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Westboro Baptist Church Music Video


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It really is sick.

I have to admit.... I did cheer one day when the talking heads showed Westboro BC doing their picketing at another funeral.... and people from the surrounding area & bikers as well, formed a human chain to protect the funeral grievers from having to see the picketers & their signs .... it was wonderful to see how many good & sincere people came to the aid of their fellowmen as they went about their business of burying their loved one.
Hi, Felix ... something that perhaps you didn't know about Westboro Baptist Church: They line up with their signs and shout profanity, saying that God hates the military.... at fallen servicemen & women's funerals! They carry on with the purpose to disrupt funeral services, with total lack of regard to the families and friends who have lost a loved one.

It is with this perspective that many have issues with Westboro.

Hope this helps in some measure to explain the situation.


You are right in saying, I don't know about WBC and the information I have is limited from wiki and the few videos from news and through the message in OP. God is certainly not against military, for He raised Moses, Joshua and David as a military commanders and I wouldn't support disrupting funeral services or lack of regard to the families and friends who have lost a loved one.

If this is the perspective that many have issues with WBC, then I am with you.
The picket at any military funeral. They picket the families of those loved ones who have died to help keep their right to picket.. sick very sick

I never thought about it that way..... :bigfrown that makes me even more upset with that practice of theirs...
You are right in saying, I don't know about WBC and the information I have is limited from wiki and the few videos from news and through the message in OP. God is certainly not against military, for He raised Moses, Joshua and David as a military commanders and I wouldn't support disrupting funeral services or lack of regard to the families and friends who have lost a loved one.

If this is the perspective that many have issues with WBC, then I am with you.

Cool. Then you and I have nothing to discuss.:)

I suppose I should have been more clear as to what I don't like about them. (Also there's been a lot on my mind lately, so I get irritated more easily than I normally do. I've been trying to avoid debates for this reason.) So I apologize.
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In my opinion, using the death of our brave men and women in uniform as a springboard to advance one’s message is an abomination.
So is the stuff being promoted by the people they are attacking. God hates that too. Get a balance.
Human rights arent be threatened by WBC, but they are by some of the people WBC are attacking.
With WBC the gospel message is being misrepresented, thats bad enough, but WBC arent threatening the freedom to witness the gospel like some of the people they are attacking. Wake up!!

I have no problem with hellfire and brimstone messages; however, how the WBC goes about spreading their message goes way beyond what Jesus taught.
They do not preach the measage Jesus taught, part of their message about behaviours is correct but the message as a whole is not of God, God wishes that none should perish and that they repent, that means God loves them.


You see God wishes that no one perish but all come to repentance. So He doesnt actually hate fornicators.

But the deception is, people are not actually bothered whether God hates fornicators or not, what they are bothered about is that God hates fornication and wilful fornicators will be destroyed.

People think of John 3:16 that God so loved the world, but this doesnt mean He loved it as it is, He loved it enough to save it through His only Son. John 3:16 is the ultimate fulfillment through Christ like as John 3:15, refers to Moses and the bronze snake. (Numbers 21) God sent venomous snakes who bit the people who then died. They realised the they had sinned and so God provided a way out for all who choose it, to look on the snake when bitten.

Every one seems to be able to spot the error of WBC but not everyone the error of the people they are attacking.

To those defending the people WBc are attacking. Look at Numbers 25.
When Phinehas <SUP class=crossreference value='(Q)'></SUP>son of Eleazar, the son of Aaron, the priest, saw this, he left the assembly, took a spear <SUP class=crossreference value='(R)'></SUP>in his hand <SUP class=versenum>8 </SUP>and followed the Israelite into the tent. He drove the spear into both of them, right through the Israelite man and into the woman’s stomach. then the plague against the Israelites was stopped;
<SUP class=versenum>10 </SUP>The Lord said to Moses, <SUP class=versenum>11 </SUP>“Phinehas son of Eleazar, the son of Aaron, the priest, has turned my anger away from the Israelites. <SUP class=crossreference value='(V)'></SUP>Since he was as zealous for my honor <SUP class=crossreference value='(W)'></SUP>among them as I am, I did not put an end to them in my zeal.
You see God wishes that no one perish but all come to repentance. So He doesnt actually hate fornicators.

But the deception is, people are not actually bothered whether God hates fornicators or not, what they are bothered about is that God hates fornication and wilful fornicators will be destroyed.

People think of John 3:16 that God so loved the world, but this doesnt mean He loved it as it is, He loved it enough to save it through His only Son. John 3:16 is the ultimate fulfillment through Christ like as John 3:15, refers to Moses and the bronze snake. (Numbers 21) God sent venomous snakes who bit the people who then died. They realised the they had sinned and so God provided a way out for all who choose it, to look on the snake when bitten.

Every one seems to be able to spot the error of WBC but not everyone the error of the people they are attacking.

To those defending the people WBc are attacking. Look at Numbers 25.
When Phinehas <sup class="crossreference" value="(<a href=&quot;<a href=" http:="""" #cen-niv-4479q&quot;"="" target="_blank">" target="_blank">Q)"></sup>son of Eleazar, the son of Aaron, the priest, saw this, he left the assembly, took a spear <sup class="crossreference" value="(<a href=&quot;<a href=" http:="""" #cen-niv-4479r&quot;"="" target="_blank">" target="_blank">R)"></sup>in his hand <sup class="versenum">8 </sup>and followed the Israelite into the tent. He drove the spear into both of them, right through the Israelite man and into the woman’s stomach. then the plague against the Israelites was stopped;
<sup class="versenum">10 </sup>The Lord said to Moses, <sup class="versenum">11 </sup>“Phinehas son of Eleazar, the son of Aaron, the priest, has turned my anger away from the Israelites. <sup class="crossreference" value="(<a href=&quot;<a href=" http:="""" #cen-niv-4483v&quot;"="" target="_blank">" target="_blank">V)"></sup>Since he was as zealous for my honor <sup class="crossreference" value="(<a href=&quot;<a href=" http:="""" #cen-niv-4483w&quot;"="" target="_blank">" target="_blank">W)"></sup>among them as I am, I did not put an end to them in my zeal.

I agree with you, pretty much.
What angers me about WBC is their actions, rather than their doctrine.

I disagree with them on at the very least one thing, doctrine-wise (namely God actually hating sinners), but I disagree with a lot of different views on doctrines. So that in itself is no biggie. *shrug* I was raised to respect people's differences in belief and doctrine and still adhere to this.
My dad even believes, or used to (he may have changed), that God actually does hate anyone who's not saved. He's a good, reasonable guy and is pretty friendly to people. He doesn't approve of WBC, either.

So that aside, what I've been trying to say is this: if WBC was really filled with the love of Christ, they would be trying to actually help people...y'know, instead of purposely and maliciously stirring up hard feelings.

"Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world."~James 1:27 KJV
At the risk of pointing out the obvious, we can see that they are not following this when they go disrupt military funerals. They'd rather concentrate on how much they hate war and soldiers...rather than that soldier's family and how they must be feeling.
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What angers me about WBC is their actions, rather than their doctrine.
I am far more angered by some of the people they are attacking for their ignorant hypocracy.

I was raised to respect people's differences in belief and doctrine and still adhere to this.
I dont. I respect people are free to choose their beliefs but there are plenty of the beliefs I dont respect.

The point is God will destroy the wilfull sinner, so in that respect at judgement one could see God as hating them, but God's heart is love to save them through Christ and thus repentance.
This is the enemy at work, to make out God hates the sinner so as to turn a blind eye to the sin.
I am far more angered by some of the people they are attacking for their ignorant hypocracy.

I dont. I respect people are free to choose their beliefs but there are plenty of the beliefs I dont respect.
Fair enough.:)

The point is God will destroy the wilfull sinner, so in that respect at judgement one could see God as hating them, but God's heart is love to save them through Christ and thus repentance.
This is the enemy at work, to make out God hates the sinner so as to turn a blind eye to the sin.
I agree.
So is the stuff being promoted by the people they are attacking. God hates that too. Get a balance.
Good morning Brightmorningstar,
Christina Green, a 9-year-old victim of the 2011 Tucson shooting was the target of a WBC protest. Please tell me what stuff this poor little girl and her family were promoting that God hated. When the WBC protested at Christina’s funeral they were not attacking fornicators, they were attacking her family.
When the WBC picket outside military funerals they are not attacking fornicators, they are attacking the family and loved ones of the brave military member being laid to rest.
Again, this is just my opinion.
Be blessed.
Good morning tandemcpl,
Shooting people is also what God hates. He also detests same-sex relations. Two wrongs dont make a right.

When the WBC protested at Christina’s funeral they were not attacking fornicators, they were attacking her family.
I agree they were attacking her family, but I can see from the signs they were attacking fornicators as well. Both attacks wrong. If they had been attacking fornication, the bahaviour, then I would still be unhappy they were doing so at a funeral.


But I thought we had all agreed this.

My point is many who object to WBC also defend fornication.

so do you agree with this..

My point is many who object to WBC also defend fornication, which is just as bad.

I agree that fornication is an abomination in the eyes of God, but I disagree with your use of the word “many.â€
Your statement could possibly be true when speaking of the natural world; however, I think it is a mistake to use the word “many†when speaking of those who are in the body of Christ. While there are a few denominations that appear to accept the practice of fornication, the vast majority still teach that it is an abomination. The fact that they do not stand on street corners with signs proclaiming “God hates fornicators†does not mean they accept the practice of fornication.
Be blessed.
I agree, 'none' should apply to the body of Christ

If that is on topic? then so is the Lord's [WORD] (not mine) of Rev. 17:1-5 which has to include any known sin lived in. James 2:10

Rev. 17:1-5
[1] And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials, and talked with me, saying unto me, Come hither; I will shew unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters:
[2] With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication.
[3] So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.
[4] And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication:

And surely the westside Baptist church could be no worse than these many 'full bodied' prophesied ones??:sad



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