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I agree Ladies. That's why I have slowed down. There are so many occurrences in Joseph life that if we look closely, we see Jesus. You gals have reminded me to look closer and see if I can detect things that pertain to our Savior. Praise His wonderful Name.
Day 102 Thursday 7/31/14 Genesis 41:1-8 Royal Dreams.

A wonderful advantage of studying the Word of God for years is when we go back to read/study a Book again, we get to appreciate God's Word even more when we read of a complicated event like this dream of Pharaoh's, we already know the outcome and why it's there. :woot2

It's been two years since the Cupbearer was set free from prison and he has not told Pharaoh about Joseph, but that's about to change. Joseph, it appears, is just trusting the Lord for his release. What an example Joseph is to us of patience, waiting on the Lord. Joseph is now thirty years of age and has been in Egypt about twelve years.

Now we come to Pharaoh's dream. He dreams that he is standing beside the Nile River. Cows emerge from out of the river. Seven are plump and seven are skinny. It's amazing that the number seven is used so much in Scripture. The very unusual event of skinny cows eating the plump cows put a great impossibility into interpreting this dream because cows just don't eat cows. :eek

The second dream of Pharaoh is really quite corny :lol. Again, interpreting this dream is very difficult to make any sense of because corn doesn't eat corn. :confused

Pharaoh, now awake, can't forget these dreams.:grumpy He calls for all his wise men who pretend :mischief to interpret dreams. Obviously they are stumped.:shrug Our Mighty, all knowing God designed these dreams so that mere men are unable to figure them out, without Him.
God held Joseph back til he was 30 years old....
It is often so hard to "be still and know that I am God"
Was prison a place of safety?
We can see how clearly God's hand was on Joseph .. Most often i can look back over my life and see His Mighty Hand holding mine .. some day i may be ready to hold that hand back
I agree Ladies. That's why I have slowed down. There are so many occurrences in Joseph life that if we look closely, we see Jesus. You gals have reminded me to look closer and see if I can detect things that pertain to our Savior. Praise His wonderful Name.
Chopper, you kept stressing 'Cupbearer' and then it clicked. :idea Thank you.

Thursday - seven
Because of Moses Law, it makes me think of the seventh year, when debts are forgiven and Hebrews slaves go free. Redemption.

12 yrs. - one year for each of the tribes of Israel?
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Chopper, you kept stressing 'Cupbearer' and then it clicked. :idea Thank you.

Thursday - seven
Because of Moses Law, it makes me think of the seventh year, when debts are forgiven and Hebrews slaves go free. Redemption.

12 yrs. - one year for each of the tribes of Israel?

The next shemitah year starts in September. Some say that the next jubilee will be the following year. I wonder if this is at all significant considering the current situation.

The TOG​
shemitah :hips English please

Shemitah (sometimes spelled "shemittah") literally means "year of release", but is most commonly referred to as "the Sabbath year". It's held every 7 years in Israel. During this year, farmers are not allowed to plant or harvest. The next Sabbath year starts this September.

The TOG​
Day 103 Friday 8/1/14 Genesis 41:9-14 Free At Last.

It is said that the butler/cupbearer used this occasion to recount his faults to Pharaoh thus showing his gratitude in being released from prison and resuming his previous position.

The Cupbearer tells of our young Hebrew Joseph and his ability to interpret the two dreams of his and the Baker. The deciding factor in anyone who interprets a vision or dream is the outcome. In this case, Joseph's interpretation was true, it came to pass just as he said.

As with everything that has it's origin in the Almighty YHWH, the glory belongs to Him and not in our abilities. Joseph informed the cupbearer and baker of this fact and soon to Pharaoh.

Pharaoh must have communicated his urgency to his servants of his need for this Hebrew to tell him of his dream, because he was very troubled by them, and by the speed used to get Joseph to Pharaoh.

In order to produce Joseph in a manner of royal appearance, he needed a shave, clean up and suitable cloths which were either produced by Pharaoh or the keeper of the prison. This reminds me of how it used to be years ago when we went to Church. We were going to be in the presence of God our Savior, and we should dress appropriately for worshiping the King of Kings.
The next shemitah year starts in September. Some say that the next jubilee will be the following year. I wonder if this is at all significant considering the current situation.

The TOG​

Do you mean what is happening in Israel presently? If so, it will be extremely interesting what will happen. I wonder how serious Israel and others are about the shemitah year and that which follows. Praise YHWH for the year of jubilee!
Shemitah (sometimes spelled "shemittah") literally means "year of release", but is most commonly referred to as "the Sabbath year". It's held every 7 years in Israel. During this year, farmers are not allowed to plant or harvest. The next Sabbath year starts this September.

The TOG​
I should have known this one :neutral Thanks
Day 104 Saturday 8/2/14 Genesis 41:15-36 Dreams Come True.

Other than our Savior Jesus the Christ of God, the life of Joseph, illuminates the life that our Heavenly Father wants us to live. There are so many Godly examples that come forth from Joseph's thinking, actions, and especially his giving reference to his God for all the amazing events that man cannot generate.

Pharaoh's dreams are the focal point in this section and I see a great lesson of finance in this for all of us. Here we see seven years of plenty for Egypt, and seven years of lack. Before Joseph interprets Pharaoh's dreams, he causes everyone in that royal room to focus on the only God, YHWH. The Egyptians had thousands of gods that they called upon, fly gods, frog gods, many, many gods. In this case, Joseph is an evangelist, he is witnessing of the power of Jehovah.

Joseph, upon finishing his interpretation, gives great financial advise. V.34 reveals a standard of God, IMO, as to how a believer is to survive in this up and down financial system of this world. Of our gross, or at least our net profit, we save (1/5), one fifth of our earnings so that there will be enough when it comes to loosing a job, being injured and can't work for a while, or retirement....this is just one of many plans.

Joseph suggests to Pharaoh to seek out a wise man to order and carry out this rescue plan.
Hey folks, it's a little discouraging to see only a few people involved in this study. The study of Genesis is so important to a correct understanding of the rest of God's Word. I for one am retaining so very much theology from these studies that prepare me to see how events unfold later in the Scriptures. I can't believe that others don't take advantage of the efforts that go into this presentation.

I have entertained the thought of stopping this study, but because of those of you who are faithful to the study, I have to honor your faithfulness and continue. I want to thank you few who have committed your time to learn these truths. May God bless you supernaturally in your mind so that His Word will come back to your memory in the time of need....I love you all!
:hips Dont even think about it just keep :wall keeping this is verse mind...

Isa_55:11 So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.

:hug keep on biking
:hips Dont even think about it just keep :wall keeping this is verse mind...

Isa_55:11 So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.

:hug keep on biking


Thank you for your faithfulness Chopper , bless you.
Well, a few of us are reading it occasionally. Can't honestly be much more encouraging than that, but it does get read some.