Thanks, Free. I agree. :yes
AAA said:
Maybe that person is feeling the same thing you feel but not recognizing it appropriately (attributing it to something else, other than Jesus/Holy Spirit) ... what do you tell them to feel? This undeniably real relationship: how do you define or describe it so others can recognize it?
I won't try to define it, of course. But I can try to describe at least a little portion of the relationship that I experience with the Lord:
God speaks to me, through the Holy Spirit, in thought (not audibly) with words of guidance, comfort, encouragement, affection and, often, rebuke and correction. He always knows exactly what to say, no matter what I'm going through or how I'm behaving. Sometimes He gives me an indication of something to come. For instance, when my teenage son was in ICU with cancer, God told me, "Your son will live." I initially questioned whether this thought was coming from God or was my own wishful thinking, but I chose to
believe that it was from God. And if it had been from myself, I probably would have said, "Dustin will live." But I heard, "
Your son will live." I was being spoken to, not speaking to myself. Anyway, my son did live and has no more cancer, and so the truth of reality has confirmed my belief. Some may call it coincidence, but I personally reject that notion and choose rather to rejoice in this revelation of truth. And it was nothing less than truth.
Anyway, that is just a sampling of the sort of relationship that I enjoy with Jesus Christ. He is just a very real presence in my life, a live-in Friend, if you will, among other things such as Provider, Protector, Teacher, etc. And this is just my own experience. I am sure that if you interviewed other Christians, you would hear some beautiful stories and probably better explanations.