Please correct any errors I might have made explaining the Calvinist position. Or feel free to expand anything I have said. I welcome your input.
Thank you for the offer. I really have no corrections on what you said. I would not mind adding a few comments.
The term "Calvinist" has to be defined historically. I noticed few discussing the history of the term, but rather many seemed to be more interested in either bashing Calvinism (at times with very unfortunate misrepresentations) or in supporting their own brand of Calvinism. Certainly the scriptures and doctrine are paramount, but I did not understand your intent for this thread to be another Calvinst vs non-Calvinist apologetic. The only reference to history seemed to be one writer that focused upon the writings of Calvin himself. Certainly that would be a valid approach to define the term, but I think that approach would need expanded.
Calvinism is highly creedal, and has a rich history of creedal statements. Some reflection on the Calvinistic creeds would be needed to define Calivinsm. I am speaking of the Westminister statement of 1648. Also, consideration should be given to the 2nd London Baptist Confession of 1689.
I know there are many other statements because Calvinists are very creedal. Also, Calvinism would have to be defined by the continental synod of Dort.
But a thread to define Calvinism seems superfluous. As I said at the beginning, there are some who do not seem to need to know what it is to condemn it. That would ruin any thread trying to define the term.