No one living in sinful flesh can love others ALL THE TIME. No one living in sinful flesh can forgive others ALL THE TIME. No one living in sinful flesh can show mercy ALL THE TIME. Does that mean their faith is on a seesaw, up and down?
Does that mean we are better than another because we think we are doing those things more than others? There are many on these forums that preach good works and then go about disparaging those that disagree with them and all the time they think they are loving others. Its like the Pharsees who thought they were keeping the law of Moses when they were plotting murder.
If anyone thinks they are doing good works then they really ought to see if it is true. Many do good works because of what James said and not because they want to and if they are doing them because of what James said their works are selfish since they intend to profit by them.
As for me my faith is not in works. My faith is in the work of Jesus Christ on the cross and there is no way I can make you see my faith. But God sees it and that is all that matters.
What others can see is that I place no faith in my works. I give Jesus ALL THE CREDIT.
The word ‘justify’ has the opposite meaning of condemned, and there’s a ‘prison’ connotation to it, as in, condemned to prison, and released from prison, as in, the prisoners are released from prison - cleared of blame, made guiltless, as in, the prisoners are released from prison. On what grounds? The law of sin and death condemned us to death. But the law of liberty set us free.
So when you are ‘justified’ you are released from prison. Your debt has been paid, God has forgiven you. Now you are free. However, if you do not forgive your brother his debt (a work), God will cast you out. See the parable Mt. 18:23-35 ‘You wicked servant! I forgave you all your debt because you be-sought me; and should not you have had mercy on your fellow servant, as I had mercy on you? And in anger his lord delivered him to the jailers, till he should pay all his debt. So also my heavenly Father will do to every one of you, if you do not forgive your brother from your heart.’
Now you are free, are you also free to act irresponsibly? Can you forget God? Can you say you are now out of reach? God can’t get you.
I agree there are those who do good works to be seen. But what do they have to do with you. They don’t fear God. They don’t do what they are supposed to do. They are wise in their own eyes.
You say you’re not perfect. O.K. But why do you think Jesus gave us the Lord’s prayer? Because he knew once we were set free, we would do right all the time? Or is it because he knew we wouldn’t?
The fear of God is the fear of consequences and the fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom. Be wise. If you don’t fear God, you will forget him. If there are no consequences, why should you fear God?
My brothers, pray the Lord’s prayer daily, and not just when you are in church, and never doubt God will forgive you your trespasses; because you don’t know when our Lord will return. Keep it in your heart at all times. Dwell upon it. And pray in secret so it's between you and God; not to be seen by men. Do it in your room. I'm not sure how effective prayer in church is. It may not be effective at all.
Don’t go to sleep thinking he is delayed. Show kindness and mercy at all times. Forgive those who trespass against you. Let the word of God be active in you.