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Which Translation is the best.


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O.k. from the beginning; this started here with farouk Lets try this: do you have another bible other than a King James?

Then i went on to ask:

From post #89 Well i was looking for an English version i don't speak another language.. so how would this work, lets see what Acts 8 verses 35-39 looks like.. can you copy and paste those verses; and that's where i left off waiting for those verses, why they were not posted i don't know but i have a pretty good idea.. :)


*edit that @ sign turned into and angry smiley? so i replaced it with "with"
O.k. from the beginning; this started here with farouk Lets try this: do you have another bible other than a King James?

Then i went on to ask:

From post #89 Well i was looking for an English version i don't speak another language.. so how would this work, lets see what Acts 8 verses 35-39 looks like.. can you copy and paste those verses; and that's where i left off waiting for those verses, why they were not posted i don't know but i have a pretty good idea.. :)


*edit that @ sign turned into and angry smiley? so i replaced it with "with"
Okay, so you obviously have an agenda. There is no problem with posting verses for comparison, just not for debating any differences.
Why is that what its called when i wanted a bible study Free "obviously have an agenda" did you know Jesus had an agenda with the religious leaders of his day as they were adulterating the things he said. I asked for a few simple verses, i didn't mean to create a scene.. :sad

*edit: Just forget i said anything and delete my posts
I'm sure it wasn't meant as a 'negative' agenda, turnorburn ... more of a: there's a goal in mind, which in this case is to compare verses and not to create debate.

I would like to find a e-sword module for this one.

found a .pdf here.

Restored Holy Bible(2.7) From, download, Bibles, page 19, is the closest I have found( I have Both)

These both use literal DEFINITIONS of many words saying there is a difference or possible an error in other versions, We need to be careful with this USAGE and CONTEXT, History and Social structure are just as important in understanding the translation.
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My son asked me, "since there are so many translations out there, If I asked God to pick the one that He thinks is the most accurate, which one would He choose.

He is frustrated by the fact that he can read a passage of Scripture in the KJV and the same passage out of the NIV and get two different meanings. In other words, which one is right? I think he just wants to stick with one Bible.
Look at the first page of any text Bible; if it claims, "All rights reserved," they are. If it tells you, You need permission to quote 1/2 of the 13 verses in 2nd John, you need to discern if that is freely given.
Now we have received, not the spirit which is of the world, but the spirit which is of God, that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God. 1 Co. 2:12
If you are not a hypocrite, keep the copyright law in the NIV, everytime you quote, 7 verses from 2nd John, etc. If you quote the AV, aka KJV, God gets all the glory
The Bible Study is a forum for studying scripture not so much for picking a translation. Discussion on 'which' translation would be better held in A&T or in Books. ADMIN
The Bible Study is a forum for studying scripture not so much for picking a translation. Discussion on 'which' translation would be better held in A&T or in Books. ADMIN
Uhhhmm, This thread has 127 posts going back to September; I only posted in it about an hour ago. I was about to point out how the footnotes in the NIV Old Testament say, The Dead Sea Scrolls and better manuscripts agree more often than not, with the KJV.
Before I take the time to search the scriptures, are you ending this thread?
IF you would like to continue i will be happy to move it :) It has kinda gotten revived... Hope that sounds good
IF you would like to continue i will be happy to move it :) It has kinda gotten revived... Hope that sounds good

If my friend left his old NIV laying around here, I would like to continue this subject. If you could let me know where you move it to, I would really appreciate it. Mahalo nui loa
It might be a very good thing to move this thread to your choosing Reba.:salute
Apologetic's & Theology sounds good to me.
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The more I read my NIV, the more things I find missing in it. I suppose this translation needs more prayer than the others.
I'll always revere the KJV. The closest to that, IMO, is the ASV. It is extremely accurate and the process of interpretation with the many qualified men who translated each book and then swapped and checked another book seems to me similar to how the KJV came about.
The more I read my NIV, the more things I find missing in it. I suppose this translation needs more prayer than the others.

You are right old Buddy. I don't use it for that fact. I have several of them and used it to teach new believers with its easy to understand value, but when I purchased the ESV, I found that one very easy to understand.
You are right old Buddy. I don't use it for that fact. I have several of them and used it to teach new believers with its easy to understand value, but when I purchased the ESV, I found that one very easy to understand.

Yeah, I use mine less and less for that reason. A shame too because it a real nice book that a friend of mine got for me as a gift and is newish and big print and, nice. My KJV is my old bible that I still have from when I was a kid, and is kind of falling apart from use. It's a challenge to use it for a out and about bible because of loose pages and stuff. I do most of my reading online with BibleGateway/BlueLetter but I need me a new KJV to take to church with me!

I have 50 + I use them all. I like to see how different authors in different times used the words.
I know you have heard this but we need to remember, We must look at Time, Culture, History, Social events to understand what is being said. Of course we must answer WHO<WHAT< TO WHOM<WHEN<WHY<WHERE.

The King James in the History of our Bible Will forever hold a special place. Never again will Romantic English Poets Translate a Bible. Never again will there be the beauty of language as is in this Literary Master work. YES IT TAKES A LITTLE WORK to understand it,( You will spend hours struggling with Greek but will not give time to Our own English Literature). Look at the history of the BIBLE the men that DIED so we may have it in our own language. I am told 90% of the KJV is from Tyndale, HE DIED so we can Have IT. Please do not be critical of Beauty or dismiss what men Died for They are a special Blessing.

Our Language today is different Wycliff Coverdale and Tyndale Were in OLD ENGLISH so was the 1611 KJV.
Wycliff Rom 8:1 Therfor now no thing of dampnacioun is to hem that ben in Crist Jhesu, whiche wandren not after the flesch.

For simple reading I like the New English Bible and THE English Standard Bible, They will never reach the poetic beauty of the KJV.

The important point in selecting the Bible you will use (TO ME) is what version are others in your church or study group using, It is the everyone on the same page selection method.


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