The end times have been here for 2,000 years. Everybody thinks they are the privileged generation that will see Jesus come. In 1991 John F. Walvoord claimed that the rapture would occur in his life time. He did in 2002. He was claimed to be the world's foremost interpreter of Bible prophecy.If you agree that we're in the end times
Hal Lindsey also predicted 1988 as the year of Christ's return.
Christianity Today asked him about the risk of failed predictions when he published The Terminal Generation.
“There’s just a split second’s difference between a hero and a bum,” Lindsey said. “I didn’t ask to be a hero, but I guess I have become one in the Christian community. So I accept it. But if I’m wrong about this, I guess I’ll become a bum.”
Being a failed bum, Christians have kept buying his books by the millions.
To many, “Edgar Whisenant” became a household name. Whisenant, a former NASA rocket engineer turned prophecy teacher, became famous through a booklet that included two of his works: 88 Reasons Why the Rapture Could be in 1988 and On Borrowed Time. In this booklet, Whisenant predicted that Jesus would return to rapture His church sometime during the Jewish holiday of Rosh-Hashanah in 1988, which was from sunset, September 11, to sunset, September 13. Before those dates, The World Bible Society, which published the booklet, printed 3.2 million copies and distributed 200,000 of them to pastors throughout the United States.
When the September prediction failed, Whisenant updated the time to October 3. Now that date, too, has fallen through. Whisenant nevertheless remains undaunted: “The evidence is all over the place that it is going to be in a few weeks anyway.”
Read more about it here.
88 Reasons: What Went Wrong? - Christian Research Institute
This article first appeared in Christian Research Journal, volume 11, number 2 (Fall 1988). The full text of the article can be obtained by clicking here. For further information or to subscribe to the Christian Research Journal go to: To many...