So then what of the person who needs no supernatural acts
I did not make myself clear enough here and good catch nightmare.- I did not mean a supernatural act as in something outwardly happening for him to see to make him believe. I mean a supernatural act of God to cause orion to come unto Him, for God to give him a new heart of flesh and remove his stony heart, for God to give him a measure of faith, for God to give him a new spirit, to bring him to repentance and save him.
I 100% believe scripturally that salvation is a work of God that HE works in us, not that we step up to the plate and decide for or accept him for. So I was saying i agree that orion will not be differnt until a supernatural act of God to change him and bring him in happens and i am sure that will happen. No believer becomes such without God doing this supernatural work within them, although we may not need to see anything outwardly that is because of the inward work that God does.
Orion, about the quote that you recently came to that you posted, i would say about that, the problem is of your own self in your short life, in your humanity apart from God, you do not have any way to know what is just, what is right, what is good, you do not yet even know what real love looks like acts like, You do not yet know the true meaning of a higher purpose or of sacrifice. So how could you live good or justly now and answer to any gods later when you have not known the way of any god to apply your life to. If there are gods, or as i would say a GOD( and i will say from the way you talk, you sound as if you are sure in yourself ther eis a GOD, that you are even sure who that God is, but that you find yourself not understanding how God could be how he clearly is, that you find yourself not having the faith you have seen or heard of others having, that you find yourself feeling unloved by that God that within you you know is real and you just feel like you dont get it and ccant really imagine that you ever will)- anyways if there is a God which we know there is, then anything outside of Him is vanity no matter what you do of what you find to be good.