CF Ambassador
- Dec 26, 2015
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Let's be honest Phoneman...there are contradictory Protestant doctrine.Look, if it were not for the papacy chaining Bibles to the pulpit, refusing to translate them into language of the common people, censoring anyone who would possess a Bible in the "vulgar tongue", etc., for century after century, we wouldn't see anywhere near the disagreement there is over what the Bible is believed to teach. We've only been recovering for 350 years from the papacy's 1,260 year war of destruction against God's word and Christianity.
Please, I'd love nothing more than to hear what you think are Protestant "contradictory" doctrines.
As for the translation of the bible:
Here are some dates of translations into vernacular languages before Martin Luther printed his German translation.:
By 400AD translations existed in Syriac, Coptic, Ethiopic, and Georgian Languages.
405 Jerome’s translation in the Latin (common language of the Roman Empire in the West).
406 Translation into Armenian
7th Century – First translation into French, First translation into German.
8th Century – first translation into English (Anglo Saxon) by Bede
9th Century – first translation into the Slavic language by Cyril and Methodius
1170 –Eadwine's Psalterium triplex, which contained the Latin versions of the Psalms accompanied by Anglo-Norman and Anglo-Saxon English language renderings.
13thcentury – first translation into Spanish under King AlfonsoV
1300 - first translation into Norwegian
1454 – Catholic Gutenberg produced the first printed Bibles (in Latin)
1466 – first printed German Bible , 58 years before Luther’s
1470 – first printed Scandanvian Bible
1477 – first printed Italian Bible In the years before Luther's Bible was published, the Catholics printed 20 different Italian editions of the Bible.
1475 – first printed Dutch Bible
1466 – first printed French Bible
All Catholic Bibles, and yet the claim is that the Catholics Church suppressed the translation of the Bible into the vernacular.
source: http://www.catholicapologetics.info/apologetics/protestantism/wbible.htm