- Sep 1, 2010
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- 565
I do not believe that Christ's death brought sanctification to all men until they repent and embrace it. I believe that Christ clearly said that if we do not believe we die in our sins.
I do not believe we have an immortal soul. I believe we are given immortality to finish swallowing up death after we have completed our return to being holy as God is holy.
Therefore I do not believe that souls are literally tormented forever in a lake of fire in the sense that we think of torment. I believe that disobedient souls will not be alive to be tormented in the sense we today think of torment. I believe that as the word translated torment is the same word used of "jailers" (prison guards) in that day and time, it is only saying that the second death will be permanently confining, thus everlasting.
And I believe that the investigation of the smoke of their torment which ascends up forever and ever is the word for a touch-stone (a marker that they left remain on a site to tell what went on there).
I believe that Jesus was speaking of the everlastingness of that judgment of second death when he compared to a garbage dump (Gehenna) that is the final resting place for lifeless garbage.
I believe that most humans do not approve of torturing animal's because humans have a basic inclination to love merely by virtue of having been created in God's image. I believe that the God of love I know would not torment anyone for eternity in the sense we think of torment today as we are not more righteous than he.
Yes, I believe it only a metaphor for everlasting confinement to a lifeless death (non-existence).
Well you are some of the few I have known that believe this.
But be careful where you preach that (not), because the opposite that is what 99% of todays "pastors" use as a 'motivating factor' for walking down the isle. ;)