Very good read.
I personally do not trust anyone to be a brother or sister who believes in and defends heresy doctrines.....not until they denounce them. They may be genuinely and naively deceived by them, but I can't know if it's simply that, or if they are truly a minister of evil purposely and willingly spreading falseness. So until they denounce popular heretical teachings I do not trust them to be a fellow believer. They have to show me they really are by rejecting these obvious false teachings. Of course, some will hear this to mean I hate them. No, it simply means I will not entrust myself to them as a brother or sister.
It was a good read.
Jethro just so you know I'm not quoting your post to aim my thoughts at you, it's just that your quote I find interesting.
However I will admit that I am confused. In the article quoted above the author does say the following
Out of fairness I must also say that Joseph Prince, the primary teacher of the Hyper-Grace error, has indeed taught some good things about the Word of God from a Pentecostal perspective.
"He has very obviously been a student of my mentor, Dr. Kenneth E. Hagin. He has well-communicated Dr. Hagin’s teachings on the New Birth, the New Creation, Righteousness, the Authority of the Believer, Redemption, the Power of Jesus’ Name and many other faith-based topics popularized by Dr. Hagin over the past 65 years.
We continue this writing by commending the Hyper-Grace Teacher for the way he has clearly communicated these specific truths, serving to change the lives of many.
Michael Brown himself a critic of the hyper-grace movement also praises some of the truths that they teach.
In fact when I googled objections to hyper-grace a lot of those people giving their objections also say the same.
I myself as stated in previous posts have benefited and been released by some of their teachings. However I took the conscious decision a few years ago when I wanted to learn more about grace (that's how I stumbled upon thier website) and God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit to be a Berean and not beleive blindly what I was taught over the years. A lot of damage was done in my life because I did exactly that. Everything they taught I researched from both sides, I did and still do in depth bible study. I will also say that some of their teaching I rejected as being false or taken out of context.
Here is the point I want to make and it is based on your quote.
We all have differences of opinion with certain doctrines(which I opened a post on) that denominations within the global global church will preach. As you know that breaks my heart, because to me denominations can do exactly what the hyper-grace movement is doing. Truth mixed with error. One mans interpretation of error is another mans interpretation of truth.
Some preach baptismal regeneration along with speaking in tongues as evidence of salvation. When I was told that because I did not speak in tongues then I wasn't saved it threw me sideways and messed with my head and ultimately my relationship with God and caused me to withdraw. Now this is true, I've heard it said that you need to start practicing praying in tongues by reciting "She will come on a Honda, start slowly with it then speed it up, when you do then you will get used to speaking something that sounds weird but carry on then God will replace it with tongues" So the whole episode of tongues is another's truth but I now reject that so to them I'm in error and not saved. I however would never say that thier error does not mean they are not saved or a brother. (not saying you believe that)
Baptismal regeneration. I had a conversation with a person who beleived that if you were not baptised you were going to hell. I asked about the thief on the cross. Their response was "He would have have been baptised because John the Baptist went round preaching repent for the kingdom of God is at hand and the whole of Judea and the surrounding region went out and were baptised, confessing their sins so the thief on the cross would have been baptised" Correct me if I'm being harsh but I thought, really would a man who was hanging on a cross because of the sins he had committed really have been baptised? Get real. This man surely had no compunction to confess his sin. I would like to add that I do genuinely believe that all believers should be baptised as soon a possible. It's a spiritual marker.
Trouble is that what we consider heresy a bother/sister could say the same of us. I think also from what I've read in all the above posts and to be honest it's got personal amongst posters, riding rough shot over each other.
I know your heart, I have the same heart. I want to see people believe in Jesus walk with Jesus, talk with Jesus and want to be like Jesus. To turn to him and spend every day they live with him on this earth being with him.
I want the church to preach salvation by faith that then encompasses works as a result of belief rather than to be saved.
I am a OSAS, but I'm not a greasy OSAS person who believes that gives license to do what you want. I do not belive that someone can say "I beleive in Jesus, pray that prayer in one breath and in the next breath say "Right off to a night club to get some nookie" I myself have been incensed and upset with "that's ok I can sleep I can have sex with my girlfriend and it's forgiven" That's abuse of grace. I would say though that I would then talk about Romans 5 leading into Romans 6. If they refused to accept it then I would question their salvation.
So I would like to ask if I beleive in a certain doctrine am I not your brother?