I asked this:
"Please support your notion that the Garden was a gift to Adam."
No, not really. I read every verse quoted and didn't find any reference to "gift". What I did find was that God gave Adam the garden, etc.
So, it seems you've concluded that whatever is given is properly a gift then. Is that correct?
Well, consider when someone gives another a hard time. Or gives someone their cold or flu. Or worse.
Jut because the Bible speaks of God giving things, doesn't demand that those things are gifts.
Let's just stick with what Scripture describes as a gift, such as
1. spiritual gifts -
Rom 1:11
2. justificaiton -
Rom 3:24,
3. eternal life -
Rom 6:23
4. indwelling Holy Spirit -
Acts 11:15-17
And, let's not forget that the gifts of God are irrevocable -
Rom 11:29
I'm not sure why asking for where Scripture describes something as a gift is so crazy, since the subject is in fact about gifts.
If the Bible describes something as a gift, then it IS a gift. Obviously. If the Bible doesn't describe something as a gift, then it ISN'T a gift.
I have provided several things that the Bible describes as gifts that are from God.
I have also provided several examples of things that are given from someone to someone, which are NOT ever considered gifts:
1. flu
2. head cold
3. chest cold
4. black eye
5. a hard time
6. etc
Except not. They were always his children, even after they died. So God didn't revoke this gift of children.
But, furthermore, God wasn't involved in what Job lost. That was from satan. If you'll recall, God's only restriction in round 1 was:
Job 1:12 - The LORD said to Satan, “Very well, then, everything he has is in your power, but on the man himself do not lay a finger.”
What happened to Job came directly from satan. Please don't blame God for what satan chose to do to Job.
Again, NOT. What happened was that the LORD gave Job MORE GIFTS. If God had resurrected the first set of children, one might be able to say God returned the gifts to Job.
But again, the point is being missed, that even though children may die, that doesn't in and of itself mean the gift was revoked.
For the reasons just explained.