Adullam said:
Ironically, I only posted bible verses.
Which ironically still do not tell us that Jesus was against any organizations, per sec. Judaism was organized by God, was it not? Did Jesus call for the disbandment of Judaism? Not once.
Judaism was plan B. Once Jesus Christ was manifest in the world, those who would worship must now do so in Spirit and truth. Gone are the icons, the representations, the idols, the liturgies. We can now walk in supernatural power. The ceremony is past...the reality is here. This is the presence of the kingdom in our midst.
Adullam said:
The bible holds to order, not organization. God is not the author of confusion. Neither is He the author of earthly institutions. (Even if we give them biblical sounding titles)
Order comes from organization, not wishful thinking. There cannot be order among humans without it... God is not the author of confusion, and the confusion reigning among non-denominationals is strictly a result of self-proclaimed popes claiming to be personally led by the "spirit" while disagreeing about WHO God is, and so forth.
Let us not get into proclaiming popes. ;) You confuse simple apostolic community churches with protestant institutions. These institutions are just different flavours of the same pagan way of being religious. Disciples are not such unless they are led of the Spirit. No one lords it over the flock. You are only assuming that others do as you. We don't need popes, we have Christ. He is risen, you know!?
We do not argue over who God is. God is God. The real debate is who the real Christians are. There are only 2 types of Christians. The spiritual and the carnal.
Adullam said:
Human organizations are under the authority of the yet ruling principalities. You cannot humanly organize the Holy Spirit. This is the vast miscalculation of all denominations and ecclesiastical institutions. They achieve the opposite of what they set out to do. Order in the church is accomplished through the Holy Spirit with the authority given by the Holy Spirit. No one masters the truth....but will truth master the man?
The Church is not a "human organization" only, its builder is Christ and the Apostles... It has a divine purpose and utilizes humans led by the Spirit.
The Holy Spirit, according to the Scriptures, is given to
specific men for the purpose of leading other Christians among the community. Order is accomplished through the Holy Spirit working THROUGH particular men. Not directly. All gifts are manifested THROUGH men for the sake of the
entire Church. There is no such paradigm in Scriptures for independently-minded Christians who go it alone, nor does Jesus tell us that He was against organized religion. Thus, you continue to provide smoke and mirrors. It is a vast miscalculation of "non-denominationals" that the Spirit has chosen to come to "lead them personally to all truth". What you do is even worse than what you accuse the institutional church of - at least they have scriptural warrant...
That is my argument! Who is arguing about going it alone? You see nothing if it is not in the extreme. If it isn't the size of a pea then it must be an aircraft carrier. If we are to avert chaos we must offer pagan sacrifices for the sake of order. :crazy
In the same way that Judaism left God out, so it is with institutional churchianity. We can follow the Lord without human interference. History has shown and continues to show that human interference gets in the way of God's way. People love to control things. They seek power. God's way is the way of powerlessness. You should read this Catholic writer named Henri Nouwen. You can read more about the way of Christ from one of your own "kind." Perhaps he can reach you beyond your programming.
Have you read about the transfiguration of Christ and the enthusiasm of Peter to build booths? Peter wanted to organize a spiritual event. So naive! Peter had not yet learned to not think like a human. Jesus rebuked satan in Peter when he exhibited this carnal tendency. I can do no other, myself.
God is not a God of confusion, and the "church of one" people are confused, since they cannot agree on much of anything doctrinal EXCEPT that they claim to be personally led by God's Spirit...
Thus, the answer to the OP question is "NO"... He did not come to "free" you from "institutional religion"... He IMPLEMENTED IT FURTHER BY ESTABLISHING AN INSTITUTIONAL AND HIGHLY ORGANIZED CHURCH...