrasolar Planets Catalogue, scientists have found 490 planets outside our solar system. Based on those statistics, we can estimate how many planets there are. Considering the number of stars that have been studied and assuming that this is an average number, there could be 1.4 billion planets in our galexy. According to NASA, the Hubble Space Telescope has found 3000 visible galaxies. They estimate that there could be 125 billion glaxies in the Universe.

Put those numbers together and you have a possible 1.75 x 10^20 planets. But that number is irrelevant. Intergalactic travel or communication would require such resourses that it would bleed the panet dry, not to mention the time involved. So, let's stick to the possibilty of interstellar travel within our own galaxy.

Out of 498 known planets, only one is even capable of sustaining life - Earth. If that's an average ratio, then there are possibly 2,800,000 planets in our galexy that could support life. And that's just taking into account the planets size and distance from it's sun. How many of those planets have liquid water or an atmosphere capable of supporting life? On how many of those planets did life actually evolve? Of those where it developed, on how many did inelligent life evolve? (Remember that there is hardly any evidence that intelligent life exists here on Earth. We spend more time, money and resourses on inventing new and more effective ways of killing each other than on finding ways to cure illnesses or stop poverty. How intelligent is that?) We have no statistics to go on for any of those paramaters, only guesses. Depending on what those guesses are, you can either find it probable or nearly impossible that life exists somewhere else.

Of course, all that is assuming that the theory of evolution is true, and that's something that the majority of people on this forum probably wouldn't agree with. I know I don't. If life was created by God, then probability has nothing to do with it.
Those aren't statistics, they're guesses. Statistics are something that has actually been counted. According to the Extrasolar Planets Catalogue, scientists have found 490 planets outside our solar system. Based on those statistics, we can estimate how many planets there are. Considering the number of stars that have been studied and assuming that this is an average number, there could be 1.4 billion planets in our galexy. According to NASA, the Hubble Space Telescope has found 3000 visible galaxies. They estimate that there could be 125 billion glaxies in the Universe.

Put those numbers together and you have a possible 1.75 x 10^20 planets. But that number is irrelevant. Intergalactic travel or communication would require such resourses that it would bleed the panet dry, not to mention the time involved. So, let's stick to the possibilty of interstellar travel within our own galaxy.

Out of 498 known planets, only one is even capable of sustaining life - Earth. If that's an average ratio, then there are possibly 2,800,000 planets in our galexy that could support life. And that's just taking into account the planets size and distance from it's sun. How many of those planets have liquid water or an atmosphere capable of supporting life? On how many of those planets did life actually evolve? Of those where it developed, on how many did inelligent life evolve? (Remember that there is hardly any evidence that intelligent life exists here on Earth. We spend more time, money and resourses on inventing new and more effective ways of killing each other than on finding ways to cure illnesses or stop poverty. How intelligent is that?) We have no statistics to go on for any of those paramaters, only guesses. Depending on what those guesses are, you can either find it probable or nearly impossible that life exists somewhere else.

Of course, all that is assuming that the theory of evolution is true, and that's something that the majority of people on this forum probably wouldn't agree with. I know I don't. If life was created by God, then probability has nothing to do with it.

Lolz....Exceptional post Theo. Especially that bit.
If life was created by God, then probability has nothing to do with it.

Then both of our figures are meaningless, correct?

But how does this discount anything Ive said other than the planetary figures and how does any of that either prove or disprove intelligent life elsewhere?

The possibility still remains that there may be intelligent life out there period. This cannot be disproven so we must agree to disagree.

Its like an atheist and christian arguing about the existence of god. The atheist says you cant prove god's existence and the christian says you cant disprove gods existence.

However regardless of either's beliefs the possibility of both people's claims being true are equally possible, yes?
Then both of our figures are meaningless, correct?

But how does this discount anything Ive said other than the planetary figures and how does any of that either prove or disprove intelligent life elsewhere?

The possibility still remains that there may be intelligent life out there period. This cannot be disproven so we must agree to disagree.

Its like an atheist and christian arguing about the existence of god. The atheist says you cant prove god's existence and the christian says you cant disprove gods existence.

However regardless of either's beliefs the possibility of both people's claims being true are equally possible, yes?

I think thats an extremely mature and diplomatic post.

I agree. Anything is possible.

G'night Brother Isaiah.