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What does it mean to be saved? I was raised Catholic and there was never any mention of being saved. Is being saved simply accepting and believing in Jesus?
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Matthew 24:13 But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.To me this is a simple but great CONTROVERSIAL question and topic.
For me, as an older believer, when I met the lord in 1978, the popular term of the day was "CONVERTED" or "BELIEVED".
You never heard the term "SAVED".
It just was never used.
In my recollection of my years past, it wasn't until the last 15 years or so, probably during the advent and increased popularity of the computor, that the term SAVED started being used for "CONVERSION" more and more almost universally.
And the word SAVED to me, is by far the more correct term than being converted.
As I'v gotten older, I have noticed more and more varying doctrinal beliefs of being saved.
And for me, I've decided what that means to be saved that works for me, after studying salvation as a major topic for myself, that is connected to almost every other topic in the bible.
Kind of like LOVE is a subject connected to nearly every topic in the bible - at least from my studies.
I'm not a RULE KEEPER or a LEGALIST that has a LIST I have to maintain, to stay in God's good graces.
I don't have to believe the same way as everyone else in a church to be accepted or fit in.
I don't have to believe the same way or the same things to be on a forum, or be in a men's bible study or Christian bible study class.
Over many years, I have come to the conclusion that my faith is incredibly personal, and it's only me who will stand before my JUDGE, all by myself, with no one there to support me, as I give an account for my entire life.
No matter where you go or who you talk to, there will always be a myriad of answers to this controversial question.
For me there is JUST ONE ANSWER that I can live with happily, as the foundation of my faith, that I can grow from, and what I believe is in UNITY and HARMONY with the rest of the entire bible as a whole story to all mankind from God, but I doubt it will fit in with many others beliefs.
I'll tell people what I believe and why, but I won't expect anyone else to believe what I believe, just to satisfy ME.
What we all believe is ultimately between God and ourselves.
So I hope no one comes here telling us what they believe and get really upset and feel rejected because we don't accept their theories, or come here thinking there going to set everyone straight on the way everything Christian SHOULD BE, or come here with a low self worth thinking that in their imagined wisdom, everyone will look up to them.
Seen all that many, many times in all kinds of settings, and to this day, I only saw someone who was all about themselves, with no God involved whatsoever.
God bless you all as you search for your own personal answers.
My name is OLIGOS
It is salvation by the forgiveness of sins.What does it mean to be saved? I was raised Catholic and there was never any mention of being saved. Is being saved simply accepting and believing in Jesus?
Randy, could you please use the book chapter and verse when you quote scripture as it makes it easier for others to go look them up and study them, thank you.It is salvation by the forgiveness of sins.
This is the path John made to prepare the people for Jesus.
And you, my child, will be called a prophet of the Most High;
for you will go on before the Lord to prepare the way for him,
to give his people the knowledge of salvation
through the forgiveness of their sins,
saved - your sins are forgiven - there is no longer any guilt
So you saved from your own sin for the wages of sin is death
Luke 1:76-77Randy, could you please use the book chapter and verse when you quote scripture as it makes it easier for others to go look them up and study them, thank you.
"Saved" is a "Religious Euphemism" for being "Born Again of the Holy Spirit" (John 3). It follows God's Drawing of a person to Christ (John 6:44) in the form of CONVICTION OF SIN, and of Judgement up front and personal. It's the beginning of God's WORD TO YOU (Rom 10:17) where HE lets you know what your status before Him is, and where you'll wind up if you do nothing. ideally, you will surrender to Him, REPENT of your sin, and cry out in FAITH for Him (Heb 11:1) to include you in the perfect SIN OFFERING suffered by Jesus on Calvary (Isa 53:10). What happens NEXT is that you're indwelled by the Holy Spirit (John 14:17), and everything changes - you're new and clean before God, and starting on a life-long process of "Sanctification"/Maturing in the Christian FAITH, which continues until your Physical death. (Mat 11:29,30)What does it mean to be saved? I was raised Catholic and there was never any mention of being saved. Is being saved simply accepting and believing in Jesus?
Saved is the heart and mind devoted to Christ and not just believing in a saying.What does it mean to be saved? I was raised Catholic and there was never any mention of being saved. Is being saved simply accepting and believing in Jesus?
What does it mean to be saved? I was raised Catholic and there was never any mention of being saved. Is being saved simply accepting and believing in Jesus?
That was a great post, thank you! I understand nowYou are a Catholic a long time, so, you are more inclined to hear the understanding of redemption, as a Christian Mystic would explain it to you. As Catholic Theology tradition is more mystical regarding how it sees God and Christ and Salvation.
So, i'll explain Salvation to you in that regard, vs just straight Theology, as i feel this would engage you on a deeper level both spiritually and intellectually , and hopefully other readers as well who find this post.
First of all, you have to understand that you are a Spirit being, who lives in a body.
YOU< are a spirit being, and your body is the house that will return to the dirt, eventually.
I have a Thread on this ....>"Tri-Part", and and if you have time, check it out one day.
Bible Study - Tri-Part
- Genesis said that man "1st Adam" was made in "our image". I teach the "our" as "God the Father, Christ the Pre-incarnate Word, and The Holy Spirit. Other teach this as "God the Father", "God the Son", "God the Holy Spirit", = "3'". Man is also, by "image", created as 3. 1. Body 2. Soul 3...christianforums.net
So, You have to understand clearly, that you are a spirit being, living IN a body until the body dies,...to understand how to be "saved", which is to be born again, Spiritually.
Now, lets look at 1st Adam, in the Garden of Eden.
1st Adam was the first human, and he was created in the "image" of God.
God, is "A" Spirit. So, when you read about Adam's creation in Genesis, you read that Adam's body was formed, but it had no LIFE in it..... no Spirit.
IN the bible, there are many symbols regarding the Holy Spirit. Wind and Breath, are 2 symbols that are used to describe the Holy Spirit.
You will read in the NT that Jesus ""breathed on the Apostles/disciples and said...receive the Holy Ghost/ Holy Spirit"".
So, that is God doing that... in the NT, as Jesus is literally God manifested in the flesh.
John 1:10. Colossians 1:16 1 Timothy 3:16
In the Old Testament, in Genesis, God breathed into Adam the : "breath of Life".
"breath of LIFE" is the Holy Spirit.
IN the NT, we are told that when we are SAVED (born again) "the body is dead because of sin, but the Spirit is LIFE....because of righteousness".
So, that is the end result of being Saved. = "the Spirit (ours) is LIFE"... Its been born again.
And that is the SPIRIT in a person, being made alive SPIRITUALLY by the Life of Christ, which is the Holy Spirit.
This same Holy Spirit that made Adam alive, is Jesus saying...>"I Am the LIFE"> in John 14:6
The reason that Jesus rose from the Dead, is because this same Holy Spirit that is LIFE and is the power of God, raised Jesus from the Dead. This is the Holy Spirit causing the resurrection.
Jesus says of Himself...>"I am THE Resurrection and THE Life"
This same power, this same resurrection LIFE... is applied to a person, instantly by God, when they Believe in Jesus.
See that power of "life"? That is exactly the same as what Jesus gave to the Apostles and God breathed into Adam.
Now, Genesis says that Adam and God had fellowship.
Well, Adam has a body and God is "A" Spirit.. (The Holy Spirit) So the fellowship was between the Spirit of Adam and The Spirit of God.
The reason they had this same Spirit, is because when God made Adam in His "Image" this means He made him with the same SPIRIT of LIFE......when God "breathed into him".
So, this is Spiritual Union between Adam's Spirit and God's Spirit.
See that?
Now here is the issue...
When Adam sinned, this Spiritual union between God and Adam was broken. It ended.
And from that time till now, we who are all the linage of Adam, eventually sin after we are born.
This places us in the same broken spiritual relationship situation that Adam had with God after he sinned.
We exist as a Spirit, in a body, yet, this Spirit is not a part of God's Spirit, because of our sin.
See that spiritual disconnect?
Well, i have good news for you.
God came down here, as Christ on the Cross, and through His blood and death and resurrection, this SIN OFFERING, we can be JOINED AGAIN to God's Holy Spirit, as "ONE with God, in Christ".
The theology is ....... 1st Adam sinned away his spiritual relationship with God, and 2nd Adam, who is Jesus The Christ came here to provide the ONLY MEANS.. John 14:6. whereby everyone can be again REJOINED to God's Spirit, exactly as Adam was, before He sinned and lost this Spiritual Relationship between Him and God.
So, Jesus says....."you must be born again".... and that means, you must become AGAIN, jointed to God, Spiritually.
This is what is known as the "new birth", or becoming "born again" SPIRITUALLY.
This new birth is Spiritual, and it rejoins our Spirit with God's Holy Spirit, and the NT defines this restored spiritual union as us becoming a 'new Creation" "In Christ". "born again"..... = SAVED.
How does it happen?
God births our spirit into His Holy Spirit, by the Holy Spirit. This is the "new birth" or to be born again, Spiritually.
Its exactly the same LIFE, >we become Spiritually<, as Jesus became when the Holy Spirit of God, raised Him from the Dead.
Thats what it means to be "saved", which is to be "born again" Spiritually.
How do you get Get to give you the "new Birth"?
= "faith in Jesus, is accepted as righteousness".
In other words, you do the work of God. And that work is this....>>"The work of God, is that you believe on JESUS, whom God sent". John 6:29
Now here is what happens when you do.
When you repent from unbelief to FAITH...... when you give God your faith in Christ, God takes the blood that Jesus shed and the death that Jesus provided and applies it to you, literally and spiritually. This blood atonement forgives your sin and makes you RIGHTEOUS, as if you have never sinned.
God then birth's your spirit into His own, and you become "born again" Spiritually.
How does He do that?
The Spirit of Christ that is "LIFE" that raised Jesus from the dead, comes to live inside you, and you become: " THE temple of the Holy Spirit".
"Christ IN YOU>....the hope of Glory".
The Spirit of Christ LITERALLY comes to live inside your spirit, and you then begin to exist in HIS, as "IN Christ".... which is God's Spirit, and that makes you instantly "ONE with God, In Christ"..... Spiritually.....Born again.... SAVED.
You are now rejoined into Spiritual UNION with God, exactly as Adam and God exited in Spiritual Union, before Adam sinned and lost this = "ONE with God", = Spiritually.
When God restores this Spiritual UNION to you, as SALVATiON, as being BORN AGAIN...then that is what it means to be : "SAVED"
God help you to see it.
thank you for reading it.That was a great post, thank you! I understand now