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Well, a few of us are reading it occasionally. Can't honestly be much more encouraging than that, but it does get read some.

Hi Willie, I would love it if you would help with this study. Everyone who is involved adds information that I don't post. That's the purpose of this kind of study. The Holy Spirit likes to use each of us and how we all view the Scriptures. Your comments will be very welcome as I have viewed some of your posts and have appreciated your depth of knowledge, we need you!
Thanks, but I don't think so. My thoughts are often too controversial. It's probably best that most people just listen to conventional, traditional views. This sort of thread should be for getting grounded, not for debate.
Thanks, but I don't think so. My thoughts are often too controversial. It's probably best that most people just listen to conventional, traditional views. This sort of thread should be for getting grounded, not for debate.

Well, lets see the other side of you. Being controversial is not always a good attitude to have. As Christians, we need to have a balance as our Lord Jesus taught us to be. Controversy when it's called for, and, as you say "conventional" making up the rest. If you view a portion of Scripture that is outside of normal interpretation, bring it up to our minds. We can discuss it without debate. Real Christians can function in this regard. We love the Scriptures, and sometimes Denominational teachings are "dead wrong" and need to change. That's what makes this study so interesting. We have discussed the "Gap theory", "sons of God" and others without insulting each other. This is a mature study for mature Christians of which you are, IMO.
I read a lot more than I post. I did notice one thing that I do want to comment on, though.

Chopper said:
Joseph suggests to Pharaoh to seek out a wise man to order and carry out this rescue plan.

This reminded me of a Bible verse:

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom (Ps. 110:10 ESV)
There are many other verses that connect wisdom to fearing and obeying God. Since nobody else in Egypt feared the Lord, Joseph was the only one for the job. And while we're on the subject of wisdom, here's the reason I don't post much.

Oh that you would keep silent, and it would be your wisdom! (Job 13:5 ESV)​

Well, Chopper, let me give you a couple of " for instances"....... The poor people here would have been subjected to some of the points in "the fall" that I think are kind of important to consider. And I really am not too sure that is a good thing when someone might be trying to simply get some long-accepted "standards" under their belt.

Those examples:
One, the possible reasons for Adam being fearful of God, when he likely had never been afraid of him before, nor ashamed. Sure, we have, "their eyes being opened", so that they knew they were naked, but is that all there was to it? Why would nakedness be something to be ashamed of, if they had never experienced anything else? Naturally, I see the word, "SHAME", coming into play here. After all, what is probably the biggest thing Satan uses against us? Is it not "shame" in all its forms? Even self-condemning shame (or, "guilt") that does such an effective job of keeping us apart from God... just as it did right there in the garden.

I see most of this as the "glass we see through, darkly", due to the veil of sin we now view God through. The same veil that I believe Jesus was forced to have to see His Father through on the cross... because He had actually "become" sin for our rescue. We know God never left Him, but he THOUGHT God was gone, or He would not have asked the question of "Why" He appeared to have forsaken Him.

Then, there is the point that I feel is ultra important that we understand so that we do not just keep on perpetuating the belief that God is angry with us because we sin. The consequences of sin that He had to put on both Adam and Eve.... (the childbirth pain and ground tilling) You see, I don't think these were curses, per se, directed at these two, as a definite "curse" was levied upon Satan. I see them as undesired, parental chastisements that God gave for corrective guidance, but not as vengeful, angry punishments.

Nor do I see even death as being a totally "punitive" measure. Can someone tell me how we are to be rid of sin, if we never have a chance to die, and then be raised to newness of life? I feel God already had this all mapped out. And that is why, when He knew we would foul up and inherit the "death" that He warned Adam about, He already planned to keep us from having to endure eternal life, forever bearing the shame and guilt sin brings. And He did this by keeping them away from the Tree of Life. I can't envision the banishment as anything but an act of love, so that we could be allowed to die. (The payment for which, Jesus became our scriptural scapegoat)

Yet, we still teach others that God is angry with us. And that if we sin, we go to Hell. When I firmly believe winding up in Hell has nothing at all to do with committing breaches of God's law (sin) I read the Bible as saying Hell is for unbelievers, period. Even there, I feel nothing is ever said indicating that individual "sins" will send one to Hell. I see all the "bad" actions and attitudes Jesus describes, NOT as being what deserves Hell, but rather as symptoms and behaviors of the kind of unbelieving person who will stubbornly sentence themselves to Hell.

So....... do you see why, with just this little bit of my controversial ranting, I honestly feel it is not in the best interests of perhaps beginning "learners", to have to try and sort through what some old guy states... when it goes so much against what they are going to hear from most preachers or priests? It really makes no difference in their salvation, so why not just silently sit back and read, every few days?
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Miscellaneous Points:

• This is a super great thread and very enjoyable devotional
reading, very helpful to the mind and heart, and greatly


• I have over the years come to believe that Genesis 1:1
is one of the most profound verses in God's word and
I strongly suspect that as human history moves forward
the human race will more and more come to realize and
understand why Genesis 1:1 is such a deep and profound
verse of Scripture. Its probably all we humans are even
capable of understanding about the actual "nuts and bolts"
of the science of how the Sovereign God created the
Heavens and Earth, so maybe God knew that, and
simply told us what we could understand, namely "In
the beginning God created the Heavens and Earth."


• Joseph [of Genesis] is held up as an example of faith
in the New Testament:
"By faith Joseph, when his end was near, spoke about
the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt and gave instructions
concerning the burial of his bones." Heb. 11:22

Its quite an honor to have one's name included, by the
Holy Spirit, in the New Testament. The New Testament is
a very small club of Biblical hero's and Joseph made the list
as a man of faith in God.


"...the Lord was with Joseph and gave him success in
whatever he did." Genesis 39:23b

May the Lord do the same for all His people, is our


• My most treasured character in Genesis is Abraham
because I always connect Abraham to the great Pauline
New Testament doctrine of Justification By Faith:
18 Against all hope, Abraham in hope believed ...
This is why “it was credited to him as righteousness.”
23 The words “it was credited to him” were written not for
him alone, 24 but also for us, to whom God will credit
righteousness—for us who believe in him who raised
Jesus our Lord from the dead. 25 He was delivered over
to death for our sins and was raised to life for our justification.
Ro.4:18, 23-25

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Well, Chopper, let me give you a couple of " for instances"....... The poor people here would have been subjected to some of the points in "the fall" that I think are kind of important to consider. And I really am not too sure that is a good thing when someone might be trying to simply get some long-accepted "standards" under their belt.

Those examples:
One, the possible reasons for Adam being fearful of God, when he likely had never been afraid of him before, nor ashamed. Sure, we have, "their eyes being opened", so that they knew they were naked, but is that all there was to it? Why would nakedness be something to be ashamed of, if they had never experienced anything else? Naturally, I see the word, "SHAME", coming into play here. After all, what is probably the biggest thing Satan uses against us? Is it not "shame" in all its forms? Even self-condemning shame (or, "guilt") that does such an effective job of keeping us apart from God... just as it did right there in the garden.

I see most of this as the "glass we see through, darkly", due to the veil of sin we now view God through. The same veil that I believe Jesus was forced to have to see His Father through on the cross... because He had actually "become" sin for our rescue. We know God never left Him, but he THOUGHT God was gone, or He would not have asked the question of "Why" He appeared to have forsaken Him.

Then, there is the point that I feel is ultra important that we understand so that we do not just keep on perpetuating the belief that God is angry with us because we sin. The consequences of sin that He had to put on both Adam and Eve.... (the childbirth pain and ground tilling) You see, I don't think these were curses, per se, directed at these two, as a definite "curse" was levied upon Satan. I see them as undesired, parental chastisements that God gave for corrective guidance, but not as vengeful, angry punishments.

Nor do I see even death as being a totally "punitive" measure. Can someone tell me how we are to be rid of sin, if we never have a chance to die, and then be raised to newness of life? I feel God already had this all mapped out. And that is why, when He knew we would foul up and inherit the "death" that He warned Adam about, He already planned to keep us from having to endure eternal life, forever bearing the shame and guilt sin brings. And He did this by keeping them away from the Tree of Life. I can't envision the banishment as anything but an act of love, so that we could be allowed to die. (The payment for which, Jesus became our scriptural scapegoat)

Yet, we still teach others that God is angry with us. And that if we sin, we go to Hell. When I firmly believe winding up in Hell has nothing at all to do with committing breaches of God's law (sin) I read the Bible as saying Hell is for unbelievers, period. Even there, I feel nothing is ever said indicating that individual "sins" will send one to Hell. I see all the "bad" actions and attitudes Jesus describes, NOT as being what deserves Hell, but rather as symptoms and behaviors of the kind of unbelieving person who will stubbornly sentence themselves to Hell.

So....... do you see why, with just this little bit of my controversial ranting, I honestly feel it is not in the best interests of perhaps beginning "learners", to have to try and sort through what some old guy states... when it goes so much against what they are going to hear from most preachers or priests? It really makes no difference in their salvation, so why not just silently sit back and read, every few days?

Willie my friend, I doubt that what you just posted is not new information to us who post in Genesis. Believe it or not, we are all rebels who post here. We do not follow blindly that which is spoken by pastor, teacher, or even pope. We are after TRUTH! If you have knowledge of Truth, we want to hear it, period.
Willie my friend, I doubt that what you just posted is not new information to us who post in Genesis. Believe it or not, we are all rebels who post here. We do not follow blindly that which is spoken by pastor, teacher, or even pope. We are after TRUTH! If you have knowledge of Truth, we want to hear it, period.
OK, then... I'll be stopping in fairly often.

(Remember what the FI at Rucker said.... "What do you do, at night, if you've had to go into AR because of an engine outage, and upon turning on the landing light, you see nothing below you but big boulders?" (Answer:................. "Turn off the light!")
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Gen 41:37 And the thing was good in the eyes of Pharaoh, and in the eyes of all his servants.
Gen 41:38 And Pharaoh said unto his servants, Can we find such a one as this is, a man in whom the Spirit of God is?
Gen 41:39 And Pharaoh said unto Joseph, Forasmuch as God hath shewed thee all this, there is none so discreet and wise as thou art:
Gen 41:40 Thou shalt be over my house, and according unto thy word shall all my people be ruled: only in the throne will I be greater than thou.
Gen 41:41 And Pharaoh said unto Joseph, See, I have set thee over all the land of Egypt.
Gen 41:42 And Pharaoh took off his ring from his hand, and put it upon Joseph's hand, and arrayed him in vestures of fine linen, and put a gold chain about his neck;
Gen 41:43 And he made him to ride in the second chariot which he had; and they cried before him, Bow the knee: and he made him ruler over all the land of Egypt.
Gen 41:44 And Pharaoh said unto Joseph, I am Pharaoh, and without thee shall no man lift up his hand or foot in all the land of Egypt.
Gen 41:45 And Pharaoh called Joseph's name Zaphnathpaaneah; and he gave him to wife Asenath the daughter of Potipherah priest of On. And Joseph went out over all the land of Egypt.
Luk 12:29 And seek not ye what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink, neither be ye of doubtful mind.
Luk 12:30 For all these things do the nations of the world seek after: and your Father knoweth that ye have need of these things.
Luk 12:31 But rather seek ye the kingdom of God; and all these things shall be added unto you.
Luk 12:32 Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom.
Miscellaneous Points:

• This is a super great thread and very enjoyable devotional
reading, very helpful to the mind and heart, and greatly


• I have over the years come to believe that Genesis 1:1
is one of the most profound verses in God's word and
I strongly suspect that as human history moves forward
the human race will more and more come to realize and
understand why Genesis 1:1 is such a deep and profound
verse of Scripture. Its probably all we humans are even
capable of understanding about the actual "nuts and bolts"
of the science of how the Sovereign God created the
Heavens and Earth, so maybe God knew that, and
simply told us what we could understand, namely "In
the beginning God created the Heavens and Earth."


• Joseph [of Genesis] is held up as an example of faith
in the New Testament:
"By faith Joseph, when his end was near, spoke about
the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt and gave instructions
concerning the burial of his bones." Heb. 11:22

Its quite an honor to have one's name included, by the
Holy Spirit, in the New Testament. The New Testament is
a very small club of Biblical hero's and Joseph made the list
as a man of faith in God.


"...the Lord was with Joseph and gave him success in
whatever he did." Genesis 39:23b

May the Lord do the same for all His people, is our


• My most treasured character in Genesis is Abraham
because I always connect Abraham to the great Pauline
New Testament doctrine of Justification By Faith:
18 Against all hope, Abraham in hope believed ...
This is why “it was credited to him as righteousness.”
23 The words “it was credited to him” were written not for
him alone, 24 but also for us, to whom God will credit
righteousness—for us who believe in him who raised
Jesus our Lord from the dead. 25 He was delivered over
to death for our sins and was raised to life for our justification.
Ro.4:18, 23-25

Wow! Jack, where have you been?? You are more than welcome to join us each day making your views of Genesis and it's events known to us. What you just posted, we need. Thank you so much for your addition to our study.
I apologize for not getting on sooner, this was a very busy Sunday.

Day 105 Sunday 8/3/14 Genesis 41:37-45 All Hail Joseph.

We now come to the realization of why all these terrible events came into Joseph's life. This series of trials that our hero had to press thru shows us why bad things happen to good people. I sometimes tell people, "God has something good for you up His great big sleeve."

There is a theme that runs thru the life of a Godly man, or woman. And the life of Joseph depicts it beautifully, it is that the power and evidence of Almighty Jehovah would be recognized thru that man or woman. Our God is a jealous God Who does not want man to rob Him of what is only His!

It is my opinion that Pharaoh, under the influence of YHWH, must do what YHWH wants. Scripture teaches us that God can make a King do what He wants him to do. (can't find the Scripture) Pharaoh realizes that it is Joseph's God who is behind all the wisdom that Joseph exercises. Because of the Hebrews who were sojourners in Egypt, people were somewhat familiar with how He treats them. Pharaoh and others had heard about the God of the Hebrews. When Joseph gave reference to his God as the One who gave him the wisdom to interpret Pharaoh's dreams, he doesn't seem surprised.

Because of God causing Pharaoh to understand that Joseph's discernment and wisdom came from Him, it seems that Vs. 37 & 38 reveal that they evidently thought that they could trust Joseph and his God. Since Egyptians disliked the Hebrews, Pharaoh needed to make Joseph a little more Egyptian by giving him an Egyptian wife, his signet ring, new royal cloths, and a gold chain around his neck. Joseph was given the second in command's chariot and made him commander over all Egypt. Wow! Is our God great? or what? All the glory for this great plan that we see unfolding goes to God alone!
OK, then... I'll be stopping in fairly often.

(Remember what the FI at Rucker said.... "What do you do, at night, if you've had to go into AR because of an engine outage, and upon turning on the landing light, you see nothing below you but big boulders?" (Answer:................. "Turn off the light!")

That's wonderful Willie, welcome to out little family. We love and appreciate each other, pray for each other and most of all respect and honor each other. Again, welcome to our Bible Study. :hug
Recently I was reading in some old commentaries on One of them said something very interesting. In ancient times, as we see now in the Hindu, men believed that there were many gods. They didn't believe that the god they serviced was the only god. Therefore, when they saw someone who had been empowered by their God, Joseph's God, they truly believed in Joseph's God and that He was very powerful. I think we saw the same thing when Abraham was in Egypt and the King was interested in Sarah. To him a god that was Abraham's God spoke to him and he believed Abraham's God was powerful and was afraid.
Wow! Jack, where have you been?? You are more than welcome to
join us each day making your views of Genesis and it's events known
to us. What you just posted, we need. Thank you so much for your addition
to our study.

Hello Chopper,

I've been reading along in the thread. Thanks for the welcome to participate in your study in Genesis, and I will post
a thought or two when I can find something I think will be a blessing and make a contribution to our understanding
of the book of Genesis.


You mentioned up-thread that you were looking for that verse that says God controls kings. I'm not sure exactly what
verse you had in mind, but perhaps it was this one?

Proverbs 21:1 .. King James Version (KJV)
21 The king's heart is in the hand of the Lord, as the rivers of water: he turneth it whithersoever he will.

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Recently I was reading in some old commentaries on One of them said something very interesting. In ancient times, as we see now in the Hindu, men believed that there were many gods. They didn't believe that the god they serviced was the only god. Therefore, when they saw someone who had been empowered by their God, Joseph's God, they truly believed in Joseph's God and that He was very powerful. I think we saw the same thing when Abraham was in Egypt and the King was interested in Sarah. To him a god that was Abraham's God spoke to him and he believed Abraham's God was powerful and was afraid.
Cool. I think, having the Bible and our established "religion", that we almost totally miss the fact that so many of those people in Joseph and Abraham's day (even Abe, initially) had no understanding of the One God that we accept as ...... "Well, of course!".
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I apologize for not getting on sooner, this was a very busy Sunday.

Day 105 Sunday 8/3/14 Genesis 41:37-45 All Hail Joseph.

We now come to the realization of why all these terrible events came into Joseph's life. This series of trials that our hero had to press thru shows us why bad things happen to good people. I sometimes tell people, "God has something good for you up His great big sleeve."

Nothing takes God by surprise. He knew all this was going to happen, long before Joseph was even born. He even told Abram about it.

Then the Lord said to Abram, “Know for certain that your offspring will be sojourners in a land that is not theirs and will be servants there, and they will be afflicted for four hundred years. But I will bring judgment on the nation that they serve, and afterward they shall come out with great possessions. (Gen. 15:13-14 ESV)
God knew beforehand how the children of Israel would end up in Egypt, and exactly how they would leave. If He knew that, then nothing that happens in our lives will surprise Him either.

The TOG​
All part of THEE plan Rev_13:8 And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.
Hello Chopper,

I've been reading along in the thread. Thanks for the welcome to participate in your study in Genesis, and I will post
a thought or two when I can find something I think will be a blessing and make a contribution to our understanding
of the book of Genesis.


You mentioned up-thread that you were looking for that verse that says God controls kings. I'm not sure exactly what
verse you had in mind, but perhaps it was this one?

Proverbs 21:1 .. King James Version (KJV)
21 The king's heart is in the hand of the Lord, as the rivers of water: he turneth it whithersoever he will.

Thank you Jack, that was the exact verse that I had in mind. I have often thought of that verse in connection with my plea to our very powerful Jehovah to cause our president Obama to fall on his face in repentance and to humble himself and to seek the LORD to revive this Nation.