Adullam said:
If one peruses this thread one will find ample texts that I have posted. The whole of Acts as well as the accounts of the epistles support a church that is based on relationships. They met in homes for the most part as the household of faith.
No one denies any of that. No one denies that a church is based upon relationships. The issue is that you claim that the two are contradictory. You provide a false dichotomy, that somehow, institutions = no relationship with Christ. It is a false dichotomy and not supported by the Bible. I would be much more successful in supporting the OPPOSITE from Scriptures alone than the claim that "Jesus was against organized Religion".
Not at all. He claimed that He came TO an organized religion, to bring it to fulfillment. He said not one iota of the Law given within the context of an organized religion would pass away. These sort of statements are not what a religious anarchist would say.
If you read the Acts of the Apostles and the history of Christianity, you will see that the first Christians CONTINUED to SUPPORT ORGANIZED RELIGION!!! Even in that most idyllic of times, the first Christians STILL went to the synogogue to pray. They continued to fast with the Jews. James was known, by Jews and Christians, as a model Jew. Even Josephus notes this.
What Christians did was IN ADDITION TO their perceived duties to the institutional church, the Temple and Synagogue. Unfortunately, the Jews began to oust the Christians from the institutional church, and so the Christians "made their own institutional church". They appointed officers in different communities. They changed the sabbath to Sunday. They stopped circumcising. They even moved their fasts to different days, as the Didache relates (written during the first century). Christian history and the Bible just does not support your fantasy that Jesus desired to "do away with" organized religions. Quite the contrary, He came to CORRECT ITS PRACTICE!!!
I say unto you, That whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment: and whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be in danger of the council: but whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire. Therefore if thou bring thy gift to the altar, and there rememberest that thy brother hath ought against thee; Leave there thy gift before the altar, and go thy way; first be reconciled to thy brother, and then come and offer thy gift. Mat 5:22-24
Note, Jesus did NOT advocate abandoning liturgical worship. He did not say "Don't go to the altar anymore". "Just 'worship' God in 'spirit' in the comfort of your homes with your chicken wings..." He said THEN COME AND OFFER THY GIFT...
I ask, yet again, for Scriptures that support your view - that Jesus was against organized Religion. This is a fantasic fantasy, as it is clear that Christ SUPPORTED organized religion, and was only against HYPOCRITICAL PRACTICES. Jesus did not support withdrawing into sleeper cells, and any house church mentioned in Acts was SUPPLEMENTAL to organized religion practiced by Christians.