- Sep 1, 2010
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If one reviews the first 4 vials of God's wrath [Rev. 16:1-9], one can see that the mark of the beast is rec'd long before Satan, and his angels, are cast out from heaven. In fact, the entire purpose of the first 4 vials of God's wrath is to get those, who already have taken the mark of the beast, to repent. Undoubtedly, those 4 vials are directed at the church.
Hence, it becomes equally clear that the mark of the beast is not a bar code, computer chip, or other device installed by Satan's angels. All those theories are pure nonsense.
Therefore, it is fair to conclude that the mark of the beast consists of those false christian teachings, which will lead one to worship the Antichrist. Certainly, the rapture religion qualifies for the mark of the beast based upon their predominant teaching that Christ is the first to arrive on the scene to fly them away.
Another lesser sect of professed Christians that would qualify as having already taken the mark of the beast would be Preterists. It is my understanding that Preterism teaches that all endtime tribulation events have already taken place, except for the return of Christ. Hence, they will also be willing dupes when Satan, as the Antichrist, returns first.
I think it is important to distinguish between the 'delusion' of 2 Thes. 2:11 with the deception of the beast [Satan] of Rev. 12:9. The delusion of 2 Thes. 2:11 is a spirit of delusion from God given to rapturists, and other non-believing Christians, who were taught the Truth of God's Word and, thereafter, rejected it for their tradition-of-man religious beliefs that will have them worshipping Satan at the endtime. As you said, they will find a way to twist/ignore Bible Truth. Unfortunately, if they do not change their ways, they will earn a trip to the Lake of Fire.
I believe that the mark will definitely not be some "man made" device. However, it will, or rather is, the "mark" of the beast. And the "mark" of Satan is pure lawlessness. Rapture theology fits this bill, but so do many other (false)"church" doctrines.
Together, they all lead one, instead of the Spirit leading. Man has reverted back to the days of looking to 'teaching' for guidance rather than Christ. I believe that you can look at the "rapture" as a indication of a mark. But we must understand that the mark can be taken on the 'forehead'(knowledge/devotion of/to) or on the 'hand'(doing of). It can be an either/or thing. It can also be both, but it does not have to be.
Rev 14:9 And another angel, a third, followed them, saying with a loud voice, "If anyone worships the beast and its image and receives a mark on his forehead or on his hand,
I do agree though, it is a pretty strong delusion, and quite possibly is one of the very main points of acknowledgement. It is written quite often that the 'spirit of antichrist' denies Jesus coming in the flesh. Rapture believers definitely believe that He comes in the flesh, but only the second-second time.