- Feb 2, 2015
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We are not one yet.I said I can, but I want to know whether you are capable of 10? Points about the Jews at Pentecost.
You keep giving (IMHO) simplistic answers as: (a plan). I want you to flesh out your answers with scripture and jeremiah1five comments.
I am pro good guy Jewish persons. I am pro good guy gentiles. We are made into one new man. One through faith the other by faith. This is your opportunity to post.
The hearing of the gospel does not save. There were millions of Gentiles from Adam to Christ (including the Abrahamic and Mosaic Covenants) that never heard the Gospel of God which He had for His Covenant people that perished without salvation. Millions. There was a middle-wall partition. Gentiles as a people surrounded the children of Israel but the children of Israel journeyed as a whole population of peopleThe issue is ;
What About Those In Non-Christian Lands Who Have Never Heard The Gospel?
An extremely good example are those righteous Jews that were from foreign lands (that appeared at Pentecost). Those are the ones that need 10 or so points about them. Not people Jesus met during his ministry.
But it says there were Gentiles like Rahab that converted to "Judaism." Now, I grant you that she did hear something which caused her to say the things God did for the Hebrews which caused fear of death or merely great concern over her welfare by which she hid the spies, but it was not the Gospel of God but what happened to those that challenged and fought against Israel. There were no preachers in Jericho telling these "Dogs" about God and their Promised Messiah. They were outside and ignorant of the Covenant of Moses and the writing of the Law with the finger of God on stone. No one that was from the tribes was visiting these lands that never heard the Gospel of God. No one. So, what happened to these people if this is a model? All these people did was come against the children of Israel out of pride in their own armies or in fear of their being wiped off the face of the planet (except Gibeon - Joshua 9:3.)
The people that "lived in foreign lands" and were present at Pentecost were of Hebrew heritage and lived in these foreign lands because of the exile and dispersal of the Hebrew people when they were conquered by Assyria and Babylon hundreds of years before. And not everyone returned when Cyrus gave permission for the people to return to their homeland (Israel.)
Take note that every 'foreign land' that is NOT Israel are non-Christian as well. There is only ONE Christian nation and that is Israel. Jesus is their Christ. And they expected Messiah before He came (they were Christian) and there were Christians after He came and went. And at least 3000 of them were of "Jewish" (Hebrew) when Pentecost was celebrated (Feast of Harvests) and were saved. But these knew and heard of the Gospel of God concerning His Son. Those 'foreign lands' that are NOT Israel and NOT Christian will suffer the same fate as those non "Jewish" lands and non-Christian lands that did not know or hear of the Gospel of God before God sent Joshua to eradicate them with extreme prejudice.
Who exactly will surround Israel right before Christ returns but those non-Christian lands who reject Israel's Messiah and Christ as King and savior?
But a remnant will be saved that are in those non-Christian lands because God has His people everywhere.
Even in North Korea and Iran, and Singapore, etc.
eddif said:
I throughly believe the gentile converts were at Pentecost because of the Jewish influence, and Gods plan. I mean 10? details and not a generic there was a plan.
eddif: There were Gentile converts but a very, very, small number.
There are details in Ezekiel and the other later prophets. I am trying hard to draw out the details from you. If you are pro Jewish,
eddif: If one is not pro-"Jewish" one cannot be pro-Christ for He comes from "Jewish" lineage. He is from the tribe of Judah.
Surely you can provide details.
Without Jewish history my belief is not very stable. Come on and start. Scriptures and your comments. The details if self evident you can list them.
eddif: I'll answer any question you pose to get to my understanding of this "so-great salvation."