You mean God deals with Israel during the unforeseen ,unprophecied parenthetical 'Church Age,did God forget which dispensation were in ?Here so there is no doubt on my position. the world is and will be moving toward a one world government, church and currency. Israel is the time piece as to know where we are in prophecy[.
You are invited to post your favorite quote form JESUS in support of any or all your points above. Good luckthen comes the pre rapture, followed by a 7 year tribulation. The Lord comes back before man can destroy himself. Jesus divides the sheep from the goats. Jesus set up a thousand year millennium where the world will know true peace and a true ruler.;;
Well jr normally I would respond in a question but I'll just make some blanket statements, the world ,in general terms,is better today than 500 years ago. The world is better today than 1,000 years ago, the world today is better than 1500 years ago , the world is better today than 2,000 years ago.Now if you are a post mil.. where the church is going to change the world to be a better place for a thousand year.. well how is that going for you?
See christians believe that Jesus Christ is enthroned in heaven at the highest possible seat of power, and is busy building his church.