How do we convert more than one time?
Conversion means to change from one thing to another.
(kənˈvɜr ʒən, -ʃən)
1. the act or process of converting; the state of being converted.
2. change in character, form, or function.
3. change from one religion, political belief, viewpoint, course, etc., to another.
4. a physical transformation from one material or state to another: conversion of base metals into gold.
5. the act of obtaining equivalent value, as of money or units of measurement, in an exchange or calculation.
6. a physical, structural, or design change, as in a building, to effect a change in function.
7. a substitution of one component for another so as to effect a change: conversion from oil heat to gas heat.
8. a change in the form or units of a mathematical expression.
9. the transposition of the subject and predicate of a logical proposition, as in converting “No good man is unhappy” to “No unhappy man is good.”
10. the making of an additional score in certain sports, as on a try for a point after a touchdown in football.
11. Psychoanal. the process by which a repressed psychic event, idea, feeling, memory, or impulse is represented by a bodily change or symptom.
a. the process of enabling software for one computer system to run on another.
b. the transformation of data from a form compatible with one computer program to a form compatible with another.
You use Mathew 16:16-17 to show that Peter was regenerated. This is true.
But first he had to CONVERT. He converted when he left fishing to follow Jesus.
It seems to me that one converts one time. He changes from one thing to another --- from being lost to being saved and walking in God's ways.
Regeneration is an ongoing process by which we are made to be more and more like Jesus would like us to be on a continual basis. When a piece of mechanism is regenerated, it is made new by cleaning it and changing parts that need to be changed and making it like new.
When you convert something, like changing a monetary unit for instance, you change it from one thing to another thing.
This is not terribly important to me. I understand it this way.
It's like the word "repent". Many use it to mean "feel sorry for". I repent for my sin. I feel sorry for my sin.
It really does not mean that. One repents ONE time --- changing direction, turning around.
In the end, it's all words.