I chose not to spend more time addressing a passage that you admit has no bearing on the matter.
I never said the passage (verse 18-20) had no bearing on the matter or that it wasn’t relevant to the discussion of verses 21-22. I said the exact opposite, in fact. Especially since your accusation that you made that we are dismissing the context in/around the verse is false. I have no idea how you could think I’d say verses 18-20 aren’t important. But again, I see how someone taking your position might not want to discuss them any further. How about just saying, I’d rather not discuss them, rather than erroneously making the claim that I said they were not relevant or have no bearing on the matter. And stop accusing people of not considering a passage’s context if you are unwilling to share your thoughts on the passage’s context yourself.
I think it's important to understand the communication(s) around it to include the verse 20 just preceding it. That verse says very clearly sealed believers bring glory to God (through us). …You do realize that the verse I quoted from was 2 Cor 1:20 and we are discussing verses 21-22 and you say that passage isn’t relevant while accusing us of ignoring context. These are the types of statements that make your ‘argument’ look very, very weak.
…what reason is there for me to address the passage?
In a word, context!
And to defend the accusations you’ve made that we are ignoring the context of the verse and then to explain your thoughts on how a Christ filled and Holy spirit sealed person that hypothetically un-seals themselves from that Holy Spirit brings any glory to God through that person.
It's my position that God will break the seal. Paul said you were seal unto the day of redemption. He didn't say you were sealed permanently or forever.
Okay, that’s your new position. Thanks. Not sure when it changed from: “
All that can really be claimed from this argument is that God won't break the seal. However, I don't believe anyone is making that claim.” from yesterday’s post of yours.
But sure, as a paraphrase Paul said ‘you were sealed unto the day of redemption’. More technically though he said sealed by the HS “
until the redemption of the possession, to the praise of his glory! Which by the way, is why I’d so, so like your position/thoughts on verse 20 which seems like a parallel point of Paul’s to me.
Ephesians 1:13-14 (LEB)
…you were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit, who is the down payment of our inheritance, until the redemption of the possession, to the praise of his glory.
20 For as many as are the promises of God, in him they are “yes”; therefore also through him is the “amen” to the glory of God through us.
The idea is that the seal will be opened at the redemption.
Technically, it’s not an ‘idea’ it’s
God’s promise that the seal will be redeemed …
But, yes he sure did say (God promised in fact) you were sealed unto the day of redemption. That’s kind of the point! It’s my position that God will, therefore, redeem His seal on the day of redemption. To think otherwise, is contrary to the texts in question. I wouldn’t say He’s ‘breaking’ it that day though, I’d say He’s “redeeming His possessions”. Or I wouldn’t say that it’s an ‘idea’ as it’s been promised to occur.
Why do you think it is called redemption yet you call it “breaking”, though? Could that be some sort of pre-suppositional creep going on there on your part? In fact can you post a Scripture that has the phrase “break the seal” in it when talking about a sealed, in Christ, New Covenant believer? No. I looked it up. There is no such phrase in the entire Bible.
God's promises are sure, yes they are. However, they are only to the believer.
Agreed, again as a paraphrase, I suppose. However, technically Paul said:
you were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit (past tense sealed)
What I'm getting at is that unless the actual words on the page state something plainly, we are dealing with opinions, inferences, and assumptions.
Post a Scripture that says “break the seal” in reference to a NT, in Christ, believer sealed by the promised Holy Spirit and we’ll discuss it.
we see in Scripture that seals that are on God's scroll can and are broken. Then the argument turned to the Holy Spirit and it is argued the He can't be broken.
These Scriptures turned the argument to the fact that the seal of 2 Cor 1:22, is the Holy Spirit. Even you acknowledged that fact. Are you changing that point back now as will to it being a seal on God’s scroll? Odd and out of context to do that.
I don't expect to change the minds of those who debate.
Okay. Hopefully you will not change the minds of those debating or reading into thinking that the seal of 2 Cor 1:22 is a seal on a scroll. Because it’s not.
The reason I debate is for those who may never post in a thread yet they read the threads. It's for those who may be on the fence or who are having difficulty with certain passages. Over the years I received comments from quite few people who have read something I've posted that has helped them, yet I've never seen them post on the board.
I’m more selfish. The reason I debate is to align my thoughts hopefully closer to the truth about various doctrines.
You said, "that's just me and my thoughts". If it's your thoughts then it's not something stated in Scripture, correct?
However, I asked you about your thoughts on verses 18-20 saying that God is glorified through sealed believers and how does an un-sealed believer glorify God through that person.
Plus, my thought is that a Holy Spirit sealed believer, becoming an un-sealed believer would de-glorify not just the believer, but God Himself. So I asked for your feedback on my thought there.