How did you come up with your username? No Mike, not you. I know how you came up with yours. :silly
I'm refering to my other friends like Pard and Oats.
Um, well my name is Ian and Ian is exactly one letter short for most usernames. My middle name is Shepard, and if you take the last four letters you get "Pard". I think a kid in elementary school came up with it, actually. I liked it well enough, and it is far less conceded than my xbox live gamertag, which is "Ian the Epic"
Cheyenne K is the name I use when I sign my artwork. Cheyenne is my first name, and I love my last name, but the two coupled were too long to practically fit on a painting, drawing, etc.
Theofilus was a guy who is only mentioned twice in the Bible. Luke wrote his gospel and the book of Acts to him. The name is Greek and means God's Friend.
How did you come up with your username? No Mike, not you. I know how you came up with yours. :silly
I'm refering to my other friends like Pard and Oats.
:rolling Amazing! What a light bulb moment. I thought it was because your name was Michael - being Irish and all. Thank you for sharing Mikey. I feel so much closer to you now. :twolove
Well the story of my username is long and complicated:
The first time I ever signed up for a forum and was asked for a username, I looked at the bookshelf on my desk and there was "The Handy Science Answer Book".
Chris is my name I was looking at twitter just before joining, knowing there usually I have no chance of getting Chris for a username. I thought this symbol @ in front of my name should still convey the same message. lol don't look too deeply into its significance I sure didn't.
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