This has become a personal argument between both of you, and is no longer about the topics you both started with. You can tell because while in responses the drive to show the other person as wrong has even started with the flowers used in one of the responses to whether they are daisies. Step off of this, both of you. Here is the merit I think you are both trying to offer. (Originally were trying to offer.)
Oz, you have put a good amount of an explaination for why we need to know the history of the bible in order to defend against people's doubts of the bible. Both with believers and no believers. And have articulated some resources to continue the search for a knowledge base. That is awesome, and I thank you for that.
Douglas, I get your point as well. That our focus should be about God and let The Holy Spirit guide us. That way we are not bogged down with extra stuff that later might be turned out in error, but instead let God speak through us and save those that He will. I get that and I agree with the need to rely on our spiritual walk. But that said look at the conversation so far. What you've said seems like a slap in the face to Oz's reasurch and the tools he is trying to give anyone serious enough to pick them up and fight the ongoing perception that the bible is a fairytale. His resonse to your first comment says about as much, which if I read this conversation correctly you've taken insult to his responses. (Which is easy to see why Oz, just say'n.)
With a little bit of hashing it out I had hoped you both would gain something from the other person, because there is merit in both. Instead, we are arguing that Oz is using carnal wisdom and Douglas is refusing logic. No wonder it's grown to arguing about what is a daisy in the efforts to disprove and discredit the other person. And that's where I draw the line. Step off, both of you from your discussion with eachother. At least for now, and let your thoughts calm and move on to other things. Please, or this will only grow to outside threads between you too as well. Stop the butting heads while it's small and manageable.