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the vision of pharaoh standing over the river nile. has any pastor taught on why that is shown that way? its a position of, god im in control. I take from the nile what I want rather then a vision of a man on the side of the nile waiting for the blessing. that is what I meant.
the vision of pharaoh standing over the river nile. has any pastor taught on why that is shown that way? its a position of, god im in control. I take from the nile what I want rather then a vision of a man on the side of the nile waiting for the blessing. that is what I meant.

Thanks Jason, I hadn't thought of it that way.
Day 109 Thursday 8/7/14 Genesis 42:18-25 An Emotional Joseph.

So far in this story of Joseph, we see a very elaborate and purposeful plan of events. It would be my opinion that Joseph is not the author of these events, but Almighty God. Often times I have wondered, "would I have done it that way?" It is then that I realize just how far away are God's ways from mine! There is a climax coming and we can see that each of these events are like a puzzle, with each piece having a vital role to play in the big picture.

V.18 starts out a new day in the lives of Jacob's Boys. I see in each event, God is working out what I call in psychology, "mind chastisement". Reuben, in V.22 falls into this category by saying, "there comes a reckoning for his (Joseph) blood."

Side Note: Chuck Swindoll has put together a series of Biblical Biographies on the lives of great men and women in the Bible. I have read all of them and they are all filled with knowledge of biblical times, facts, and lessons to be learned. Moses, David, and Esther to name a few. IMO they are awesome! Well worth your investment in cost and time reading.

In today's segment, we see the beginnings of an elaborate plan in action as Joseph's brothers are the focal point of discouragement and fear instead of Joseph. Here we see Joseph keeping Simeon with him and sending the others back to their home with ample "vitaille" as the Geneva Bible 1599 put it, of food supplies to keep his father and his youngest brother Benjamin from starving. Some very interesting events are about to take place so, STAY TUNED!
Gen 42:21 And they say one unto another, `Verily we are guilty concerning our brother, because we saw the distress of his soul, in his making supplication unto us, and we did not hearken: therefore hath this distress come upon us.'
Gen 42:24 and he turneth round from them, and weepeth, ......
Isa 63:8 And He saith, Only My people they are , Sons--they lie not, and He is to them for a saviour.
Isa 63:9 In all their distress He is no adversary, And the messenger of His presence saved them, In His love and in His pity He redeemed them, And He doth lift them up, And beareth them all the days of old.
Day 109 Thursday 8/7/14 Genesis 42:18-25 An Emotional Joseph.

In today's segment, we see the beginnings of an elaborate plan in action as Joseph's brothers are the focal point of discouragement and fear instead of Joseph. Here we see Joseph keeping Simeon with him and sending the others back to their home with ample "vitaille" as the Geneva Bible 1599 put it, of food supplies to keep his father and his youngest brother Benjamin from starving. Some very interesting events are about to take place so, STAY TUNED!

This entire sequence prefigures Jesus' work to arrange the salvation of the world. Joseph (as a type for Christ(
Strong's H6847=Zaphnath-paaneah="treasury of the glorious rest")) refunds the money while supplying the needs of his family to introduce the economy of Grace to salvation.

The roles of the individual brothers are significant here. Reuben(Behold God) suspects God's Hand in their humiliation as justice due to their evil behavior against their brother. Simeon(Hear God) is held ransom as incentive to return, leaving them/Israel oblivious to the elaborate plan for their salvation {having ears, they cannot hear}.
Day 110 Friday 8/8/14 Genesis 42:26-38 Pay Back.

Note: After this post I'm going to slow way down because there are many examples of godliness that each of us can learn from and can pass these attitudes and life style on to others.

We come now to the trip of the brothers back home with life saving supplies for Jacob's household. Joseph decided to keep Simeon, as the Targum of Jonathan reports that "Simeon was the most heartless than them all". Simeon was a killer in Shechem, and the one who said "here comes that dreamer", and the one who wanted Joseph killed. Jail was a good place for him!

At their first stop for the night, one of the brothers opened his sack to feed his donkey and lo and behold, his money is there in the sack. O boy, this is not good! Great fear suddenly breaks forth in the brotherhood. So far, the brothers are clueless as to the identity of Joseph. Their only thought was "what is this that God has done to us. Now, all the memories of twenty years are probably coming back to them. I'm not sure if they are absolutely sure that God is repaying them for their actions against Joseph, but they have said that they remember. So far we have not seen any action of Joseph that we could say was revenge, but God has! This series of events remind us that for those who hurt us, and take advantage of us in cruel ways, if we do not take revenge, God always "has our back", and if we do take revenge, God stays out of it and might even chastise us for stealing His job.

The brothers reach home and right off tells dad all the details of their encounter with the lord of the land. Jacob (I am so disappointed in this Patriarch of Israel for his attitude) instead of falling on his face and crying out to God for mercy, he blames everything on his boys. "You have bereaved me of my children." Joseph's no more, Simeon is no more, and you want Benjamin? NO WAY! So far, we see a very fleshly attitude in Jacob. Jacob, IMO, is a classic example of a yo-yo believer. Based on the circumstances he is either God's man or he is his own man. I wonder how the other sons felt when Jacob said "My son (Benjamin) shall not go down with you, for his brother is dead (Joseph) and he is the only one left." Hey! Jacob, what about your sons standing in front of you? That statement alone paints a pathetic picture of how lousy Jacob managed parenting skills, LOUSY!
Day 110 Friday 8/8/14 Genesis 42:26-38 Pay Back.

Note: After this post I'm going to slow way down because there are many examples of godliness that each of us can learn from and can pass these attitudes and life style on to others.

We come now to the trip of the brothers back home with life saving supplies for Jacob's household. Joseph decided to keep Simeon, as the Targum of Jonathan reports that "Simeon was the most heartless than them all". Simeon was a killer in Shechem, and the one who said "here comes that dreamer", and the one who wanted Joseph killed. Jail was a good place for him!

At their first stop for the night, one of the brothers opened his sack to feed his donkey and lo and behold, his money is there in the sack. O boy, this is not good! Great fear suddenly breaks forth in the brotherhood. So far, the brothers are clueless as to the identity of Joseph. Their only thought was "what is this that God has done to us. Now, all the memories of twenty years are probably coming back to them. I'm not sure if they are absolutely sure that God is repaying them for their actions against Joseph, but they have said that they remember. So far we have not seen any action of Joseph that we could say was revenge, but God has! This series of events remind us that for those who hurt us, and take advantage of us in cruel ways, if we do not take revenge, God always "has our back", and if we do take revenge, God stays out of it and might even chastise us for stealing His job.

The brothers reach home and right off tells dad all the details of their encounter with the lord of the land. Jacob (I am so disappointed in this Patriarch of Israel for his attitude) instead of falling on his face and crying out to God for mercy, he blames everything on his boys. "You have bereaved me of my children." Joseph's no more, Simeon is no more, and you want Benjamin? NO WAY! So far, we see a very fleshly attitude in Jacob. Jacob, IMO, is a classic example of a yo-yo believer. Based on the circumstances he is either God's man or he is his own man. I wonder how the other sons felt when Jacob said "My son (Benjamin) shall not go down with you, for his brother is dead (Joseph) and he is the only one left." Hey! Jacob, what about your sons standing in front of you? That statement alone paints a pathetic picture of how lousy Jacob managed parenting skills, LOUSY!

I wonder if they see the return of their money as a bad thing from God, when really it wasn't, because they know they don't deserve God's kindness. We know that the love (kindness) of God brings one to repentance. :shrug
Day 110 Friday 8/8/14 Genesis 42:26-38 Pay Back.

Note: After this post I'm going to slow way down because there are many examples of godliness that each of us can learn from and can pass these attitudes and life style on to others.

We come now to the trip of the brothers back home with life saving supplies for Jacob's household. Joseph decided to keep Simeon, as the Targum of Jonathan reports that "Simeon was the most heartless than them all". Simeon was a killer in Shechem, and the one who said "here comes that dreamer", and the one who wanted Joseph killed. Jail was a good place for him!

At their first stop for the night, one of the brothers opened his sack to feed his donkey and lo and behold, his money is there in the sack. O boy, this is not good! Great fear suddenly breaks forth in the brotherhood. So far, the brothers are clueless as to the identity of Joseph. Their only thought was "what is this that God has done to us. Now, all the memories of twenty years are probably coming back to them. I'm not sure if they are absolutely sure that God is repaying them for their actions against Joseph, but they have said that they remember. So far we have not seen any action of Joseph that we could say was revenge, but God has! This series of events remind us that for those who hurt us, and take advantage of us in cruel ways, if we do not take revenge, God always "has our back", and if we do take revenge, God stays out of it and might even chastise us for stealing His job.

The brothers reach home and right off tells dad all the details of their encounter with the lord of the land. Jacob (I am so disappointed in this Patriarch of Israel for his attitude) instead of falling on his face and crying out to God for mercy, he blames everything on his boys. "You have bereaved me of my children." Joseph's no more, Simeon is no more, and you want Benjamin? NO WAY! So far, we see a very fleshly attitude in Jacob. Jacob, IMO, is a classic example of a yo-yo believer. Based on the circumstances he is either God's man or he is his own man. I wonder how the other sons felt when Jacob said "My son (Benjamin) shall not go down with you, for his brother is dead (Joseph) and he is the only one left." Hey! Jacob, what about your sons standing in front of you? That statement alone paints a pathetic picture of how lousy Jacob managed parenting skills, LOUSY!
remember his son reuben slept with his mother, and also the blessing and cursings. Racheal is whom Jacob loved and she gave him two sons. of which one was dead in Jacob's eyes. a broken family , yes but do take that into consideration.
remember his son reuben slept with his mother, and also the blessing and cursings. Racheal is whom Jacob loved and she gave him two sons. of which one was dead in Jacob's eyes. a broken family , yes but do take that into consideration.
Day 111 Saturday 8/9/14 Genesis 43:1-10 Questions and Answers.

I must make an observation of negative thinking here in Jacob's reactions. In fact I will change a little how I continue this study. Instead of recording biblical exposition, I will center on attitudes and proceedings whether trust in God or selfish, negative, and fearful actions and thinking. I'll depend on you all to supply Scriptural points of interest.

Jacob's lack of trust in Jehovah for these matters that concern his boys is a lesson for all of us....Please think about being a child of the living God and trusting Him for our future events, or living in fear and having a negative outlook on life in general. Here is Jacob, a Patriarch of Israel. For the Nation of Israel, a Patriarch is like Jesus to us. They are examples to follow. Jacob is displaying great fear and negativism toward this whole business, and is blind to what God is doing.

What about us? We are the children of Jehovah! I love that strong and mighty Name! What ever invades our lives, our Heavenly Father has already set it up, and is working out a plan of His or His enemy is up to no good and Jehovah is in the process of protecting us and making something good out of bad!! "He will make a way when there is no way." Like God's child, we must trust Him! He'll take care of it. Just like when I was a child growing up, if I didn't know what to do, my Dad did! My Dad could beat up anybody. So can my Heavenly Dad. Brother Mike taught me an important lesson that I'll never forget. In a thread on the life of Job, he was convinced that fear was Job's main problem. Somehow he mentioned that if my wife was overdue from an errand, do I fear for her safety? Yes was my reply. I believe he said that my attitude was horizontal thinking, he was right. Since then I realize that I must trust God with my wife and all that I have and not worry. Negative thinking is antichristian. Vertical thinking is trust in Jehovah!

To set an example for his son's, Jacob should have said, it's all right boys, God is at work here, by all means, take Benjamin with you. Instead, he pursues this negative position of fear and an approach that is absent of God in it. This example is not to be the Christian lifestyle. How disappointed our Heavenly Father must have been. We leave Jacob and sons to decide taking young Benjamin to Egypt.
I can't blame Jacob for being cautious when it comes to Benjamin. He already is suspicious about what really happened to Joseph and who was responsible. I think his first reaction is that of a prudent father protecting his child.
I wouldn't be anxious to turn over my child to someone I suspected had played a hand in the death of my other child.
But Jacob doesn't make his final decision based on his first reaction.

note, in yesterday's verses, v37, Reuben is willing to have his two sons put to death if he fails to protect Benjamin.
Day 112 Sunday 8/10/14 Genesis 43:11-14 A new Trust.

I'll be posting a little different for awhile until some other bright idea comes along.:lol I'll post each verse, and my focus will be on attitudes of Joseph, Jacob, and the brothers. We need to see God in action, and how our characters receive and function.

Since I favor the KJV over all the others, I thought you'd like to see the 1611 version.
11 And their father Israel said vnto them, If it must bee so now, doe this: take of the best fruits in the land in your vessels, and carie downe the man a Present, a litle balme, and a litle honie, spices, and myrrhe, nuts, and almonds.

12 And take double money in your hand, and the money that was brought againe in the mouth of your sackes: carie it againe in your hand, peraduenture it was an ouersight.

13 Take also your brother, and arise, goe againe vnto the man.

14 And God Almightie giue you mercie before the man, that he may send away your other brother, and Beniamin: If I be bereaued of my children, I am bereaued.

In the first ten verses, we saw the brothers trying to convince old negative Jacob into their taking Benjamin with them to Egypt as the "lord of the land" had requested. We now pick up where Jacob has to make a decision.

Gen 43:11 "And their father Israel said unto them, If it must be so now, do this; take of the best fruits in the land in your vessels, and carry down the man a present, a little balm, and a little honey, spices, and myrrh, nuts, and almonds."

Finally, after several days of trying to convince their father Jacob of the need to send Benjamin with them to Egypt, he gives in to their demand. Instead of the father making these decisions, Jacob, it looks like has conveniently put the matter out of his mind, sort of like denial. This is a classic example of the "head of the household" leaving the tough decisions to someone else. Unfortunately, Jacob is not our example of a man's leadership in the home.

Gen 43:12 "And take double money in your hand; and the money that was brought again in the mouth of your sacks, carry it again in your hand; peradventure it was an oversight."

After suggesting that the brothers take the customary gift of balm, honey, spices, myrrh, and nuts & almonds which were choice in Canaan as compared to Egypt. Along with the money doubled, Jacob is blind to what God is doing, which happens when the head of the household is not in constant communication with Jehovah thru prayer and meditation over circumstances.

Gen 43:13 "Take also your brother, and arise, go again unto the man."

Now Jacob is starting to make decisions to the good.

Gen 43:14 "And God Almighty give you mercy before the man, that he may send away your other brother, and Benjamin. If I be bereaved of my children, I am bereaved."

This is how we should respond in a situation that we don't know the outcome. Fear and negative thinking is not to be numbered among us. Trust in our Savior Who purchased us with His own Life Blood, simply is not going to let disaster strike us without His knowledge and Master plan. All of life for the Christian has already been chartered by YHWH before time began. Our lives have been predetermined by our Creator for His purpose.