Cornelius said:
Does the Holy Spirit speak to you personally and guide you personally to "all truth"? If you and another Christian who is revealed Truth through the "Holy Spirit" disagree on a doctrine, which "Holy Spirit" is right?
Yes He does.
You answered the first part, but not the second. If you and another Christian who is revealed Truth through the "Holy Spirit" disagree on a doctrine, which "Holy Spirit" is right?
The one who agrees with the Bible is right.
Every single Protestant denomination "agrees with the Bible", as do JW's, Mormons and every "milkmaid with a Bible". Besides, don't you really mean your interpretation of the Bible? After all, the Holy Spirit of God gave it to you personally (at least that's how I read your answer above). I agree with the Bible, just not your interpretation.
[quote:1cjcq8ns]The foolish, false doctrine that the HS guides each individual believer to "all Truth" is not taught in Scripture, is not logical, and in practice, does not work. It sure SOUNDS good, though.
It is actually taught in Scripture:Joh 10:27
My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: [/quote:1cjcq8ns]
"My sheep hear my voice..." means the HS guides each individual believer to all truth??? Did God tell you this personally? If someone disagrees with this interpretation is he "in error"?
[quote:1cjcq8ns]Is there a proper authority that you defer to in matters of faith, like the Church in Antioch did? If you look at that BIBLICAL example, you will see the Catholic Church in action. If the early Church was Protestant, the example would have been that of dissension rather than unity.
The Bible does not mention the Catholic Church.[/quote:1cjcq8ns]
You're dodging the question. Is your only authority for doctrinal Truth your own personal, subjective Biblical interpretation? Do you accept any authority outside yourself?
[quote:1cjcq8ns]Which ones are "in error" and which ones are "hearing in clarity and truth"? Let me see if I can guess which camp you come down in...hummm...So that would mean that those who disagree with YOU are in the "in error" camp, right? After all, they are disagreeing with the Holy Spirit, right? Total subjectivism is not Biblical.
Those who agree with Sola Scriptura are correct. The rest are adding or subtracting from the Word.[/quote:1cjcq8ns]
A guess that rules out Peter, Paul, James, Matthew, Mark and Jesus, among others. Again, you are dodging. Are the people who disagree with you "in error"?
The plain words of Scripture say:
"I hope to come to you soon, but I am writing these instructions to you so that, 15 if I am delayed, you may know how one ought to behave in the household of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and bulwark of the truth. 16 Great indeed, we confess, is the mystery of our religion: He was manifested in the flesh, vindicated in the Spirit, seen by angels, preached among the nations, believed on in the world, taken up in glory. (1Timothy (RSV) 3)
If the Church is the "pillar and bulwark of truth", how can you say the Holy Spirit doesn't guide the CHURCH to all Truth? How is the Church given this Truth if not from the HS?
Yes the Holy Spirit leads and all who hear come together as the church (Not RCC)[/quote:1cjcq8ns]
Which church? If some members disagree with others on a point of doctrine, which HS guided group is right and how do you decide. Again, this sounds great in theory, but breaks down in practice.
And by he way, you have just just changed what you said: You said the Church leads us into truth, now you say "How can you say that the Holy Spirit doesn't guide the church to all Truth? " I AM saying the Holy Spirit leads all who are in the church (true church) into all truth.
I said in a previous post:
"My point is that God commutes Truth to His people THROUGH the Church, not through subjective Bible interpretation and "following Christ within".
And above:
If the Church is the "pillar and bulwark of truth", how can you say the Holy Spirit doesn't guide the CHURCH to all Truth? How is the Church given this Truth if not from the HS?
I don't see how these are different, but if you do, I'll clear it up. The Catholic Church is kept from teaching error in matters of faith and morals by the Holy Spirit. It is Her mission throughout time to pass on this Truth to the faithful. That's what I mean by "God commutes Truth to His people THROUGH the Church". The HS teaches THROUGH His Church, which is EXACTLY what happened in Acts 15. There was a doctrinal dispute, members of the Church in Antioch sent representatives to Jerusalem for an AUTHORITATIVE ANSWER. The leaders of the Church held a council, discussed the issue, then RELIED ON THE GUIDANCE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT to come to a final decision. This decision was then BINDING ON ALL THE FAITHFUL, not just the Church at Antioch. This is EXACTLY how the Catholic Church operates to this day. This is the Biblical model for settling doctrinal disputes.
The Protestant model is not even close. As near as I can tell, If a church has a doctrinal dispute, one camp reads Scripture, claims guidance by the HS, and starts their own rival congregation. This is the opposite of Acts 15 and the opposite of unity.