IF I've questioned anything, it is the 'reflection requirements' that any position brings.
There are many things that are not beneficial reflections. It is not a bad thing to always seek the best of reflections. I believe every believer strives for that.
I believe Paul left us with this certainty that applies to all of us and the 'mark' we are ALL to look for and to press for:
1 Corinthians 13:12
now we see through a glass,
darkly; but then face to face:
now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.
Then is when we put on permanent incorruption.
At some point, yes. When we are equipped.
There are present realities that all of us are factually
presently in.
We have all been sown into corruption, weakness, dishonour and a natural body. (1 Cor. 15)
As to the 'entirety' of Gods Sovereignty?
Any casual walk through Trinitarian understandings will at some point bow to the Mystery of Gods Fullness, not being FULLY wrappable by any person or sect. This matter remains by Divine Nature, a Mystery. There remains some segments of the early churches, such as the E.O., who hold the Mystery axiom very closely and well. I appreciate their acknowledgements of that.
Perhaps those who claim full comprehensions (I certainly do NOT) have in fact erected just another common idol of mans making?
just a question.
To those who make those partially sighted seen through darkness matters grounds of condemnation to other believers? No, no favors from me in those types of conveyances. I have zero business sitting in that seat and do NOT appreciate that type of activity in any, nor will I.
Let's call a dog a pony show for what it is.