Adullam said:
It is precisely our subjective human reasoning that establishes organized religion.
It is subjective human reasoning that establishes Protestant churches, 1400 years after the founding of Christianity. The Catholic Church was established by Jesus and the Apostles.
We do what we feel comfortable with. We adopt pagan practices and traditions and then bless them with holy water.
Or we adopt non-biblical DOCTRINES, like sola-Scriptura, sola-fide and INVISIBLE CHURCH, and create thousands of "denominations" all claiming to teach the "Truth", while directly contradicting each other. This is where following "Christ within us" leads, confusion and contradiction.We should follow our properly formed consciences when it comes to morals, but we need a divinely established teaching body when it comes to doctrinal discernment. The "me and Jesus" mentality is non-biblical and goes against common sense.
If you truly believe the Spirit gives life....then why not follow the Spirit?
What you mean by "follow the Spirit" becomes, in reality, "follow my interpretation of Scripture". The Spirit guides to "all Truth". If everyone who claims to "follow the Spirit" came to the same conclusion on doctrinal issues, I would agree that God guides us by Biblical interpretation and subjective reasoning. This is FAR from the case, though.
Nowhere in the bible are we exhorted to follow Mother Church. We are called to follow Father God. It is the Spirit we are to be led by...not church edicts or creeds.
Nowhere in the Bible are we told to read and personally interpret Scripture to discern Truth. In fact, we are warned against it:
So also our beloved brother Paul wrote to you according to the wisdom given him, 16 speaking of this as he does in all his letters. There are some things in them hard to understand, which the ignorant and unstable twist to their own destruction, as they do the other scriptures. (2Peter (RSV) 3)
Paul tells us to follow his teaching, his ORAL TEACHING, over and over again throughout Scripture, he NEVER tells us that all Truth is contained within Scripture or that we are to let "Christ within us" be the ultimate authority on Truth.
We are told to "follow Mother Church" in Acts 15. Here we have a DOCTRINAL dispute within the Church in Antioch. Paul and Barnabas took the dispute to "Mother Church" in Jerusalem. The issue was resolved and their decision was BINDING ON THE ENTIRE CHURCH, NOT JUST THE CHURCH IN JERUSALEM OR ANTIOCH.
As they went on their way through the cities, they delivered to them for observance the decisions which had been reached by the apostles and elders who were at Jerusalem. 5 So the churches were strengthened in the faith, and they increased in numbers daily. (Acts (RSV) 16)
This is the Biblical model given by Luke for settling doctrinal disputes within the True Church. Ask yourself a question. Does this sound even remotely like the way you would settle disputes within your church? Where is the Antiochian Church told to "follow Christ within them" and settle it themselves? Following "church edicts and creeds" is how we are to follow the Spirit, because the Spirit leads the teaching body of the Church, not individual members, just like in Acts 15.