
You're likely to find all sorts of other stores and accommodations inside a super Walmart. From banks to commercial restuarants.
They put the local K-Mart out of business. I worked there in my first job when I was 16.

Walmart's formula when they move into a new market is to cut their prices hugely compared to the other discount shops in the area. Except for Dollar Tree of course and they can't compete with them. But shops like K-Mart, and others , and especially mom and pop shops.
When all those go out of business and there's no other full retail discount stores in the area , Walmart jacks their prices hugely. When the prices were super low they took the tax break. When they upped the prices they took the tax break.
Their formula is why the Walton family is the richest family in America.

I knew a woman that hated Walmart because of their poor business ethics. She swore she'd never shop a Walmart. And this while she's working on an Apple computer. :lol Gotta prioritize on business ethics boycotts, not.
Also they keep a product for a year or two the confront the company with its removal or a cheaper price for walmart to stay in store; then they make company put walmart label on it so walmart makes even more money and then with the extra money they promote lbgq and what ever pc crap that come along they are right up there with Ford with giving to lgbq
Also they keep a product for a year or two the confront the company with its removal or a cheaper price for walmart to stay in store; then they make company put walmart label on it so walmart makes even more money and then with the extra money they promote lbgq and what ever pc crap that come along they are right up there with Ford with giving to lgbq
I'll take your word for that as I have not heard that.
I know when Sam Walton was alive the LGBTQ agenda would have never been entertained. It is as if the day after he passed on the inheritors of his life's work turned to the dark side.

I know that they call themselves a seasonal store. And rather than take the major tax deduction afforded were they to donate the inventory they're going to dispose of because it didn't sell even at highest clearance cuts to homeless shelters, or women's shelters, schools in the area, etc..., they instead compact it and add it to our landfills nationwide.
I don't know if the company still offends in this way or if it was an isolated event however, some years ago one of the stores got in trouble with the local office of the EPA. It was found out they had dumped all the toxic pesticides they couldn't sell into the ground near this one super center. Turned out it was a huge area of toxic contamination. I'm thinking an employee(s) with a conscience turned Walmart in.
The company paid millions in fines, which should not be but is allowed to be taken off on taxes. And they had to fund the cleanup. But the damage of course was done to the enviornment there.

Repeal the tax deduction for such things and put everyone responsible for that dumping, from the store manager to the department people who did the dumping under orders, in prison. Give a care by making a law with teeth! Not incentive to not grow a conscience as the laws stand now. Pollute the local water table , the aquifer, the ground and impact people and native creatures living on that contaminated property, and deduct the fine if you're caught from the bottom line of a millions of dollars corporate tax return.
Also they keep a product for a year or two the confront the company with its removal or a cheaper price for walmart to stay in store; then they make company put walmart label on it so walmart makes even more money and then with the extra money they promote lbgq and what ever pc crap that come along they are right up there with Ford with giving to lgbq
Bad people, bad bad people.....
I'll take your word for that as I have not heard that.
I know when Sam Walton was alive the LGBTQ agenda would have never been entertained. It is as if the day after he passed on the inheritors of his life's work turned to the dark side.

I know that they call themselves a seasonal store. And rather than take the major tax deduction afforded were they to donate the inventory they're going to dispose of because it didn't sell even at highest clearance cuts to homeless shelters, or women's shelters, schools in the area, etc..., they instead compact it and add it to our landfills nationwide.
I don't know if the company still offends in this way or if it was an isolated event however, some years ago one of the stores got in trouble with the local office of the EPA. It was found out they had dumped all the toxic pesticides they couldn't sell into the ground near this one super center. Turned out it was a huge area of toxic contamination. I'm thinking an employee(s) with a conscience turned Walmart in.
The company paid millions in fines, which should not be but is allowed to be taken off on taxes. And they had to fund the cleanup. But the damage of course was done to the enviornment there.

Repeal the tax deduction for such things and put everyone responsible for that dumping, from the store manager to the department people who did the dumping under orders, in prison. Give a care by making a law with teeth! Not incentive to not grow a conscience as the laws stand now. Pollute the local water table , the aquifer, the ground and impact people and native creatures living on that contaminated property, and deduct the fine if you're caught from the bottom line of a millions of dollars corporate tax return.
Bad people, bad bad people.....