I'm tired of your attacks on what I believe.....
That you believe you are entitled to lead people to believe as you do and turn from the truth of eternal irrevocable salvation.
I’m sure the Judaizers said that salvation isn’t by works either lol! Losing salvation by works is to believe salvation is gained by works and must be maintained by works. The deception is clear to the elect of God in Christ. Riding the fence, are those who can not stand on either side of this topic, like the mods. Eternal life and forgiveness of sins rest in Christ and He alone. Ones works plays no part towards their justification before God. But ones works show evidence of being truly saved by Gods grace
As I see things as a born again, key words there, Christian who is blessed by faith to have received the calling unto God's free gift by his gracious offering of his son on the cross to have eternal salvation, the question becomes when encountering what has rightly been identified here as the anti-gospel; does it make sense?
Let us review what the Bible teaches. The Bible. Not people but God's inspired word received by his anointed.
We cannot do anything to save ourselves.
Never could.
The sacrificial system in the ancient times among the Jews covered sins but did not wipe them out eternally. Faith then did save. But sins had to be atoned for by blood sacrifice. Remember the story, the challenge to faith that God posed to Abraham concerning the life of his son?
God was gracious enough to send his only begotten son upon the virgin girl Mary. That she birth to live the Savior of the world. While still living in the Hebrew sacrificial system.
Jesus died on the last altar to be constructed to take the last perfect lamb that would be sacrificed for all people, for all time, for all sins. And whoever believes in him, in that, will not then die in their sins. But shall have life eternal with the Father. And Jesus promised, no one can snatch those who come to him in faith from his hand.
All that Jesus' Father in Heaven give him he shall never cast out. All of this is in the four synoptic, meaning four books that are synonymous with the one message of eternal salvation through Christ Jesus. The books of, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
Now here is what the anti-gospel messengers don't get. When fallen dead in our sins sinners could never work to save ourselves, how is it anyone who is in Christ would ever try and insist we can work to damn ourselves after we're saved?
We didn't believe in Jesus before we found him. When we found him and believed in his message because it resonated as truth in our hearts,as the Father God that sent Jesus knew it would and so much so that he knew us by name before he made this world we live in, does it make any kind of sense at all to that one who is in Christ, that even if we stop holding faith, that that same God that did all that I mentioned on our behalf before the world came to exist by his will, that that same God would stop believing in us?
When he gave his son to die for us and knew we would accept him so much so that he inscribed our names in Heaven where we are bound, in that book of life, because not only did God know we would know Jesus name when we heard his Gospel, but that was because Jesus knew our name when he called us to him with his Gospel.
The anti-Gospel teachers don't think like that. The hubris, the ego, the arrogance, the universally enormous pride, that resides in such a teacher, a false speaker, is unfathomable until you hear them try and convince you, and me, and anyone else that will listen, that we know more than God.
That's how small those people really are. And we were warned about that too. False teachers seeking to mislead even the saints.
Now, it is likely a false-gospel apostle will pipe right up and say, "scripture please?" I wouldn't know if that happens. The answer to that? For all the good it has ever done?
The Bible baby! Cover to cover and back to front. Not snip and paste to make the point of anti-gospel. The BIBLE in full because Jesus was in the old testament and the new. And one can't have the new without the context in the old.
Ideally, stop trying to reason with an egocentric humanist belief system.
God knows his own.