Christians are told not to believe in astrology. But.... that said, there's nothing saying that Satan can't use it to influence the flesh nature of that person and how it influences people. That said, Joel is a charming Pisces. Take it from me (a similar fellow) we can be deceptive in the flesh but nevertheless are charismatic.
As for God's Word in the stars, looking beyond the 2-bit newspaper astrology predictions, Pisces (I'm not talking about people born there, now) is the sign associated with Israel, and dual nature (spiritual and earthly). The Spiritual are the OT saints who looked for a better city, and the NT people of God, the Church-- those called to rule and reign with Christ. The earthy are the multitudes of Israel, both the Jews and the Israelites who became many nations. All will eventually be saved. More will be saved in the millennium, and most at the GWT judgement who died never hearing the gospel or antedated it will then have their chance to be saved (John 7:37).
I had to say this because I'm re-reading Bullinger's book about God's message in the stars. And I like astronomy.