i never said that you werent part of the church as a whole. Lord. no.
Didn't take it as you were ;) Was just reminding you that we're all in this together.. one big happy family in Christ Jesus
baptists say that gifts are done.pentacostals dont
There are people within my own congregation that believe gifts are done, and there are those who believe otherwise. But we are still united in Christ and somehow we can still call each other brother, enjoy conversations around the potluck, and even enjoy a meal at our homes with some excellent conversation.
most of these chruches accept the others water baptismal acts. The only time i had to provide evidence is for when i was engaged to a catholic.
There are Elderships within some churches of Christ who will not accept a baptism outside the churches of Christ. We're not one of them because we believe there is only one baptism and only one Church.
when you mentioned the church of christ i assumed you mean the one that worships neither with music and states that water bapitism is needed for heaven.
We worship without musical instruments because we believe our voices are the best instruments we have to lift up to God in worship. We worship Capella by choice, not by mandate. You well never hear a sermon from our pulpit damning anyone who integrates instruments within their worship. Our director of education believes heavily in non-instrumental music while I don't and we've had detailed conversations about it. Yet, he asked me to teach the 3rd and 4th graders and I also teach the adult class. So you see, there are bigger things to look at and just because we don't agree on something, doesn't mean we're enemies. (This same man gave a sermon on how gifts are still active today.)
As far as baptism, you've heard our perspective in this thread. Simply put, Baptism is not a legal line in the sand that defines heaven and hell. No, it's much more than that. Simply put, Baptism is a response to the gospel, and that's our starting point.
What muddles the conversation Jason, is that it sounds like you've been beaten over the head by a conservative church of Christ member and chances are you've either misunderstood them, or you ran into a zealous conservative who's rubbed you the wrong way. What you need to know Jason, is that the view on baptism that I hold is mine and not every member within the churches of Christ will agree with me. Heck, you're not even in the church of Christ and you don't agree with me. Mike's a Lutheran and he doesn't agree with me on who's to be baptized. Strangelove doesn't go to church, much like yourself and he doesn't agree with me. So you see, this isn't a church of Christ matter. It's a Church of Christ matter.
Grace and peace.