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Day 106 Monday 8/4/14 Genesis 41:46-56 Joseph The Hero.

Our awesome God has a great love for His faithful remnant of followers. For those who return His love, there just doesn't seem to be anything that He won't do for them. God has, it seems to me, a duel plan. One, to advance man's knowledge of Himself. Two, to hedge up His faithful servant who is the subject of His mission to make His Name known. Sometimes I look at the complexity of a persons life in the Scripture, all the while getting caught up in the events, missing this simple desire of God to show me that I must "fear the Lord" because of what He can do, and "love the Lord" for the same reason.

A Prophet of God is only authentic if his prophesy comes true. Josephs interpretation is right on schedule. The seven plentiful years have come and gone. Everyone knows what to do in years of prosperity, hopefully! The years of famine has engulfed the Nation of Egypt as well as to "all the lands". This, according to God's mighty plan takes man from depending on his own wisdom as to how to manage the plenty, to not knowing how to manage the famine years. Man must now turn to a source greater than himself to survive. The Egyptian people turn to Pharaoh, Pharaoh turns to Joseph and his God.
Tomorrow's Study: Day 107 Tuesday 8/5/14 Genesis 42:1-5 Don't Look to me.

I will be working tomorrow, I'll post in the evening.
Day 107 Tuesday 8/5/14 Genesis 42:1-5 They Looked At Each Other.

We come now to a turning point, a new chapter if you will. We have Jacob (Israel) and ten of the brothers and the old homestead, Canaan. A great famine has come upon all the land and Canaan is no exception. Jacob and his sons are about to starve. No one knows what to do. The sons are looking at each other for idea's and this apparently frustrated Jacob because of his statement "why do you look at one another" as if they are sitting around twiddling their thumbs.

By now, Jacob has resigned himself that he will never again see his favored son Joseph, and Joseph is so busy running the affairs of Egypt during this very busy business of taking charge of selling grain to the huge number of hungry customers that he probably doesn't think of home very much except at bedtime and then he's probably so weary, he fall asleep fast.

The life of Joseph is a life example to all who have been mistreated in life.... I pause in this study to say, There is not room enough in this study to note all the good qualities in Joseph's life. There is not written in Scripture of a cross word, or a misdeed to anyone. There is no "woe is me" recorded because there wasn't any. We all know that God's Word doesn't hide objectionable words or feelings. I could post thousands of wonderful traits of Jacob, certainly he is a Godly man to be studied and admired....Just look at Josephs life up to his advancement in Pharaoh's Egypt. Because Joseph grew up in a dysfunctional family, his father favored his son Joseph which set up a hatred for Joseph which led to his brothers wanting their brother dead. From one abuse and unfair treatment to another, Joseph is a shining example of trust in the God Who never left Joseph's side in all that he had to endure.

Now we have ten brothers of Joseph coming to Egypt to buy saving grain to take back home. This story, as we shall soon see is the high light of this amazing life of an amazing individual who's devotion to his God in all the terrible events of his life comes to a climax making Joseph, IMO, the greatest human in the whole of Scripture, second only to Jesus.
"why do you look at one another"..... boy we sure do that today looking to not be saddled with this or that.... Waiting for the other guy to make a move.... When we should be STEPPING out in faith...
I agree that Joseph was very, very special.

I noticed that Jacob did not want to send Benjamin with his brothers because he was afraid that some 'mischief' might happen to him.
Did Jacob maybe suspect that Joseph's brothers had a hand in the mischief that happened to Joseph? And Benjamin being also their 1/2 brother and from Rachael whom Jacob loved maybe there would be jealousy towards him as well?
the vision of pharaoh over the river nile is a most interesting think too look at. it describe much of what went in Egypt, and later Greece and rome and Babylon and later the western nations.
Day 107 Tuesday 8/5/14 Genesis 42:1-5 They Looked At Each Other.

The life of Joseph is a life example to all who have been mistreated in life.... I pause in this study to say, There is not room enough in this study to note all the good qualities in Joseph's life. There is not written in Scripture of a cross word, or a misdeed to anyone. There is no "woe is me" recorded because there wasn't any. We all know that God's Word doesn't hide objectionable words or feelings. I could post thousands of wonderful traits of Jacob, certainly he is a Godly man to be studied and admired....Just look at Josephs life up to his advancement in Pharaoh's Egypt. Because Joseph grew up in a dysfunctional family, his father favored his son Joseph which set up a hatred for Joseph which led to his brothers wanting their brother dead. From one abuse and unfair treatment to another, Joseph is a shining example of trust in the God Who never left Joseph's side in all that he had to endure.

The patterns of Jacob's life prefigured the work of Jesus in so many ways that I don't know where to start. While we acknowledge the dysfunction in the family of Israel, it is not without precedent or Messianic purpose. For example, the favoritism Jacob showed for Joseph over his other sons, which opened them to jealousy and almost murder, was foreshadowed by God favoring the sacrifice of Abel over Cain. The doctrine of God's only begotten Son is favored by our Heavenly Father over the works based hypocrisy of the Pharisees, and the jealousy of the offended is what led to the Cross.
the vision of pharaoh over the river nile is a most interesting think too look at. it describe much of what went in Egypt, and later Greece and rome and Babylon and later the western nations.

Most importantly it describes through the physical sustenance of the Egyptians what would eventually happen spiritually worldwide, beginning with God's People in Judea during the first century AD.
Day 108 Wednesday 8/6/14 Genesis 42:6-17 Spies.

Our study today comes to the part in which most people have been waiting for. We are approaching a great test of Joseph's resolve. Will he reveal his true identify? Or will he continue to wait on God for His conclusion to this up & Down series of events in Joseph's life. I see in this Biblical account, a desire of our Almighty Jehovah, the need to present a man who is after His own heart. So far in Genesis, we have seen men and women who have a terrible problem living righteously. We have seen murder, deception, lies, rape and incest to mention a few of unrighteous deeds of men. What a disappointment to the God of creation that He called good. I can almost hear the Angels applauding as Joseph passes Satan's temptations before Joseph and he continues to hold tight to his integrity and love for his God, even though he could not always sense His closeness.

Joseph's brothers came to Egypt to buy corn. As soon as they approach this majestic Egyptian leader, they prostrate them selves flat on the ground as was their custom of humility instead of coming down on one knee as the Egyptians did. This act fulfilled Joseph's dream about the sheaves, thus bringing Josephs memory back to an earlier time.

Joseph was unrecognizable to his brothers. To continue to hide himself from them he used an interpreter to communicate with them, all the while understanding their language. Joseph must have been extremely interested in knowing the welfare of his father and youngest brother Benjamin. To find out, he accuses his brothers of being spies who have come to check out where there might be a weak spot in Egyptian defenses so they could gather some people to invade Egypt and steal all the grain.

The plot starts to thicken as Joseph confines his brothers in jail for three days.
Gen 37:9 And he dreamed yet another dream, and told it his brethren, and said, Behold, I have dreamed a dream more; and, behold, the sun and the moon and the eleven stars made obeisance to me.
Gen 37:10 And he told it to his father, and to his brethren: and his father rebuked him, and said unto him, What is this dream that thou hast dreamed? Shall I and thy mother and thy brethren indeed come to bow down ourselves to thee to the earth?
Mat_24:29 Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:
Gen 37:9 And he dreamed yet another dream, and told it his brethren, and said, Behold, I have dreamed a dream more; and, behold, the sun and the moon and the eleven stars made obeisance to me.
Gen 37:10 And he told it to his father, and to his brethren: and his father rebuked him, and said unto him, What is this dream that thou hast dreamed? Shall I and thy mother and thy brethren indeed come to bow down ourselves to thee to the earth?
Mat_24:29 Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:

And using those same verses....
Gen 37:9 And he dreameth yet another dream, and recounteth it to his brethren, and saith, `Lo, I have dreamed a dream again, and lo, the sun and the moon, and eleven stars, are bowing themselves to me.'
Gen 42:6 and Joseph is the ruler over the land, he who is selling to all the people of the land, and Joseph's brethren come and bow themselves to him--face to the earth.

But they are only ten there. So the dream will be fulfilled when....
Joseph is a clever one.
Gen 42:15 by this ye are proved: Pharaoh liveth! if ye go out from this--except by your young brother coming hither;

I'd also like to note that this is one of those times when I think God stepped in and used His creation to cause the famine to bring these things about.