What Is A Conspiracy Theory??

I don't know. To me, calling something a "conspiracy theory" is a way of dismissing it, without digging too deep into the substance. Sometimes appropriate, sometimes...not so much.
The difference is a CT never offers up evidence; just rumor and 'belief' which is why I so frequently ask for citations when people post something as fact without providing supporting evidence......and no, an anonymous source is not evidence.
Edward lighten up .. nope don't use me as an excuse to spout off your conspiracies .. I will try to leave you be.,.. it was fun :)

Sorry, you can't pin that on me. I responded to you saying "Impossible"
Never say never! I thought of another proven conspiracy fact example while I was out...But you don't seem interested in it in any serious way, only to come put me down a little if you can.

Anyone want a real example or not? Otherwise this thread is basically run it's course because I did get my primary question answered.
I don't know. To me, calling something a "conspiracy theory" is a way of dismissing it, without digging too deep into the substance. Sometimes appropriate, sometimes...not so much.

My guess is that "conspiracy theories," like "radical ideas" and/or "crazy notions," simply fall well outside the parameters of whatever is considered "normal." I'm not into conspiracy theories myself, but I do get somewhat uncomfortable when unpopular ideas (and people...) are quickly dismissed and labeled. Kind of like...Goldwater was psychoanalyzed by the shirnks in '64, so now the shrinks have the "Goldwater Rule," where they're not supposed to be label politicians, but...Trump is polling in the low 30s, so lots of talking head shrinks are labeling him, anyway, just as they did Obama and...on and on it goes. Point there is that the labels they slap on Trump and others are basically to shut them up and dismiss and invalidate them, which is what calling an unpopular idea a "conspiracy theory" is all about, too.

Hey what's the big idea speaking truth here?! You wanna them tin foil hatter truthers? (Lol)
That's exactly what they do. Anything against them and their system, is a conspiracy theory...so ridicule it and them and then they're safe.
I didn't fall for that! Scripture don't support it. Neither does testimonies from Christians.
You mean your interpretation of scripture doesn't support that. I know some who would argue with you. They would make sweeping assertions with a tone of authority that scripture is clear on the matter, or that one needs the holy spirit to reveal the truth or even rudly say the other was simply wrong.

I mean, I know people who honestly believe angels had sex with humans. Imagine that. Surely scripture is clear on the matter that this isn't true. Scripture doesn't support it, and neither do testimonies from Christians, but mainly because I don't know any Christians that are that old. Who would fall for that?
The Gulf of Tonkin

That's right! That's third one. If no mods tell me yes or no pretty soon, I'm going to post them for you Brothers and Sisters which do have ears to hear and eyes to see. They may or may not go ahead and delete them, but maybe their in a good mood today?
That's right! That's third one. If no mods tell me yes or no pretty soon, I'm going to post them for you Brothers and Sisters which do have ears to hear and eyes to see. They may or may not go ahead and delete them, but maybe their in a good mood today?
How about we don't, but say we did?
I'm sure there are lots of other forums you could post that on for some good discussion, but honestly, I'm kinda having a bad day.
Thanks for your consideration.
You mean your interpretation of scripture doesn't support that. I know some who would argue with you. They would make sweeping assertions with a tone of authority that scripture is clear on the matter, or that one needs the holy spirit to reveal the truth or even rudly say the other was simply wrong.

I mean, I know people who honestly believe angels had sex with humans. Imagine that. Surely scripture is clear on the matter that this isn't true. Scripture doesn't support it, and neither do testimonies from Christians, but mainly because I don't know any Christians that are that old. Who would fall for that?
I believe they did but Im not dogmatic on that .what saith rambam?
You mean your interpretation of scripture doesn't support that. I know some who would argue with you. They would make sweeping assertions with a tone of authority that scripture is clear on the matter, or that one needs the holy spirit to reveal the truth or even rudly say the other was simply wrong.

I mean, I know people who honestly believe angels had sex with humans. Imagine that. Surely scripture is clear on the matter that this isn't true. Scripture doesn't support it, and neither do testimonies from Christians, but mainly because I don't know any Christians that are that old. Who would fall for that?

So? So everyone is not going to agree with me, and you're right, I myself know Christians which believe the earth is flat. I didn't exactly get that out of the scriptures that they use to support flat earth. What I personally believe is that the earth does not move. Scripture says the earth is immoveable and I believe that, but I'm not seeing where it says it's flat. It says the circle of the earth...and that is what we see when we look towards other planets...and I've heard several Testimonies where different people were taken up (in spirit or body, I do not know), but they were above the earth and describe different encounters with the Lord and so forth...but none of them (that I have seen and find credible) have ever described oh yeah and the earth was a flat disc when I was in space with Jesus...none of them. No mention, almost as if they already believed in a globe earth and it was a globe so it was a no mention...is the way I see it.

We probably are at the center of the universe and the heavens rotate around us. This is about us Brother. No aliens (demons in disguise), just Us, The Lord's Spirit and Angels, and a bunch of lying hateful evil beings which seek to see us destroyed along with them. It's not flat. but it doesn't move. We haven't even been to the moon. NASA admits that now. I watched a vid of a NASA guy saying they're working on the problem of being able to traverse the Van Allen belts without killing the astronauts and frying the craft. We're trying to be able to go beyond low earth orbit...is what a few high up said in the video. So while they haven't openly admitted bluntly, we lied...they're tryna schmooze it past us prolly for another 100 billion dollars of our money to try to make it work. They wont do it Brother./ There's a real spiritual war afoot and do you think that God has any intention of letting us get loose from this planet?! No....way...Scripture says nope it's a different plan. There will be no Mars Mission, it's been cancelled, lol!
There's a prime example for you all, of a conspiracy "theory" turned to conspiracy fact and is well proven.
Those poor astronauts. Those guys chased those astronauts around and hounded them...swear on the bible you walked on the moon and a whole load of crap. I hope they paid them enough so that it was worth it. They prolly thought it would never come to light. They were prolly just wanting to do their job, provide for their families...but they did it very compartmentalized so not a lot of people were in on it at the time. I bet even the mission controllers prolly didn't know that it wasn't real. Why did they fake it? To rip off the American taxpayers to the tune of over 100 billion dollars. They still get 20 billion a year or something I think...These are facts and I would be happy to link the video if requested. :)
How about we don't, but say we did?
I'm sure there are lots of other forums you could post that on for some good discussion, but honestly, I'm kinda having a bad day.
Thanks for your consideration.

Oh sorry. Just seen this and replied to your other post. Doh. :blush :lol
lol ....when its proven it is no longer a conspiracy theory lol

The phrase was coined by the CIA, in conjunction with the Gulf of Tonkin incident. It was used to justify going to war in Vietnam, and to rally public support. The official statement was that our Navy was attacked.

It has long been known it never actually happened. It is conspiracy fact. Deliberate subterfuge on the part of our own CIA, your tax dollars at work.

This is not the only example, there are at least two from the last 6 months.
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I don't know. To me, calling something a "conspiracy theory" is a way of dismissing it, without digging too deep into the substance. Sometimes appropriate, sometimes...not so much.

My guess is that "conspiracy theories," like "radical ideas" and/or "crazy notions," simply fall well outside the parameters of whatever is considered "normal." I'm not into conspiracy theories myself, but I do get somewhat uncomfortable when unpopular ideas (and people...) are quickly dismissed and labeled. Kind of like...Goldwater was psychoanalyzed by the shirnks in '64, so now the shrinks have the "Goldwater Rule," where they're not supposed to be label politicians, but...Trump is polling in the low 30s, so lots of talking head shrinks are labeling him, anyway, just as they did Obama and...on and on it goes. Point there is that the labels they slap on Trump and others are basically to shut them up and dismiss and invalidate them, which is what calling an unpopular idea a "conspiracy theory" is all about, too.

Last sentence: calling something a conspiracy theory is all about dismissing not only the idea, but the person.

I wish I could've said that so plainly, years ago! If our goal here is to respect the person, even when we disagree on an opinion, we should do at least two things differently:

1) ASK if we don't understand. Don't maliciously misrepresent

2) Don't start in labelling things as conspiracy theory until at least 1) has been pursued. Once we feel that bridge has been crossed we might ASK if thus and such might be a conspiracy theory, if they are swept up in it, or trying to spread it.

The difference between stating ideas like this as fact vs asking if it is so can work wonders to promote communication and avoid hostility.
