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Ya know Chopper this all reads dry but i can't help thinking we are missing something here... I dont think God gave us this story to tell us how to get the better of another guy...
Didn't Laban con Jacob in the Rachel/Leah thing ? Maybe it was justice that Jacob received a larger blessing for his labour.
Ya know Chopper this all reads dry but i can't help thinking we are missing something here... I dont think God gave us this story to tell us how to get the better of another guy...

This is my favorite part of the story while Jacob is with Laban.
Jacob was happy with all those little speckle and spotted imperfect sheep. He kept increasing his flock with them. Reminds me of us and the Lord.

It also reminds me of when the tithe animals were separated they passed under the rod. God said to take the tenth one no matter if it were blemished or not. They were not suppose to examine them beforehand.
Ya know Chopper this all reads dry but i can't help thinking we are missing something here... I dont think God gave us this story to tell us how to get the better of another guy...

You are right Reba, there is something here, how about it guys & gals? One thing that comes to my mind is, our mighty God was watching over Jacob all the time. Laban was a very selfish man and God does not approve of how he is treating Jacob. Therefore He blesses Jacob in spite of Laban's attempt to "use" Jacob. There is a side to our loving Heavenly Father that comes to the aid of a child of His that is on a particular mission that God has orchestrated, and He will see to it that His child will be successful, God cannot fail!
Day 72 Friday 6/27/14 Genesis 31:1-21 Going Home.

This Chapter opens with a change of heart in Laban. It seems that Laban wanted Jacob to stay so he would be blessed more and more. What he didn't realize was a statement Jacob made, V.30 "and now when shall I provide for mine own house also?" So that presented a duel purpose. Since Jacob was preparing for his own interests, Laban's boys figured Jacob was robbing their father.

It is at this point that Jacob believes it's time to head home. Jacob explains his feelings to his wives, Rachel and Leah, so they would know why it's time to go. Jacob tells his wives about a dream or vision of rams jumping on the sheep. The rams were ringstraked, and grisled or spotted.

In V.13 God (EL) told Jacob to "return unto the land of thy kindred." Rachel and Leah agreed to go with Jacob because anything that they would have inherited from their father, Jacob was in possession of. Before leaving, Rachel stole her father's "images" (Heb. teraphim) or idols. Perhaps to remove a way that her father could tell which way they went or just to stop her father from idol worship. Our section ends with Jacob's "face set towards Mt. Gilead."
This is my favorite part of the story while Jacob is with Laban.
Jacob was happy with all those little speckle and spotted imperfect sheep. He kept increasing his flock with them. Reminds me of us and the Lord.

It also reminds me of when the tithe animals were separated they passed under the rod. God said to take the tenth one no matter if it were blemished or not. They were not suppose to examine them beforehand.

Oh Deb. you just said a mouthful of blessings. I hadn't thought of it that way. Thank you for that thought! :hug
Gen 31:1-2 KJV And he heard the words of Laban's sons, saying, Jacob hath taken away all that was our father's; and of that which was our father's hath he gotten all this glory. (2) And Jacob beheld the countenance of Laban, and, behold, it was not toward him as before.

Does this imply Yahweh did the spotted deed so that Laban would willingly let him go ? Also it's interesting that because Laban's wealth had been ruined and Rachel and Leah ( and their children ) sorta were now inheriting from Yahweh and not their dad.

Gen 31:16 KJV For all the riches which God hath taken from our father, that is ours, and our children's: now then, whatsoever God hath said unto thee, do.
Gen 31:1-2 KJV And he heard the words of Laban's sons, saying, Jacob hath taken away all that was our father's; and of that which was our father's hath he gotten all this glory. (2) And Jacob beheld the countenance of Laban, and, behold, it was not toward him as before.

Does this imply Yahweh did the spotted deed so that Laban would willingly let him go ?

That could be true. Also, just now thought of this too, when Abraham first start out his wealth came from an unbeliever and now so has Jacob's.

Also it's interesting that because Laban's wealth had been ruined and Rachel and Leah ( and their children ) sorta were now inheriting from Yahweh and not their dad.

Gen 31:16 KJV For all the riches which God hath taken from our father, that is ours, and our children's: now then, whatsoever God hath said unto thee, do.

I think Laban's sons just convinced Laban that Jacob was getting too much. I would think that if so many of the flock were missing that Laban or his sons would have noticed before 3 days. There's that number 3, hmm...
It didn't sound like Rachael and Leah were very happy about their father Selling them, must not have been their family tradition to do that.
Yes, it is interesting that they said they would have inherited too, not just the sons and God made that happen for them.
Day 73 Saturday 6/28/14 Genesis 31:22-35 The Journey Begins.

It seems interesting to me that in V.24 God (Jehovah) told Laban, in a dream, "be careful not to say anything to Jacob either good or bad." At first glance, I thought, does God just want Laban to be silent when he come into contact with Jacob? It is my opinion that God did not want Laban to hinder Jacob's return to his homeland.

V.26 reveals Laban's suspicions. He accuses Jacob of "stealing away" which has a bad connotation to it. He also accused Jacob of kidnapping his daughters, by sword as a criminal which was not true. There is a lesson in this; If we let our imagination take control of our thought process, almost always, we think negatively. So here is Laban, shearing his sheep and along comes a son or servant and tells Laban all these untruth's. Laban is now unfriendly toward Jacob and it shows in his expressions toward Jacob. Instead of realizing the truth about how God has blessed Jacob, his imagination has ruled and now he despises Jacob.

Laban expresses his disappointment in not being able to throw a big party for Jacob and his wives and children. Laban accuses Jacob of being foolish in V.28, when actually he was the foolish one and Jacob was wise in removing himself & family from this deceitful man.

In V.30 The subject of the stolen gods comes up. These are described by different writers as used for various needs. I believe it's the Targum of Jonathan that says that they were used in Laban's hobby of divination. Jacob gives permission for Laban to search for his idols. Rachel, faked having her monthly period to conceal the images, for whatever she found interesting in them. Someone suggested that these images represented Rachel's dead relatives (like pictures) and she desired to keep them.
Gen 31:32 with whomsoever thou findest thy gods--he doth not live; before our brethren discern for thyself what is with me, and take to thyself:' and Jacob hath not known that Rachel hath stolen them.

Yike, Jacob was so confident that the idols had not been taken by any of his family that he said that if Laban found them the guilty person would die.

Chopper that's a really good point about how our imaginations can take over and keep us from seeing or accepting truth or let our pride get in the way. Especially if we are a negative or suspicious type person anyway.
I like the YLT translation of this verse.

Gen 31:29 my hand is to God to do evil with you, but the God of your father yesternight hath spoken unto me, saying, Take heed to thyself from speaking with Jacob from good unto evil.

I think God was saying when you speak with Jacob don't let something that can turn out well become something evil.
Laban says he has the power to hurt Jacob but God told him not to but rather seek peace.

Gen 31:32 with whomsoever thou findest thy gods--he doth not live; before our brethren discern for thyself what is with me, and take to thyself:' and Jacob hath not known that Rachel hath stolen them.

Yike, Jacob was so confident that the idols had not been taken by any of his family that he said that if Laban found them the guilty person would die.

Chopper that's a really good point about how our imaginations can take over and keep us from seeing or accepting truth or let our pride get in the way. Especially if we are a negative or suspicious type person anyway.
I like the YLT translation of this verse.

Gen 31:29 my hand is to God to do evil with you, but the God of your father yesternight hath spoken unto me, saying, Take heed to thyself from speaking with Jacob from good unto evil.

I think God was saying when you speak with Jacob don't let something that can turn out well become something evil.
Laban says he has the power to hurt Jacob but God told him not to but rather seek peace.

Deborah, I like that last statement,
"Laban says he has the power to hurt Jacob but God told him not to but rather seek peace." I hadn't thought of that and it's very true. Actually, I'm thinking that his statement to Jacob is a little prideful because in all actuality, the Almighty God would have come down hard on Laban if he had tried. :chair
Day 73 Saturday 6/28/14 Genesis 31:22-35 The Journey Begins.

It seems interesting to me that in V.24 God (Jehovah) told Laban, in a dream, "be careful not to say anything to Jacob either good or bad." At first glance, I thought, does God just want Laban to be silent when he come into contact with Jacob? It is my opinion that God did not want Laban to hinder Jacob's return to his homeland.

V.26 reveals Laban's suspicions. He accuses Jacob of "stealing away" which has a bad connotation to it. He also accused Jacob of kidnapping his daughters, by sword as a criminal which was not true. There is a lesson in this; If we let our imagination take control of our thought process, almost always, we think negatively. So here is Laban, shearing his sheep and along comes a son or servant and tells Laban all these untruth's. Laban is now unfriendly toward Jacob and it shows in his expressions toward Jacob. Instead of realizing the truth about how God has blessed Jacob, his imagination has ruled and now he despises Jacob.

Laban expresses his disappointment in not being able to throw a big party for Jacob and his wives and children. Laban accuses Jacob of being foolish in V.28, when actually he was the foolish one and Jacob was wise in removing himself & family from this deceitful man.

In V.30 The subject of the stolen gods comes up. These are described by different writers as used for various needs. I believe it's the Targum of Jonathan that says that they were used in Laban's hobby of divination. Jacob gives permission for Laban to search for his idols. Rachel, faked having her monthly period to conceal the images, for whatever she found interesting in them. Someone suggested that these images represented Rachel's dead relatives (like pictures) and she desired to keep them.

There was a lot af this idol thing going on back then I'm surprised they did it considering the command not to. Oh did they know not to do this then ?

Gen 31:32 with whomsoever thou findest thy gods--he doth not live; before our brethren discern for thyself what is with me, and take to thyself:' and Jacob hath not known that Rachel hath stolen them.

Yike, Jacob was so confident that the idols had not been taken by any of his family that he said that if Laban found them the guilty person would die.

Chopper that's a really good point about how our imaginations can take over and keep us from seeing or accepting truth or let our pride get in the way. Especially if we are a negative or suspicious type person anyway.
I like the YLT translation of this verse.

Gen 31:29 my hand is to God to do evil with you, but the God of your father yesternight hath spoken unto me, saying, Take heed to thyself from speaking with Jacob from good unto evil.

I think God was saying when you speak with Jacob don't let something that can turn out well become something evil.
Laban says he has the power to hurt Jacob but God told him not to but rather seek peace.

Could be. I was thinking Yahweh was telling Laban to be fair or neutral etc.