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What is "REAL GRACE" ?


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I can't even begin to explain how this never-ending vile sarcasm is sooooo unbecoming of a believer. Such behavior is an embarrasment to this forum.
so you make a rude comment in response to a post I made? You did not come as a "believer" and say I think you are missing to point of that scripture, No! you came with rudeness and ignored to whole point I was making and tried to find fault! Now you think to lecture me on "christian" behavior? I think I will answer to God and if I offend you or other religious folks, its for the same reason the Lord offended and Paul offended! Because those who love the darkness hate the truth. The religious hate the righteous and always seek to cast stones of accusations! So to the humble i will show myself as a servant to those in the pride of their religious flesh, I will not be move, for one moment!
I'm beginning to think a nice shiny lock might be on the horizon. Let's tone it down!
Grace is free, unmerited, undeserved pardon of our sins...

Imagine this, you commit a capital crime, are caught and convicted. You are now standing before the judge for sentencing and he says the death penalty. Just as the sentence is pronounced, a man steps up adn says, your honor, I know this man is guilty, he deserves the death penalty; but I will take his place on death row. And then it occurs just as this man has suggested, he dies in your place and you are set free.

This is how grace works, it is unmerited pardon for our sins...

Rom 3:23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;

Rom 6:23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Rom 3:24 Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus:
Rom 3:25 Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God;

This is not a free pass to continue to sin, it is a payment for sin.
May I offer a slightly different thought? In your scenario above, the guilty didn't receive a pardon. His crime was paid for by the death of another. Are we pardoned for our sins or did our sins get paid for by another?

Here's the difference in my mind and in my heart. If you approached the judge and offered your life in place of mine so that I may live I would be eternally grateful to you for what you have done. The rest of my life would be dedicated to your memory. That is how I think we should feel toward Christ because that is exactly what he did! We haven't been pardoned. Somebody paid the price. God, by his grace, accepts that payment. Thank God for Jesus Christ.
May I offer a slightly different thought? In your scenario above, the guilty didn't receive a pardon. His crime was paid for by the death of another. Are we pardoned for our sins or did our sins get paid for by another?

I said that our sins were paid for by another, but used the term unmerited pardon. A pardon is different, when one is pardoned there is no payment made, the penalty is just not exacted. In our case, the penalty was exacted, just not on us, rather on Christ.

he dies in your place and you are set free.

I see what you are saying here, it is not really a pardon and I should have used other terms there. Thanks for the correction.

Here's the difference in my mind and in my heart. If you approached the judge and offered your life in place of mine so that I may live I would be eternally grateful to you for what you have done. The rest of my life would be dedicated to your memory. That is how I think we should feel toward Christ because that is exactly what he did! We haven't been pardoned. Somebody paid the price. God, by his grace, accepts that payment. Thank God for Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ full of grace and truth!
I have yet to find a definition that seems to cover all of what "grace" is?
Paul and the other Apostles used the term "grace" for many things that seem to go well beyond the simple definition as it relates to the forgivness we have in Christ?

I know I yet to understand the fullness of its meaning?
Jesus Christ full of grace and truth!
I have yet to find a definition that seems to cover all of what "grace" is?
Paul and the other Apostles used the term "grace" for many things that seem to go well beyond the simple definition as it relates to the forgivness we have in Christ?

I know I yet to understand the fullness of its meaning?
Is it possible that some of the meaning gets lost in the translation from the original text?
Is it possible that some of the meaning gets lost in the translation from the original text?

The word itself is always spelled the same inGreek "charis" and seems to represent different things but always has the sense of what God gives? Like the Spirit is called the Spirit of Grace! Paul told those who had learned to give, that he rejoiced in "this" grace also? then we have Pauls own statement that the great labor he did, he was empowered by grace. He often uses the term " the grace of God be with your spirits" , I know that grace is a spiritual force as well as its defines the doctrines of the gospel! "Grow in grace" as Peter said, would give to impression that there is much to learn about the abundance of Gods grace?

Another scriptures that comes to mind is thet in the ages to come the exceeding riches of His grace would be revealed!

So I try to stay away from saying that "grace is defined as this or that" I try to explain what has been shown to me!

Translation always has some bearing on any word, but I think you can see my point?
For the Holy Spirit is called the Spirit of Grace!

For those who RECEIVE the abundance of Grace And the FREE GIFT of Righteousness, shall reign in life with Christ Jesus.
What God knows that the natural mind of man cannot understand? That as we receive His grace with our spirits, we will walk in the strength of that grace. We receive His love and love others by that which we receive. We love because He first loved us. We receive grace and we give grace to others!

But these things all work according to faith! The law is not of faith! Those who have been placed under law, will always look to earn this blessedness! No! Its received by faith and maintained in its flow by faith!

For it is the goodness of God that leads to true repentance!
So as the Divine Nature is given to us, we will walk in that Nature.

Godliness is a mystery, and its all about setting the eyes of ones heart upon Christ Jesus and trusting in His Goodness, not our own!
For the Holy Spirit is called the Spirit of Grace!

For those who RECEIVE the abundance of Grace And the FREE GIFT of Righteousness, shall reign in life with Christ Jesus.
What God knows that the natural mind of man cannot understand? That as we receive His grace with our spirits, we will walk in the strength of that grace. We receive His love and love others by that which we receive. We love because He first loved us. We receive grace and we give grace to others!

But these things all work according to faith! The law is not of faith! Those who have been placed under law, will always look to earn this blessedness! No! Its received by faith and maintained in its flow by faith!

For it is the goodness of God that leads to true repentance!
So as the Divine Nature is given to us, we will walk in that Nature.

Godliness is a mystery, and its all about setting the eyes of ones heart upon Christ Jesus and trusting in His Goodness, not our own!

Many sing the song but the truth is far from their heart. The religious mind cannot understand Grace. For true Grace can never be earned by the efforts of man, is must be accepted by the humble and the needy. For the Lord Himself told us it is easier for the harlot to enter in the Kingdom, than for the hypocrite. Grace and truth came by Jesus Christ?
The doors of truth are always open to those who trust in His Grace. But the religious will always cover their shame and sin behind a mask.

I know nothing good lives in me, that is in my flesh.
O wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me?

Do not think that the scriptures speak vain things! ALL must become fools to be made wise, weak to be made strong.

This is not a religious show before man, but a heart poured out before a Great and Mighty God in the secret places of our prayers.

Do not be deceived, no flesh will glory before the Lord!
By grace through faith alone does a "believer" stand.


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