The one who is in agreement with the Bible.You answered the first part, but not the second. If you and another Christian who is revealed Truth through the "Holy Spirit" disagree on a doctrine, which "Holy Spirit" is right?
Every single Protestant denomination "agrees with the Bible", as do JW's, Mormons and every "milkmaid with a Bible".
Even the RCC "agrees with the Bible" but they too do not in what they teach, their FRUIT is not showing., Its lacking just like the Protestant and JW and Mormons etc.
Yes, but you do agree with your denominations interpretation. If you did not, you would not be there.I agree with the Bible, just not your interpretation.
The foolish, false doctrine that the HS guides each individual believer to "all Truth" is not taught in Scripture, is not logical, and in practice, does not work. It sure SOUNDS good, though.
Funny thing is that my version of the Bible says the opposite :Joh 16:13 Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he shall guide you into all the truth:............
which version (dare I ask) are you using ?
It is actually taught in Scripture:Joh 10:27 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: [/quote]
"My sheep hear my voice..." means the HS guides each individual believer to all truth??? Did God tell you this personally? If someone disagrees with this interpretation is he "in error"?
Did your denomination teach you something else ? If somebody disagrees with them , are they in error ?
What does hearing the voice of God means to you?
Of course not, the Bible clearly says that the Lord gave us Apostles, Pastors, Prophets, Evangelist, and Teachers in the body of Christ. He gives us elders as well. I submit to them. I submit to God's leadership in the church.You're dodging the question. Is your only authority for doctrinal Truth your own personal, subjective Biblical interpretation? Do you accept any authority outside yourself?
A guess that rules out Peter, Paul, James, Matthew, Mark and Jesus, among others. Again, you are dodging. Are the people who disagree with you "in error"?
How can it rule out Peter, Paul , James , Matthew , Mark and Jesus, when they were only adhering to the Word of God?
No people who disagree with the Word of God are in error. You are welcome to disagree with me, if I am disagreeing with the Word of God, because then I would be in error.
Which church? If some members disagree with others on a point of doctrine, which HS guided group is right and how do you decide. Again, this sounds great in theory, but breaks down in practice.
The church. The called out ones.
But the Bible point still is that the truth is communicated via the Holy Spirit. All who come together because of this Truth, are called out of the world, and are called the church.I said in a previous post:
"My point is that God commutes Truth to His people THROUGH the Church, not through subjective Bible interpretation and "following Christ within".
Now you have to take me for an illiterate idiot here. I can tell you I love history and have done my bit of reading. If you however have never sat down with a unbiased history book, that was not written by somebody from your denomination, I suggest you do that, before making statements like this one above to anybody who has even had half an education.I don't see how these are different, but if you do, I'll clear it up. The Catholic Church is kept from teaching error in matters of faith and morals by the Holy Spirit.
It is Her mission throughout time to pass on this Truth to the faithful.
You have to be kidding me............
That's what I mean by "God commutes Truth to His people THROUGH the Church". The HS teaches THROUGH His Church, which is EXACTLY what happened in Acts 15. There was a doctrinal dispute, members of the Church in Antioch sent representatives to Jerusalem for an AUTHORITATIVE ANSWER. The leaders of the Church held a council, discussed the issue, then RELIED ON THE GUIDANCE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT to come to a final decision. This decision was then BINDING ON ALL THE FAITHFUL, not just the Church at Antioch. This is EXACTLY how the Catholic Church operates to this day. This is the Biblical model for settling doctrinal disputes.
The Protestant model is not even close. As near as I can tell, If a church has a doctrinal dispute, one camp reads Scripture, claims guidance by the HS, and starts their own rival congregation. This is the opposite of Acts 15 and the opposite of unity.
Since the RCC has miserably failed, I cannot even see you looking at the Protestants . Your house is in disarray . I am not defending the protestant movement, even thought they have had points of light coming through sometimes. Even some light is to be found in the Catholic history, but in general, we must all come out of religion,.